
Time seemed to pass quickly after the gathering, one day into the next. Almost every week, an Alpha would visit our home to speak to Theo about some important manner. Theo claimed he didn’t want to be like the previous Enforcer who was unapproachable and closed off. He wanted to be accessible and work together with the Alphas.

On days that we didn’t have company, Theo and I would cook and take walks around his property. He made sure to have two guards following us at all times, although he thought I didn’t know. Werewolves were not the quietest people.

Since Theo was more concerned with the protection of the border, he had the guards stationed at the front of his house to monitor the perimeter as well as the house. The guards would take turns, leaving the house to check in with the border guards every hour. This meant that Theo was super protective whenever I opened the door, and I had made it a game to see if I could beat him to it.

The doorbell rang on a Tuesday when Theo was in his office, talking to Alpha Trissur. I looked up from the book I was reading and marked my page before setting it near my feet. I crawled off the couch and tiptoed to the door. I peeked back and still heard Theo’s steady voice on the phone. Theo told me Gabriel was going to stop by sometime in the next day, and I was excited to see someone I knew.

The door was heavy, and I had to lean with my entire body to pry it open. As I threw it open, I looked around curiously, no one was at the door. I went as far as stepping out on the porch and looking on either side of the house.

Theo wandered out from his office and met me at the door with a scowl on his face.

“Why did you open the door without me? What if something happened to you?”

“Oh, don’t be such a baby,” I teased, elevating my voice. “No one’s even here.”

“Then who rang the bell, Margo?” he asked seriously. Before I could open my mouth to answer, Theo grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house. He flipped the two locks on the door and walked up the stairs quickly, nearly dragging me behind him.

He pushed me into the bedroom, locking that door behind us as well. I watched as his eyes glazed over, mind linking someone.

“Theo,” I said softly. The situation was settling in over me as we stood there. His eyes came back to me, and he pulled me towards him, pressing me to his chest. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know, little one,” he breathed, kissing the top of my head. “But I’m going to keep you safe. Don’t worry.”

“I’m not worried about that,” I admitted, pulling my head back from his chest. “I’m-”

“Margo,” his voice was strained.

“I’m just confused,” I continued, trying to step away. His arms surrounded my body and held me in a tight prison, forcing me to stay glued to his frame. “Theo?”

“Margo,” he said again. The color of fear in his voice made me pause.

“What’s wrong?” He didn’t answer. “Theo, what’s wrong?”

“If you trust me, I need you to face the door when I let go of you.” My body clenched at his request. I slowly slid away from his body, his hands guiding me, and stood in front of him. His face was looking away from me, staring at the window.

I lowered my head and stepped to the side, walking the few steps towards the door. I heard his footsteps move to the other side of the room, and I tensed every second the room was silent.

“Theo?” I whispered.

“Close your eyes, Margo.”

“What’s going on?”

Theo’s hand violently hit the window, and on instinct, though I knew I shouldn’t have, I turned towards him. Theo stared out the window, his fist pressed against the glass, staring at something outside. I tilted my head as something pale stuck out from the dark, green leaves. I followed it up and saw it connected to something bigger.

I stepped towards Theo, and he turned around, mouth open to tell me to turn around again, but I couldn’t hear him, because he had moved just enough to reveal the body that was strung up in the tree facing our window.

Little White Envelopes

My breath was knocked out of me, and I tried to swallow, but my mouth was too dry, and I just choked. My feet propelled themselves forward, not even hearing Theo as he called my name. I hit the window with enough force to shake it, arms beating the glass, nose pressed against the plane.

Theo pulled me from the window, but I fought him, kicking, and flailing my arms. I memorized the face; female, young, curly brown hair, completely naked. It was as if I was hanging there myself. Theo gained a better grip on me, one around my collarbone under my right arm, and the other around my waist.

He plucked me from the window, gently settling us on the ground. I fought against him weakly, pushing at his arms, trying to find out where the noise was coming from. Theo shushed me. So close to the sound, I realized it was me screaming. The noise was breathless and wavering.

His hand pushed my hair back from my clammy forehead multiple times, peeling the strands out of my vision. At some point, another body came into the room and began asking Theo questions. His hold on me didn’t loosen while he was talking and tightened more when soft whimpers made their way through my lips.

I turned my head slightly, restrained by the cage of Theo’s arms. Outside the window, wolves started lowering the body that was strung up with rope. When the body was on the ground, they undid the ropes and checked the body in a makeshift autopsy.

A man came and

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