man next to him added, placing a hand on the other’s shoulder.

“Well then, we’re in agreement,” Theo breathed out happily, placing his hand over mine on the table.

The next few hours were spent discussing strategy and plans. There were calls made to other Alphas near and far from us. The members of the council were not all from the Valkyrie Pack, only three out of the fifty were. The council made calls to their Alpha’s asking support in their decisions.

Although most Alphas agreed with the council and Theo’s decision, they were not ready to sacrifice their pack members to fight for it and remained neutral.

After some time, Tansy began squirming in her father’s lap and begged him to take her to the bathroom. I told him I would take her and escorted her down the hall. I stayed on the other side of the door and helped her wash her hands when she was done.

“Where do you live?” she asked, tugging on my pant leg.

“I live here,” I said softly.

“With Uncle Theo?” her voice cracked upwards.

“Yes.” She looked down, confused, trying to make sense of it. “Your Uncle Theo and I are mates, just like your mommy and daddy.”

“You’re going to be my aunt?” she shouted happily. We were close to the conference room, and with their advanced hearing, the shifters inside looked out the window to us.

“Only if you want me to,” I said, bending down on my knees. “Or you can call me Margo.”

“Okay, Auntie Margo,” she twiddled off cheerfully.

“Let’s go back in and see your daddy,” I suggested, taking her hand in mine, and walking towards the open door. Theo’s body stopped me at the door.

“You’re good with her,” he complimented, casually slinging his hand in his pocket.

I glanced down at Tansy, smiling as I patted the top of her head. “Well, she’s cute. It helps.”

“Tans, your dad said you might be getting hungry, do you want a snack before we go back inside?”

“Yes, please,” she said politely. He gestured, and we began walking down the hall to the kitchen. Tansy let go of my hand as it came into view and ran ahead.

“I can’t wait to see how you’ll be with ours,” Theo imagined, sighing and rubbing his thumb over my arm. He looked over and saw the shimmer of fear in my eyes. “Not until you’re ready, though,” he added quickly.

I averted my gaze, blinking my eyes in an attempt to process his words.

“Are you okay?” he asked after a moment. I realized I had stopped walking.

“If you want us to have kids, that means you’ll have to change me,” I whispered. Anxiety crawled up my back and enveloped me in its gut-twisting stench.

“We don’t have to do anything until you’re ready,” he told me soothingly.

“When I told you I didn’t want to be turned, did you take that as, ‘well maybe in five years she’ll want to?’” My voice was dead and flat. I could feel sweat collecting on my neck. My mouth became too dry, and I bit my tongue to regain feeling.

“We don’t have to talk about this right now,” Theo soothed, touching the outer line of my arm as I stumbled back from him. “Margo.”

“I’m sorry, I just,” I panted. “I need a minute.”

“Margo,” he said pointedly. “Nothing is happening right now.”

“But it will.” I shook my head as my vision became blurry. “Theo, I just need to know right now; are you planning on changing me?”

He chuckled, though it seemed more out of awkwardness than humor. “Do I really need to answer this right now? Let’s go get Tansy something to eat. I’m sure she’s opened every package of chocolate and candy in that kitchen.”

“Yes, you really need to answer it.”

He straightened and tugged on the collar of his button-up shirt. “Maybe, one day. But I want to wait until you’re more accepting of it. I know it will take time-”

“It won’t take time because there is nothing to consider.”

“Can we-”

“No,” I spoke quickly. “We cannot discuss this or think about it later. Just no.”

“Do you think this is the best location and time to be having this conversation, with the council and our friends thirty feet away?”

“Honestly, I couldn’t care less. I need you to know I won’t ever be okay with being turned into a shifter. Ever.”

“Okay,” he breathed angrily. “You’ve made your point. Thank you. Can we continue with what we were doing now?”

“You should go back in there,” I advised. “I’ll find Tansy ad get her something to eat. I could use a glass of water anyways.”

“Fine.” He nodded.

I walked to the kitchen and looked around the nooks and crevices, trying to find Tansy. I called her name but heard no response. I left the kitchen and looked around the couches and chairs in the living room.

“Tansy?” I called louder. A gleam of sunlight hit me in the eye, and my head snapped up to find the front door swung open. No guard stood at the entrance, and I approached it warily. In the field in front of the house, Tansy was chasing a bunny that was hopping around the brush.

“Tansy!” I yelled. I could hear the wolves moving around in the conference room, and I was aware that Cam and Theo had probably come into the living room when I screamed, but it didn’t stop me from running toward her. The guard was nowhere in sight.

Tansy was unaware of any threat and ran towards the tree line with glee.

“Tansy, stop!” I yelled, trying to catch up with the little girl whose legs seemed to be quicker than mine. She laughed and ran faster.

“Tansy!” I heard Cam yell behind me.

She paused, nearly tumbling to the ground as she came face to face with the amber eyes of a wolf that was not from our pack.

Moving Parts

 “Tansy, don’t move,” I warned with tension in my voice. I reached my hand out towards her, still too far

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