I had no choice; I had to make you fight Marduk again. When I heard you at my door, I saw my chance.”

“Marduk could have killed her!” Trevor growled and launched forward, claws extending from his fingers.

“Stop!” Kirill jumped between the men and pushed Trevor away.

Trevor gaped at Kirill as he panted in fury. “What the actual fuck, Kirill? Didn't you hear him? This whole thing has been a plot to weaken Vervain and steal her from us while she was vulnerable.”

“I vant to hear it all,” Kirill said grimly. “Zere is more.”

“You were the one who texted Marduk when we went to steal the Tablet, weren't you?” Odin asked in a low voice vibrating with magic.

Sin hung his head.

“You betrayed me too,” Ninkasi whispered in shock. Then she shouted, “Marduk tortured me! I helped Vervain because you asked me to, and I was tortured for it. And the entire time you meant to betray us both? You haven't been true to anyone; not your pantheon, not me, and definitely not her. Who are you?” Then, in horrified revelation, she added, “You needed Vervain to come out of the God Realm so Marduk could fight her. I was the bait, wasn't I? You put me in danger to force Vervain to save me. How could she not come to my aid when I was being tortured for helping her? Right? I am right?!”

“Ninka, please just hear me out,” Sin begged. “I had nothing to do with Marduk torturing you. I swear it! I started this honorably, with every intention of helping Vervain. Marduk didn't even know that he could alter Vervain's destiny until the day we rescued you.”

“When the Tablet defended him,” I murmured.

“Yes.” Sin waved a hand at me. “That's when Marduk came up with a new plan; one to get vengeance and your territory.”

“But he needed your help to get to me. So he made you an offer,” I concluded. “That's why that bastard didn't kill me. It had nothing to do with watching me suffer. He simply couldn't kill me because he had promised to give me to you.”

“Ya lahwy,” Ninkasi murmured in Arabic. “You're a fucking monster.”

“Love can make a man do monstrous things,” Sin said as he stared forlornly at me.

It was too much; all of the pain, loss, and horror. All because a god had fallen in love with me. I covered my face with my hands and wept.

“Vervain.” Sin took a step toward me, his hand extended.

“Don't you fucking dare touch her!” Odin snarled as he slid between us.

The rest of my men closed around me, their hands on me supportively.

“Go inside, La-la,” Re said gently. “We'll take care of this.”

“I can't.” I stepped out of their embrace, moved up beside Odin, and stared at Sin. “I trusted you. I thought you were my friend.”

“And you still led me on,” Sin said bitterly. “You tormented me, Vervain. Always saying no while you stared at me with desire.”

“Seriously?” Azrael asked in amazement. “You're going to use the 'she said no but meant yes' excuse?”

“What about that kiss?” Sin asked, his eyes flashing with desperation.

My cheeks flushed as my men all swiveled to stare at me in shock.

“The kiss you gave me when I was broken and vulnerable and had no one but you?” I snarled. “That kiss? The one you pressed on me after you saved my life? The one I broke away from? Is that the kiss you're talking about, Sin? It must be since it's the only time I ever touched my lips to yours!”

Sin grimaced as my men transferred their stares to him, narrowing them into glares.

“You felt something,” Sin insisted. “I know you did. If I'd only had a bit more time, you would have loved me back.”

“Even if that were true, which it's not, those feelings would have been based on a lie,” I countered. “I wouldn't have loved you; I would have loved the mask you created to seduce me.”

“I'm going to tear your fucking throat out,” Trevor growled.

“And I'm going to spit venom down it until you choke on blood and poison,” Viper added.

“And the Pride will tear what's left to pieces!” Aidan roared.

“Please, Vervain,” Sin begged. “You know me; you know I love you. Marduk offered to give you to me entirely. He wanted to change your destiny so that when you woke, you'd do so as my wife. But I refused. I love you too much to force you like that.”

“Oh, give the motherfucker an award,” Viper snapped. “He didn't rape her. What a fucking saint.”

“You still tricked her and that's nearly as bad,” Trevor added.

Sin had his part to play, Alaric spoke into my mind. He was an instrument of Fate and now, he's paying the price. Let that be enough, Vervain.Don't add the weight of his death onto your soul.

“Just get him out of here,” I said wearily. “Alaric says we should let him go.”

Everyone stared at me in shock.

“Al's right; I can't kill Sin. Not like this,” I tried to explain. “It would hurt me too, and I can't take any more pain right now.”

“But, Minn Elska—” Trevor gaped at me.

“Just go inside, La-la,” Re said again, this time more firmly. “You don't have to kill him, but there's no way we're letting this son of a bitch out of Aaru alive.”

“Yes, you are, Re,” I said sternly. “Because I can't have his death haunting me. It's too much. Al says that Sin played his part. He's just lost his best friend and his entire pantheon. Probably his daughter as well. You know how much that hurts. On top of the heartache, it's enough punishment.”

My men sighed deeply, bodies trembling with suppressed rage. Our argument had attracted a crowd, and they all stared at me in amazement. Froekn, Intare, and Gods; every one of them wanted blood. Sin's blood. But even though Sin had done bad things to me, he had also protected me. He killed Cephissus for me. I knew he

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