do?” All heads at the table looked to Theo. He looked down at his hands folded on the table.

“We contact Reed Porter first,” he said, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. “We ask him for a list of his demands, and then we make our next move after we know all the facts. We know he wants your land, but we need to know how much and when. Bring me up to speed when you know everything.”

Alpha Trissur nodded in agreement and stood up, pushing his chair back. The rest of the table stood as well. Theo finally rose and looked at me until I did the same. He walked out of the room, and I followed after him.

A man escorted us to a room on the third floor and informed us a guard would be stationed at the end of the hallway for our protection and our privacy. Theo let out a big breath as he sat on the large, maroon bed. The room had the same rustic features as the rest of the house; exposed beams and candlelight fixtures warmed the room.

I slid off my shoes, feet aching from the tall heels, and limped over to Theo. He laughed as I dove into the bed face first, and he ran his hand lovingly over my leg.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been as attentive today,” he apologized.

“I understand, you’ve got a lot on your plate.”

“I know, but that’s no excuse,” he stated firmly. I turned my head and rested it on my arms. He pushed my hair back from my forehead like he always did and set my feet in his lap. Slowly, he began rubbing my aching feet, and I groaned loudly in pleasure.

“This is a good apology,” I practically moaned. He chuckled and continued soothing my feet. When he was done, he brought my foot up and kissed my ankle. I giggled and tried to sit up, but he released my foot and slumped back onto the bed next to me.

“Do you know what you smell like?” His warm words tickled my ear. I shook my head, no. “You smell like nutmeg and fresh rain.”

I laughed. “I smell like nutmeg and rain?”

He nodded his nose into my cheek, inhaling my scent again. “Fresh rain, like the smell when you step outside right after the rain subsides. Like trees and flowers and everything covered in rain and dew. Everyone has a scent; humans just don’t have the sensory receptors to smell it strongly enough.”

His fingers gently ran across my exposed shoulder and drew lazy shapes on my skin. I closed my eyes and focused on the touch of his fingertips on me. I breathed happily, and as my breath washed across Theo’s face, he leaned in. I felt the heat radiating from him as he gently parted his mouth.

I opened my eyes for just a moment before his lips pressed against mine gently. It didn’t feel like the first time he kissed me. That kiss was loving and gentle, a few seconds of sweet reassurance. Theo growled playfully as my hands wove into the strands of his dark hair. His right hand gripped my waist tightly, my dress gathered in his hands.

His breathing quickened, and so did mine, but I didn’t know my next move. All we had ever done was kiss, that was as far as it ever went, but Theo’s strong hands seemed to be wanting more than just the touch of my lips. I pulled back as far as I could, unlocking my lips from his and took a deep breath. He kissed my cheek and then down to my neck.

“Theo,” I burst. He skimmed his nose along my jawline and looked into my eyes. “I don’t know what-”

“I know, love,” he said in a soothing tone. “We don’t have to do anything else.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to,” I rushed out.

“Little one,” Theo smiled. “There is no hurry. We have the rest of our lives for everything else.”

I nodded and rested my head back into his arm.

“Why don’t I go run you a bath, and we can just relax for a while?” he suggested. I nodded. He left the bed, and I heard the knobs to a bath turn on. As I was waiting for Theo, someone knocked on the door.

“Come in,” I called. The door slowly opened, but no one entered. I stood up off the bed and poked my head past a wall to look at the door from a safe distance.

“Excuse me, Miss. I’m looking for Enforcer Weston,” a guard stated.

“Theo,” I beckoned over my shoulder. He came wandering out from the bathroom, white shirt now rolled up around his elbows.

“Hello, can I help you?” Theo asked kindly as he wiped water droplets from his hands onto his pants.

“Enforcer Weston,” the man greeted, bowing his head in respect. “I am to inform you Reed Porter has been contacted, and we have a list of his demands. Alpha Trissur would like you to meet him in his office.”

Theo exhaled loudly and began unrolling his sleeves.

“We’ll be right there, thank you.”

           The door closed, and Theo looked at me apologetically.

“I have to put the heels back on, don’t I?” I guessed.

A Fellow Alpha

 As I slid the tall boots back up my legs, Theo emptied the bathtub and slipped his suitcoat on.

“How do I look?” he said, standing before me, spinning slowly. I nodded, smiling a little, and he reached for my hand. We walked down to the office of Alpha Trissur, where two guards were stationed. They opened the door for us, and Theo pushed me in before himself. The office was smaller than the meeting room but still sizeable. Dark, mahogany wood coated the walls, desk, chairs, and the wall of books that fixated me.

“You’re a reader?” Alpha Trissur spoke to me directly for the first time.

I tucked my head in

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