at her back. Thick arm slung around Aida’s waist, he hauled her away with him, pinning her high against his chest.

Aida screamed.

Kal let loose a resonating call.

The man holding her barked a warning at the other man, but it was too late. Aida screamed again. Kal’s back hooves flew, fast as the wind. Square into the man’s thigh, the shattering of bones a jumble of snaps and pops that made Aida’s full stomach do a queasy flip. Neck stiff and head high, Kal made his call again and shook his horns at the man still holding Aida. Charged towards them only to break away at the last moment.

Aida shrieked as the man threw her towards Kal as he charged again. Falling to the ground in a tangled heap, she couldn’t move as she watched the massive creature barreling towards her. Knew the moment of her death was upon her and that the Abyss would take her to its endless depths as she saw Kal’s inky hooves flash a mere hand span from her face.

Hair fluttering in a whispering wind, Aida rolled her eyes up. Body following her wondering gaze as she turned to see Kal chasing the man, penning him against the large tree. Striking the trunk with his cruel horns, pawing at the earth as a thing possessed to keep the man there. With a final trumpeting bellow, Kal sideswiped the man with his flank. Crushing the now limp body against the rough bark until the whole tree groaned and shook.


Er’it was running towards them, shoving people out of his way. His shouts echoed through the clamoring voices, cutting through the chaos to pierce Aida’s heart with a killing dagger made of the coldness of the Abyss.

She saw the brilliant reds swirling around his hands, the way it crawled up his arms in sinuous threads that crackled and popped. She was moving as he raised his hand. Knowing this was her fault, what he would do to the creature because of it, had her running faster than she’d thought herself capable of.

Her scream was one of denial, but there was more. A feeling denied her for far too long, the very breath of that fey creature long since snuffed out. Now her anger soared in defense of the creature of light and darkness whose only crime had been to protect her. It had been her own screams that caused such bedlam. Arms flung wide, she covered Kal’s heaving side with her body. Afraid to the end, Aida scrunched her eyes shut and turned her head aside, unable to meet her death head on. She’d seen what Otaso’s magic looked like. She did not want to see more of the same racing through the stifling air towards her.

“What are you doing,” Er’it asked through an ominous growl, having come close enough she felt the warmth of his panting breaths against her cheek.

“Don’t hurt him. My fault.” Daring to open her eyes, she saw he stood over her, hands on either side of her face against Kal’s speckled hide. Soothing the animal even as he snapped and snarled at her.

Er’it didn’t say a word. He grabbed her arm hard enough to make her whimper, bringing Kal’s head around with a snort of impatience. Shaking his head at the beast, Er’it pulled her along behind him as he made his way through the crowd of people, all of them staring and pointing. Whispering at her back. She could only imagine the things they said of her now.

Otaso had been right all along and she felt a fool to have ever doubted him. Hanging her head in an odd mixture of shame and regret, she hurried along at her master’s heels.

Aida didn’t say a word as he took her back inside the tent. Expecting the same treatment, she dropped to her knees and waited for him to use her as he wished. It was his punishment of choice. Perhaps it would be quick if the boy from earlier had been correct and they would need to travel soon.

Er’it tossed the gown at her, unfamiliar shoes thumping down in front of her. Glancing up at him through a fall of her hair, she tried to keep the uncertainty out of her gaze. From his darkening gaze, she’d failed in a most miserable fashion. Another thing Otaso had always said of her, a horrible liar to the last.

Two fingers beckoned her to stand, rough hands turning her around. He wasn’t gentle, but for once he wasn’t being cruel. Stripping her of his tunic, he made a crude sound before tossing it aside in favor of tugging the gown over her head. Ignoring her muffled whines and hisses as the silk abraded her raw skin, he tied the laces in the back. Aida was grateful he didn’t cinch them so tight this time, giving her room to breathe and move as he gave her a shove. Pointing at the shoes, he made it clear he would not be putting those on for her.

Not her simple slippers at all, but sturdy little boots and still too large. The stockings were not hers either, thick and lush without the embroidery or delicate ribbons to secure them. Crouching down she put them on, crashing to a halt when she felt his fingers on her hair. Determined not to give him any further reason to punish her, Aida tipped her head back and opened her mouth.


The single word was a slap to the face, Aida recoiling from him to look at her twisting hands. Swallowing hard against the thick bile burning the back of her throat, she set to fastening the boots on her feet instead. If he didn’t even want this from her, what would he do to her now?

Jumping as he grabbed hold of her hair again, she silenced her shrill sounds of pain when she tugged the whole lot. Delicate strands ripping free from her scalp as he pulled and twisted the thick rope of it up

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