and released the covers. I curled up in them once again, and Theo curled around me.


Caddy knocked on our door promptly at 8 am; he had always been a morning person.

“Wake up, sleepyheads! It’s time for breakfast!” His fist pounded on the door. Theo sat up happily while I remained hidden under the thick quilt.

“Margo,” he laughed, peeling back the sheets.

“No,” I whimpered as the cold hit my skin. I hated being woken up early, even if it was by Theo. The covers were ripped from my body, and I curled into Theo’s warmth to shelter myself. His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me to him tightly. “Don’t let go.”

“Margo, we have to get ready. Saskia will be here soon. Don’t you want to see if any of your theories are true?” He nudged me. I frowned deeply but nodded.

“You’re right,” I sighed. “You usually are.”

He looked at me surprised and furrowed his eyebrows. “You’re unusually agreeable this morning.”

“I’m an agreeable person,” I whined, mouth gaping in offense.

“Margo, you are many things, but compliant and agreeable are not on that list,” he chortled, grabbing a shirt from his bag. I continued to stare at him with my mouth open, trying to come up with a retort. He walked past me to get to the bathroom but stopped and held my chin for a moment and muttered, “You should close your mouth, or I’ll put it to good use,” before leaving me.

“Theo!” I yelped, banging on the bathroom door that he locked. “Open this door right now!”

“There’s the Margo I know and love,” he said loudly from the other side of the door.

“You’re going to get it one of these days,” I vowed when he finally opened the door.

“I can get it anytime I want, mate.”

 I hit him with my hip as he walked past. “Is that all you think about?” I asked. He shrugged, pulling his shirt over his head.

“Most of the time, yeah.”

I chuckled and looked down, shaking my head.

We met Caddy downstairs, seated with Bodhi, Jax, and a few other wolves I remembered vaguely.

“Hey, Margo,” Caddy smiled. I smiled back and then stopped as Bodhi glared at me. “Bodhi quit it.”

His voice wasn’t the same loving tone I remembered him using the first time they met. I froze in confusion but decided to leave it alone until I could talk to Caddy.

“I’m going to eat in my room,” Bodhi grumbled, picking up her plate. “Or would his highness like to protest,” she spat bitterly.

“You can go wherever you like; I’m not keeping you here,” he answered, raising his eyebrows.

Bodhi grumbled and stormed past Theo, barely missing the collision of their arms. No one said anything as the awkward silence in the room resonated.

“Sit down, guys,” Caddy jutted out, smiling nervously.

We sat and spooned some food onto our plates. I kicked Caddy’s foot under the table, and he looked up.

“Later, okay?” I whispered. He nodded, looking down at his food again.

“Alpha,” a Warrior called from the end of the table. “Kendrick just mind-linked me; he said yours was blocked. They caught the scent of a female wolf not far from our borders.”

“There’s our girl. She’s fast,” Caddy noted, pushing his seat away from the table. We all pushed our seats back, breakfast forgotten, and followed Caddy as he walked towards the back of the packhouse.

We filed out the back door and walked quickly to the tree line 500 feet ahead. The packhouse was located along the southern border or the grounds; we weren’t far from the edge.

“Alpha,” the Warrior called again. “They have the girl; they’ve cornered her a quarter-mile south-west.”

We started off in that direction, quickening our steps when we heard the feral growl of a wolf. The backs of the warriors were all we could see as we approached. Caddy touched the shoulder of one, and he stepped back, giving us access to the girl.

She wasn’t a girl though, she was a woman, probably a few years older than Theo. She bared her teeth as she moved around, trying to keep her eyes on all the warriors.

I lifted Theo’s arm over my head and moved under him. The girl had tan, glowing, skin, and straight, brown hair that swished around her waist as she circled.

She noticed us and stood up straight, taking us all in.

“Saskia?” Caddy addressed her firmly. She didn’t even flinch at his voice; her eyes were fixed on me.

A small, meaningless smile can onto her lips, just under her sharp, thin nose. “I was wondering when you’d show up.”


  Everyone seemed to stop what they were doing to look at me, confusion and suspicion filling their eyes.

“Me?” I asked incredulously.

“Margo, right?” She smiled, tilting her head to the side.

“Yes, and who are you?”

She smiled, mouth open, revealing a perfect set of white teeth. “I’m Saskia Rechovnik,” she said proudly. “You’re a wolf now.”

An unsettling cramp started in my stomach. I leaned back an inch until I felt Theo’s presence, calming me.

“How do you know her?” Theo asked. Saskia lifted her eyes and looked at him, her lip twitching.

“How do I know any of you, Theodore? It’s kind of an urban legend where I’m from. A small human girl is mated to an Enforcer, and they kill hundreds of wolves to save her humanity, only for her to lose it the same day.”

“I don’t appreciate you speaking about my mate like this,” Theo growled, pushing an arm over my chest to move me back.

“Speaking like what?” She smirked. “The truth? Oh, you Weston’s really do have a problem with the truth, don’t you?”

“What is your business with my brother?”

She scoffed, hair falling over her slender shoulders as her body shrugged forward. “He told you, did he? I don’t want anything with your brother, he was simply something to mind my time while I was traveling. Although, he was very curious about my thoughts on him choosing a mate to step

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