back a grin while Bruce squirmed—his pale freckled skin always gave him away.

‘Shut up. I’m nothing but a professional.’

‘But a professional what?’

Bruce’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped. ‘Any more cheek from you and I’ll tell your mother.’

‘I can think of better punishments.’ Gabe bit the tip of his sunglasses and Bruce lost his train of thought. Was Gabe flirting? He couldn’t look away from those mulberry lips, couldn’t think about anything other than kissing them. A velvet heat ascended his throat and curled all the way up to his scalp. What had they been talking about?

‘Anyone ever tell you that you go an amazing shade of scarlet when you blush?’ Gabe purred.

Bruce’s eyes narrowed. ‘It’s hot in here, that’s all.’

‘Sure, it is.’

There was no point in trying to convince him otherwise. ‘What are you doing now?’

‘Apart from teasing you?’ So Gabe hadn’t been flirting after all. He’d have to watch he didn’t read more into their friendship than there was. ‘I was grabbing a few things for Mum. Why?’

‘Just thought that if you weren’t in any rush, I could treat you to lunch.’ He hurried to clarify. ‘To say thank you for the payment.’

‘I’d like that.’ He met Bruce’s gaze with an intensity that blasted his skin with fire. ‘I’d like that a lot.’

Mouth too dry to talk, he scrambled to close the window and his diary. He’d call Kyle another day. He’d rather spend time with Gabe than a Packer any day.

Chapter Thirteen

‘I’m a little nervous,’ Sofia said as they walked from the car to the theatre door. The costume designs were done, and if Sofia hadn’t been holding his hand, he’d be scratching until the moon on his temple bled.

He’d put more of himself into these designs than the ones for the sets because Sofia hadn’t been well enough to do it herself. They’d worked outside under the gazebo, but she frequently drifted off with a smile on her sun-warmed face. He hadn’t woken her. If she rested, she healed. When she woke, she was thrilled with what he’d done. She’d given a few suggestions but otherwise the designs were largely his own.

If anyone found out, he’d hate himself even more for taking one more thing from her.

‘It’s going to be fine, Mamá. Just remember what we talked about and everything will go smoothly.’

They had their sales pitch and their drawings. The ideas were solid. It would all work out.

He helped her into the theatre and his mind was too occupied to imagine its demolition. It was a full rehearsal day so actors and crew were running around everywhere. He searched for Bruce but couldn’t find him. Kenzie came and said hello to Sofia and checked how she was doing before she dashed off to the stage. Each step down to the front of the theatre sapped more of Sofia’s strength. She dropped into the seat and patted the drops of sweat from her hairline. Would he have to carry her out when they were done?

‘Hey there, Gabe.’

At the sound of Bruce’s voice, electricity crackled in Gabriel’s spine. Bruce was striding down the aisle, green eyes dancing with good cheer, black marks staining his white T-shirt, thighs wrapped tight in worn jeans, and brown boots stopping close to Gabriel’s shoes. When Bruce put his hand on Gabriel’s shoulder, it was like he’d closed a circuit and a charge shot straight to his groin. All that power flowing through him and he barely managed to project a hello. He didn’t move away and he prayed Bruce’s hand didn’t shift.

‘And how are you, Sofia?’

‘Evening, Bruce,’ she puffed. ‘Well enough.’ She puffed again.

‘Set looks great.’ Gabriel nodded towards the stage where the first set for Brachen and Hollywood—the one he’d worked on with Bruce—was being carried into position. Painted in muted greens and blues, Ron de Vue’s family dairy farm had an ethereal quality that reminded Gabriel of John William Waterhouse’s paintings: fantasy, loss and longing. The other half was similarly ephemeral, the nature of fame despite the attempt at showy spectacle. Lights that didn’t burn quite brightly enough.

‘Yeah, it is.’ Bruce’s strong hand squeezed Gabriel’s shoulder then slipped away. ‘What do you think, Sofia? Does it match your vision?’

‘It’s wonderful, Bruce. Though not as wonderful as that gazebo you built me. I adore it.’ A smile fluttered across her lips.

‘Gabe said you were enjoying it. I hope it helps you to feel better.’

‘It does. We have been sitting out there a lot.’

‘The sun must be doing you good because you’re looking well.’

Bruce’s optimism ignored the deep shadows under her eyes that the sun couldn’t chase away.

‘You must have been spending some time out in the sun yourself then because you’re looking happier than I’ve seen you in a while,’ she said. ‘I don’t mean to offend you, but you’ve been a bit like a bear with a sore head lately. Not like the Bruce we’re used to.’

‘Have I been that bad?’

Gabriel laughed. ‘You’d better believe it.’

Bruce nudged him but the giant didn’t know his own strength and Gabriel pitched sideways. He would have collapsed into the chairs if Bruce hadn’t grabbed him and pulled him close.

‘Well, things are looking up thanks to Gabe.’

Bruce’s arm sheltered him and their sides touched. The current settled into a low hum that buzzed throughout his body, giving off a gentle warmth. But Bruce’s body added more heat and soon Gabriel’s chest burned.

‘I didn’t do anything,’ he said softly, his throat hot.

This was the closest Bruce had gotten to hugging him in years.

‘Don’t be modest. Your son’s been a big help, Sofia.’

‘You’ve no idea,’ she said.

‘You two can stop now.’ The heat prickled as it rushed over Gabriel’s face.

Bruce chuckled. ‘I’d better get back to work. Gabe says you’re presenting the costume designs today. I hope it goes well.’

‘Me too.’ Her hand tremored as it caressed the cover of the sketchbook.

‘Good luck.’ Bruce’s hand fell off Gabriel’s shoulder. ‘I’ll see you later?’

Gabriel nodded. Another light touch from Bruce

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