as you wish me to.” Er’it tossed the sorry weed off into the distance and slapped his dusty hands against his thighs. His temper got the better of him as Endi flinched, chin lowering. He was hungry and the Omega’s sweet scent was taunting him once again. He had no patience to deal with hurt emotions or imagined slights. “What do you want now?”

“I came to tell you some of the people have voiced concerns over the woman, and—”

“Concerns? Do tell.”

“Er’it, you made her walk behind Kal all day. You dragged her along behind you,” Endi whispered, lush brown eyes wide as she looked around to be sure none were close enough to hear. “No water, no food. Everyone saw what you did to her.”

“What I choose to do with my prisoner is none of your concern.” Er’it drew up to his full height, arms loose at his sides as the prickling awareness of the Omega spiraled ever upwards. Taunting him with the verdant freshness of her. Calling him back inside the tent, to do as he’d decided as soon as he saw the bitch fed and watered. An enchanting creature to be used and bred.

Er’it breathed out in a slow, controlled sigh as Endi spoke. Not a word of it reached his ears, too caught up in his desire to have the Omega again which just angered him further. How dare she make him react so? The furious thunder of his heart pounding in his ears deafening him further, his lip lifted in a snarl.

“Forgive me, Majesty,” Endi said, lower lip trembling as her shaky voice died in the dusty air between them.

It was then he realized he was growling. The sound emanating from his chest having nothing to do with the woman before him other than the fact she was keeping him from the one his body craved. Rage spilling over, he snatched Endi’s arm. Hauled her flush against his body so she could feel the long thickness of his cock straining against his pants.

“It’s not your place to question me, mage,” Er’it ground out as his other hand caught her hip. Grinding Endi’s softness against him. “Unless you wish to offer your services for something other than your powers. Take the bitch’s place, maybe? Tell me, Endi, exactly how sorry do you feel for the cunt that fed the Black Mage his powers?”

“You’re hurting me, Er’it,” Endi said on a whimper.

“You used to scream on my knot, used to like it when I’d fill you to overflowing. Perhaps you miss that too much to let this one have it all to herself.”

“Please, Er’it. You’re hurting me!”

“Then again, as I recall it, you started to whine about it. Asking why I had to knot you, why did I have to be so rough. Your endless questions of why, why, why.”

Er’it snapped his teeth in her face, lips twisting in a vicious smirk when Endi squealed low in her throat. By the Hat’or, her fear felt good. Better still that he could smell her arousal, a body too used to his and the pleasure he once brought her.

Endi ducked her head, shoulders high against her ears as the first tear slipped over her cheek. Satisfaction ran screaming, enraging him. Red washed his vision, not a drop of blood spilled to call forth his magic. A dangerous moment that leapt to menacing between one growling breath and the next. Locking his hand over Endi’s arm, he dragged her with him back inside the tent. A snarl sending Maruk racing for the door, his pots and bags forgotten. Tossing Endi against the plush cushions on the other side of the tent, Er’it tore at the fastenings of his pants. A sound of sheer relief exploding from between his lips as the cooling night air embraced his heated flesh.

“Do you want to offer yourself in her place, Endi,” he asked with far more control than he thought himself capable of as the swirling crimson light of his magic sparked between his fingers, coating his hands in a bloody haze.

“Er’it, don’t do this…”

“Do you know what those old books said? Omegas need to be in heat for me to take her power. ‘Frequent exposure to the Alpha’s scent and seed,’ is what they said. I will breed this bitch every step of this journey to have that happen. Unless you want to give her a reprieve for this night, and this night only. In which case you will get on your hands and knees and present your cunt.”

“Please,” Endi whimpered, shuffling further into the shadows, putting as much space as she could between them.

“I see you don’t have as much concern for her as you profess.”

Er’it dropped to his knees between the Omega’s thighs, a single growl that was more rage than seduction bringing a rush of slick to her folds. One thrust seated him to the hilt, encasing him in all that tightness with a groan of sheer pleasure. A relief of its own as he turned his gaze to Endi’s horrified face. Saw the softness of her features twist into something terrible as he thrust again, bringing the Omega awake. Her soft, needy whine accompanied by a twitch of her hips to grind him deeper.

He began fucking the Omega in earnest, forgetting Endi altogether. Hearing nothing but the sweet whimpering cries of the female under him as the endless skies of her eyes fluttered open, hazed with delirious pleasure and whatever Maruk might have given her for the pain. A good thing, too, as Er’it grasped her hips, pulling her up as he rose to his knees. Only her shoulders scraping against the rough ground cloth, he worked her back and forth over his driving length. Shuddered as she shrieked and arched, hands scrambling over the floor when he struck that spot inside of her.

She was even more glorious this way. He’d never taken her face to face, mounting her from behind as he took what he needed. Easier to pin

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