tops of her breasts. I nudged the straps off her shoulders, baring those gorgeous peachy nipples, feeling my mouth water.

She moaned my name when I sucked one into my mouth, and since I really fucking liked hearing my name fall from her lips, I spent a while at her nipples, rolling one between my forefinger and thumb then suckling deeply at the other, alternating sides, sucking and nipping and loving the way her hands found my hair and gripped tight.

That sting on my scalp grounded me, pulled me back into focus when it felt like I would fall away.

Releasing her nipple with a soft pop, I traced my tongue over her ribs, drifting down, laving the dip of her belly button, tugging down her panties, and positioning myself at her center.

She spread her legs, eyes shadowed, lips parted, breaths coming rapidly.

“Pink and wet and glistening,” I said roughly.

She choked then groaned. “Brent, get inside me, baby. Another time can be slow. I need you now.”

The problem with that was I knew I probably wouldn’t last long. Not only was I more turned on in that moment than I’d ever been in my life, but I’d never done this before, so I knew it wasn’t going to take much to put me over the edge.

Which meant I needed Iris close.

I needed her so turned on and ready to fly that I wouldn’t blow without her.

So, I ignored her reaching for me, ignored the plea, and knelt between her thighs. A heartbeat later, I had my mouth on her pussy, and it was the greatest fucking dessert in the world, sweet with an edge of tart and so damned wet that I could picture how that wet would feel on my cock.

I sucked her clit firmly, just as I’d learned she liked the other night, then circled her entrance and slid a finger home.

She arched up on the bed, head thrashing on the pillows. “Brent. Honey. I—”

I flicked my tongue, pressed the flat of it to her clit, and then alternated the pattern, driving her up until she was bucking against me, pleas tumbling from her lips.

Then I scrambled for my nightstand, for the package of condoms I’d bought before that first date.

I tore into it, yanked one out, then rolled it with trembling fingers down my cock.

“Now,” Iris demanded.

And I didn’t have it in me to tease or coax or ready bring her closer to the edge with me. I couldn’t think, could only feel, and as I pushed inside her tight, wet, heat, I knew that I wasn’t going to last long.

It was . . .

More than I could put into words.

Not just the sensations, because those were fucking incredible. But it was the connection. Never had I felt closer to someone in my life. Never. Not my friends. Not the people I’d dated. Not my first long-term girlfriend.

It wasn’t this.

It was Iris, cheeks flushed, lips swollen from my kisses, her beautiful curvy body sprawled out beneath me. It was this woman looking at me with softness in those glazed eyes, her desire tempered with affection.

With love.

I loved her.

And that made this moment mean so much more.

I moved in and out slowly, wanting to prolong this time with her but knowing I wouldn’t be able to for long, especially when she tilted her hips, arched farther, and reached a hand down between her legs to find her clit. “More, Brent. Please, more.”


Yeah. I could do that.

I picked up the pace, leaning down to kiss her, bracing myself on one hand as I pulled out and slid in, using the other to tease her nipples, to trace over her curves, then to tilt her hips when I found an angle that made her freeze, lips parting on a moan.

And I zeroed in, because the end for me was near, and I very much wanted her with me.

I kept at the angle, thrusting harder and faster, my free hand moving desperately, dragging her up the precipice with me . . . until finally, she broke, groan torn from her lips as her orgasm swept through her.

Thank fuck, because I was right there with her.

One more thrust and I was over the edge, pulsing inside her as my orgasm shot down my spine, and I came hard enough that I could have sworn I blacked out.

My forehead fell to her shoulder, breaths coming in rapid succession, my body dripping in sweat, and I said the only thing I could, “Well, darlin’, now that I have an idea of what I’m doing, let’s go for round two.”

“What?” she gasped.

I lifted my head, heart light for the first time in ages. Because of this woman. Because I was taking Brooke’s advice. No more squandering. I was all about living now.

“I love you,” I said. “I know we have so much ground to cover, a lot to talk about, but I need you to know that I love you, Iris Hannigan.”

Her face gentled, and her eyes filled with tears. “Honey.”

“I’m so sorry I freaked out and left,” I said, rolling us to the side and holding her close. “My head was so messed up, and I was scared that I already felt so much for you.”

“Brent,” she murmured, cupping my cheek. “I’m sorry, too. I should have—”

“No,” I said, capturing her hand and pressing a kiss to her palm. “I should have—”

She nipped my bottom lip. “I thought we weren’t doing should haves.”

I nipped her bottom lip. “You started it.”

“Did not.”

“Did too.”

I grinned.

She grinned, but then her blue-green eyes filled with tears. “How did I get so lucky to find you?” She sniffed. “I love you, Brent Collins.”

I kissed away a tear that escaped, lightened my tone because I wanted her happy in my bed, not crying, and even though I understood her tears weren’t from her being sad, I still liked those pretty blue-green eyes best when they were sparkling up at me. “Gave me the full name back, huh?”

Her brows drew together. “What?”

“I said,

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