When you live above the clouds, the sun is always shining, so why not? Except at night. And that’s where I’s furnace contraption comes into play.

So here we are, back with Lina and Arabel sailing a cloud skimmer back home, at night, huddled by the glow of a peat burning furnace. And as two lovers sailing under the stars, they engage in some pleasures of the flesh. In fact, these two seem to excel in that area. And what’s with all the scenting?

And now, dear reader, we are back to bees again. Bees and other insects communicate by scents and pheromones. Ants lead one another to food this way. Bees will dance and scent to communicate. They probably find flowers intoxicating as well (just a guess.) Bees have been found in one-hundred million year old fossils. We Homo sapiens count our ancestry in hundreds of thousands of years.

What this means to me is that bees must be doing something right to have been around so long. I thought it would be interesting to apply some of their traits onto human evolution. Not only is Lina’s colony social structure like bees, but they’re all capable of scenting as well. And of course, we know they love to dance.

So there you have it, dear reader—a brief look into how Lina and Arabel’s world came into being. From social media…to bees…to fish…to Venus…to the ocean…and back to bees. I hope it answered a few questions for you or at least provided some entertaining insights. Thanks for reading!

—Davina Lee


Davina Lee is a writer of sappy lesbian romance and erotic fiction. A resident of Wisconsin, Davina can be found enjoying a local micro-brew, squeaky-fresh cheese curds, or a good protest march down at the capital.


JMS Books LLC is a small queer press with competitive royalty rates publishing LGBT romance, erotic romance, and young adult fiction. Visit jms-books.com for our latest releases and submission guidelines!

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