“Ready to get the hell out of here?” he asked.
“Born ready,” I said to him.
We walked over to the gymnasium, which was where they were having it. I noticed that there was a lot of people there already, but I noticed that The Elites weren’t anywhere to be found.
Why were they no here? I was so confused, I didn’t know what the hell happened to them, and I felt a bit concerned.
“Something the matter?” Dane asked.
“Oh I’m okay. I just noticed that the Elites aren’t around. I noticed that they weren’t in the dance hall, nor were they around the corners. Where the hell were, they? I looked about, but I guess this was just a sign that I could rest easy tonight.
It was so different from what I was used to, especially with the way things were. I looked over at Dane, smiling at him. Even with how rough things have been, I was happy to at least have him in my life.
“Thanks for sticking around and supporting me Dane. It’s appreciated,” I told him.
“Not a problem you’re a wonderful woman, and I’m glad that you’re here with me too. Besides, it’s nice not having the elites around here either,” he said.
“Yeah, I feel this,” I said.
But, even so, I couldn’t help but shake the nagging feeling that it was not going to be this easy. As we danced, I felt happy, and I felt like I could just be a normal person for a few moments. I wondered how much would happen if I did just leave one day and go about my life. I wondered what might transpire next, and what may happen, and what would become of us.
After we finished dancing, we walked over to the he hallway, sitting down on some of the chairs that were put out.
“You know, you’re a pretty cool guy there Dane. I’m surprised you want to associate with me though,” I sad.
“Why do you think that?”
“I’m bad luck. Everyone’s always out for my ass, and I don’t know, I feel like there’s very few people I can rust at this point. It’s frustrating, you know?” I said.
“I get that. well, I’m here for you, no matter what it is that happens next. I’m going to help you in whatever way I can,” he said.
I nodded. “Thanks Dane. I appreciate it. Anyway, you want to go back in?”
“Yeah. Let’s spend a little bit more time together,” he said.
However, as we walked towards the gm, I sensed something behind us. I whipped my head around, but it was too late. Suddenly, I felt my body get shoved into one of the empty rooms. The door was closed, and the handle was held. I tried to open it, but there was no chance of that happening. As I tried, I heard the sounds of laughter, and then, I heard Dane’s voice.
“N-no please! Let me go!” he said.
I looked at the doorway, realizing someone was out there confronting Dane.
“Dane? Dane” I screamed out. But it was too late.
The sounds of kicking, punching, and groans of pain were the only things that I heard. My eyes filled with tears, and I couldn’t help but wonder what was going on out there. I tried to get out, but it was like someone was holding the door shut, and as I stood there helplessly, I heard the sounds of the fighting, and the groans of pain from Dane.
It hurt to hear. I wanted to do something, anything in order to help Dane out, but I was at the mercy of the sounds, the mercy of the other people, and at the mercy of this as well. Suddenly, the sounds continued on, and I heard the groans and moan of pain from hm. I started to feel tears fall down my face, my eyes watered and my heart racing.
“Please…please stop,” I told myself.
I wanted this to end, for this hell to finally be over, but it wasn’t going to happen. There was no way this would be over for a bit. As I heard him mercilessly beaten up, I then immediately heard he sounds of silence. The door was then opened up, and I quickly whipped it open, but by the time I got out, everyone was gone.
In the corner was Dane, all bloody and beaten, and I looked over in the distance. I didn’t know who the hell it was, and I looked over at Dane, feeling the tears fall down my face.
“I’m…I’m sorry Dane,” I said.
“It’s okay Jules. Just get some help. I’ll be okay. You should probably go see if anyone is around. It’s a mess. I’ll be okay though,” he said.
He insisted this, but I didn’t really believe it. However, as I ambled over towards the principals’ office, I saw the door open and my dad in there with the principal.
“Dad, principal!” I said.
“There you are Jules. Why are you over here?” he asked.
“You didn’t hear the sounds of someone getting their asses beaten up?” I said.
“No, but do you know who did it?” he said.
“The Elites! They had to have. I didn’t see it myself because they locked me in a room and—”
“Jules, quit making up lies,” the principal said.
I looked at her, realizing she was trying to shut me up. I then scoffed.
“I’m making up lies? But I saw for myself who these guys are! They’re monsters,” I said.
“Jules, do you know anything about the vandalism? You seem to have a knack for trouble dear,” he said.
“I don’t dad. But whomever is attacking this place is definitely trying to do it to create a scene. I know the elites hurt Dane though. I saw them in the distance,” I said.
“Why didn’t you try to stop them?” my dad said.
“Why didn’t you have better security? You know, you did a shit job at this,” I said.
“Watch your mouth Jules!” he sapped.
“Well, what do you have going on right now? you’re here with the principal, and