the seat. Black and heavy, the credit card already had my name on it. Hubert formed a smile behind a gray mustache. “For your lunches.”

And I’d be sure to load it up with lots of Pop-Tarts and sugary crap. Just because he didn’t want it in his house didn’t mean I couldn’t keep a few boxes in my locker.

“Thanks, Hubert. And for the ride.”

“Of course. I’ll be here when you get out. Two thirty on the dot.”

I nearly made the man promise this, to save me from this place and what used to seem like a smart decision. Frankly, my sister would kill me if she knew I was at her school living with Dad. She really did always try to keep her life with Dad as separate as she could from me. I’d never been to visit her. She always came to me before I could, holidays and everything. When I did see my dad, it was because he came along for the ride. We really were the epitome of a “happy” family.

Gripping my bag, I scaled brick steps that matched the buildings situated in various sections of the quad. Students ventured to all facets of the place, but I’d been told the main building positioned at the center was where I needed to be. The fact that I didn’t have to bypass security and metal detectors floored me upon entry of a building that smelled uniquely rife with age and upper class, and following the signs, I easily found the headmaster’s office.

I think the large gorilla head had something to do with that.

I’d read the school’s mascot was “The King” in the pamphlets Dad gave me to prepare, but seeing the motherfucker straight on was a sight. It bared sharp white fangs like actual King Kong, a mock growl at anything that dared to pass its bust. The headmaster had it on a column before his office, and I was sure the life-size version dancing on the football field in a felt costume did exactly what these people hoped it would to anyone going against them in a game. It was truly terrifying, giving me chills as I shook my head and passed. Inside, I was told to take a seat, and eventually, the school’s headmaster, Principal Hastings, did see me. It took a sec. Apparently, he’d been in meetings most of the morning according to his secretary. By the time he saw me, I’d been more than ready to get this show on the road, shaking his hand and letting him welcome me into the institution. It was the traditional song and dance of a new student coming to a foreign school, but I’d honestly been surprised the person at the top of this place had to do something so arbitrary. I supposed the alumni dollars may have required it, so I sat for the introductions and, later, the handoff of my schedule. It was nothing fancy considering the grades I brought in here, and I was sure Dad had to make a couple phone calls just to get me into the place. I didn’t consider myself dumb by any means but I was sure the public school curriculum was leagues behind the place that sported King Kong as its mascot.

“We’re happy to have you here,” Principal Hastings concluded with, placing his hands together on a wide oak desk. “Though, we were very sad to see Paige won’t be joining us this year. Have you heard anything different about her?”

A town this size and school this elite, I wasn’t surprised he’d heard about my sister going AWOL. He was probably one of many I’d hear either asking or whispering about her whereabouts in the days to come.

I opened my hands. “Your guess is as good as mine.” Besides a few texts here and there at the beginning of the summer, I’d heard nothing from my sister, absolutely nothing, and I seemed to be the only one who worried about that. My sister may have had bouts of acting out, but never had she gone such an extended amount of time without word. Especially when it came to me. I shrugged. “I’m hoping with me being here she may come back.”

This really was the plan. Places like this talked, people busybodies. She’d hear I was around.

At least I hoped.

Principal Hastings said nothing to that, simply nodding when he stood. “I hope you’re right and she really will be missed around here in her absence. You’ll be sure to let us know if you hear any changes?”

I told him I would, and after a quick shake, our meeting concluded with him escorting me out of his office. I was told I’d have a guide coming for me to take me to class, and he waited with me for a moment before excusing himself.

“I’m afraid I have another meeting, but you should be all right?”

I nodded as I would, but before he darted off, he waved a finger by his nose.

“This will have to be removed before you start your day, I’m afraid,” he stated, referring to my nose ring. “We do have a strict dress code here, yes?”

I’d popped the hoop in outside of the scrutiny of my dad and in the privacy of a chauffeured car. Apologizing for the error, I removed it, and Principal Hastings left me to wait for my guide standing next to the scarier-than-shit simian bust. The King was giving me the eye like nothing else, and the urge to smoke hit me like a freight train.


I usually only did weed when I was stressed and I was damn stressed. I figured I’d at least wait until lunch and bop off somewhere, but this guide was taking too long and I needed a smoke. After a quick scan of the halls, I decided to take the map Principal Hastings gave me along with my

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