to. I’d love nothing more than to bear your mark. I just want to be sure you’re okay with this.”

“As long as it’s not the shifter bite, I’m fine with it.”

“Well, okay.” He nodded, digging his fingers into the soft skin of my hips where my shirt rose up. “Do you want to go first, or do you want me to? Traditionally the male goes first, but I don’t mind either way.”

“That’s okay with me,” I whispered. A bout of nervousness hit my stomach as we finalized everything. Theo saw it and kissed my cheek softly before lifting me up and gently tossing me on the bed beside him. I let out a squeak and the sudden movement, but before I could comprehend, he was above me.

“If you want me to stop, now would be the time to tell me,” he warned, leaning over me.

“I don’t,” I said quickly, smiling for a second before it disappeared. Theo grinned calmly, leaning down the place a kiss on my collarbone. He moved the black sweater I was wearing down my shoulder along with the strap of my bra, which at any other moment would send him into a lustful fit. Now he was calm, sensuous, loving, unperturbed by the strap of my brassiere.

He trailed two kisses up the left side of my neck, gently trailing his tongue along the line of my veins. It was important that his bite did not nick an artery or vein, because no amount of his blood would be able to stop the pain of me bleeding out on his bed. He paid careful consideration to that and found his opportune place in the crook of my neck, two inches below my ear.

He kissed the area firmly. I felt his shifter’s incisors grow as he placed his mouth over the area. He took a deep breath and lifted his left hand to hold my cheek in place as his teeth dove into the soft skin of my neck.

I let out a small noise of discomfort as the pain of his bite seared into my skin. Once he stopped moving and allowed the bite to take action, a rush of happiness flooded into my brain. I nearly felt drunk as his teeth slowly receded, and he licked the area clean of my blood. I closed my eyes as he gently set my head back on the bed and sat up straighter.

“Margo?” he whispered. I moaned lazily but didn’t open my eyes. “Margo,” he chuckled, shaking my shoulder softly.

“What?” I breathed.

“Are you okay? Did it hurt?”

“It felt,” I slurred. “Delightful.” Theo laughed loudly, his booming voice startling me, and I jumped slightly.

“I’m glad it felt good. It’s your turn now,” he told me.

I groaned and reached up for his help. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a sitting position. When he noticed me slumping backward, he lifted me up and placed me on his lap with my legs and arms around him. His hand came around the back of my head, and he positioned my mouth over the point on his neck that I was supposed to bite.

“Okay, whenever you’re ready,” he prompted, stroking to back of my head. The gentle motion lulled me, and I fought to keep my eyes open. “Margo, you’re almost done, and then you can take a nap, but right now, I need you to open that cute little mouth of yours and bite me.”

I opened my mouth and sat up in his lap, grabbing onto his shoulders to steady me as I placed my teeth in the correct position. The first time I tried to mark him, he laughed at my attempt and told me, “You’re going to have to bite a little harder than that.”

I gritted my teeth and bit down harder, getting frustrated that my incisors weren’t sinking in as easily. “It’s okay, Margo,” he soothed, gently rubbing my back. “Just bite a little harder, you won’t hurt me, I swear. Just a bit more, there you go,” he cooed as my teeth finally broke the surface.

A rush of his blood came into my mouth, and I choked back the urge to gag, knowing it would only be a few more seconds. His blood tasted like metal, but when a small bit of it glided down my throat, I felt my own mark tingle as it healed.

“I think you’re fine now,” he whispered. I slid my teeth out of his neck and wiped my chin of the line of blood that cascaded down it. He smiled brilliantly and tilted my chin up towards his mouth. His lips gently pressed against mine, and he added just a touch of pressure. It wasn’t a long kiss, and it wasn’t deep and seductive, but I felt a small sizzle in the pit of my stomach.

He pulled away after a few seconds. I kept my eyes closed, and my lips slightly pouted as he leaned me back against the bed.

“That was my first kiss, you know,” I said breathlessly as he lifted a blanket over me.

“It was not,” he denied, looking down at me in shock.

“Yeah, no one in my old pack wanted to kiss the poor, weird, little human girl. I was sort of the black sheep. Although Caddy kissed me once when I was seven, I don’t think that counts, do you?”

“No,” he laughed. “I don’t think that counts.”

“So, yeah.” I nodded, never opening my eyes. “That was the first one. Do you feel special now?”

“Of course, I do,” he said sincerely, kissing my forehead as he stood up. “Get some sleep, sweet girl. I’ll give you your second and third and fourth kisses when you wake up.”

The Valkyries

 With my eyes still closed, I felt Theo’s warm breath on my face. I groaned, scrunching my face up, and then opened my eyes to see Theo staring at me.

“Come on, sleepyhead. We’ve got a big day ahead of us,” he encouraged,

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