for us. When the plane was secure, the door to the steps opened.

Theo was the first one out, helping a limping Pilar down the steps. I waited until they were down the steps to leave with Olympia. I stood in front of her, halfway turned around to assist her, but she continued to push me front-ways and tell me she was fine, over and over.

Gabriel immediately was at Pilar’s side before she even got off the last step. His usual steel exterior was gone and in its place was concern, love, and longing. He took Pilar’s arm from Theo and helped her down. She took one step before Gabriel leaned down and lifted her off her injured ankle. She gasped girlishly and held onto his neck.

Reese was too busy looking at Gabriel and Pilar happily to notice Olympia right away. She was at the end of the stairs before Reese’s face wrinkled in confusion, not expecting his own mate to reveal herself immediately after Gabriel’s.

Theo hadn’t disclosed to Gabriel that the girls were their mates, only said that they were needed when we landed.

Reese’s eyes lit up, and for once, he didn’t look like he was laughing at someone else’s expense. I had only known Olympia for a short time, but I knew she was extremely strong-willed. The moment she saw Reese, her warm skin filled with a deep pink blush.

Theo and I waited as Pilar and Olympia were united with their mates. Joella coughed loudly, getting our attention. Theo jogged up the stairs and grabbed one corner of Verona’s stretcher. Joella, Theo, and two warriors carefully brought her down.

I watched Eli’s face turn from utter joy to devastation in seconds. He pushed past everyone else and gripped the stair rail. As soon as she was down, Eli was leaning over her battered body, tears filling his eyes.

“What happened?” he trembled.

“We will explain later. She needs you right now,” Joella soothed, placing her hand on his shoulder.

“What can I do?” he asked quickly. His hand grazed her forehead, cheek, and then gripped her hand.

“She needs your blood.”

Without hesitation, Eli’s fangs descended, and he ripped his wrist open. Joella helped him prop her head up and funnel his blood into her mouth.

Verona’s pale skin became stained with dark red, but almost instantly, her heartbeat strengthened.

Eli wiped a drop of blood from her lips.

“You did good,” Joella told him. They lifted the stretcher once again, and Eli gripped her hand, walking beside her as they brought her to the packhouse.

Sloane rushed over to Theo and me the only ones still standing by the plane. She threw her arms around him, reaching out to pull me closer to their hug. She let us go and wiped the fat tears from her cheeks.

“This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives,” she wailed.

“It still is,” Theo told her. I nodded and curled into his side. Sloane looked at us before grabbing us in another constricting embrace. We laughed and held onto her tightly.

We followed everyone else to the packhouse, but before we went in, Theo pulled me back. I was about to ask him what was wrong as he gripped my face tightly and kissed me. I was startled, but love quickly spread throughout my body and our bond. He leaned back, and I kept my eyes closed, leaning up, trying to stay connected.

“Margo,” he said seriously. I opened my eyes and listened. “I love you so much.”

“I love you, too, Theo,” I said honestly, still confused.

“Please, don’t ever leave my side,” he said, smiling at the ridiculousness.

“Never,” I said anyway.

Joella called our names from inside, and we hurried in. Verona was in the medical room; there wasn’t much they would do for her there other than monitor her. If anything went wrong, they would have to transfer her over to the hospital building I had woken up in twice. Eli refused to leave her side, annoying the doctors who had to work around him.

Gabriel, Reese, and their mates waited out in the main room, huddled closely. They held each other close, inhaling scents, touching skin.

“Is that what we looked like?” I asked Theo, looking up at him at my side.

“Not at all.” He laughed. “I’m pretty sure you looked like you wanted to kill me for the first few days.” I looked down, ashamed. I couldn’t even think about hurting Theo now.

“Sorry,” I mumbled. I felt his hand reach down and hold mine.

“It’s okay, you make up for it now.” I could hear the teasing in his voice, and I bumped him lightly with my hip.

Joella walked over to us. She was tying her long hair up in a ponytail as she approached.

“We should get some rest, we’ve been up all night,” she grinned tiredly, running a hand over her belly. “This little pebble’s making me tired.”

“You’re more than welcome to stay here with us,” Gabriel said behind her. She turned around and faced them; Gabriel had his arm around Pilar’s shoulder, and the other held her hand.

“Thank you,” she accepted.

“We should get home, we’ll be back later,” Theo told his brother. We said our goodbyes and shifted, running home. It was a slow run, more of a fast walk. We collapsed on the porch as soon as we got there.

“We should have taken the car,” Theo whined. I shuffled to my feet and tugged Theo’s arm, pulling him through the doorway. “What are you doing?”

“Taking you to bed,” I bent down and kissed his head before standing up again. I had to use all my strength to drag his body. He laid on his back, allowing me to scoot him across the hardwood floors. I came to the steps and stopped, stuck.

He closed his eyes and raised his eyebrows like he was waiting for me to come up with something. I sat down on the first step and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. He turned his head, close to my face, and kissed my cheek.

I attempted to

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