around her waist. “I don’t even know him,Addison! And now I’m supposed to go live in his house and drinkfrom him?”

“It’s only for three months,” I said, tryingto console her. “Okay, I know it sounds like a long time butI swear I’ll come visit you as much as you want.”

“But what if he wants to…to have sex?” Hereyes were wide and frightened. “I mean we're married,Addison. What if he thinks it’s his right as my husband? But Ican’t do that. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to be with someoneagain, let alone a complete stranger.”

“You don’t have to,” I soothed, taking herhand and pressing it in both of mine. “Corbin made him swear not toabuse you in any way—remember?”

“I know. But I just…I can’t. Not afterRoderick…the things he made me do…”

A single tear was standing in her eye againand I knew she would have been crying hard if she’d had themoisture in her body to do it. Her return grip on my hand waspanicky-tight but again, for some reason it didn’t hurt. Maybebecause I was bonded to Corbin and was more “durable” now that wewere together.

“Taylor,” I began but suddenly Corbin’svoice cut through the air sharply.

“I do not care what phase the moon isin or how inconvenient it is for you, Victor,” he wasgrowling into his phone. “Your blood bonded mate is here with meand she is starving. You have put off your responsibilitiesfor long enough—you will come and get her now or I swear Iwill give you ample reason to regret it.”

I could hear faint cursing coming from theother end of the conversation but Corbin only nodded insatisfaction and hung up.

“He will be here shortly,” he said, turningto us. “Although I am afraid he is not very happy about it.”

“Oh God!” Taylor hugged me tightly, anembrace that would have cut off my air and circulation and maybecracked a few ribs before. I was pleased to note, however, that itdidn’t bother me at all this time.

I hugged her back. “It’s going to be okay,hon,” I told her, stroking her hair. “I promise it is. You let meknow if he so much as looks sideways at you and I swear I’ll comeput him in his place.”

Corbin smirked at me. “I thought you were avampire killer—not a werewolf slayer.”

“Silver works on both of you,” I remindedhim. “But actually, I’m thinking of giving it up—the vampirekilling thing, I mean.”

Taylor seemed to forget her own worriesbecause she pulled back and looked at me uncertainly.

“Really? You’re going to quit being anAuditor?”

I shrugged. “You’re free, hon—well, you willbe in three months, anyway. And I’m with Corbin now. It would bekind of hypocritical of me to go around enforcing the law againsthuman/vamp sex when I’ll be breaking it on a regular basismyself.”

“A very regular basis, I hope.”Corbin’s voice was a sexy growl that made my cheeks hot.

“Anyway,” I went on, still talking to Taylorand trying not to let Corbin know he was affecting me. “I’ve beenthinking I might go back to school—take another whack at mydissertation. And what about you? Why don’t you go back and finishyour training to become a vet?”

Taylor looked intrigued. “I never thoughtabout that. I guess I could check into it. I mean, I’d have to takenight classes but I was pretty far along…”

“You can work in one of those all nightemergency veterinary clinics,” I exclaimed. “Like the one we tookSamikin to when he got that thorn in his paw.”

“Samikin…” Taylor looked subdued and Isuddenly remembered that the cat in question had run away and nevercome back after she had become a vampire. For some reason, catsdon’t like vamps. Dogs don’t seem to mind them though—I don’t knowabout other animals.

“Or you could study something else,” I saidquickly. “There are lots of options open now that Celeste is out ofthe picture.”

“You’re right.” Taylor lifted her chin. “Ican do anything I want again after this is over with. And I knowit’s going to be fine—so much better than my life with Celeste was.Except…” She shook her head, obviously unable to continue.

“What is it?” I urged gently. “Is theresomething else bothering you? Well, I mean, other than having to golive with a surly werewolf you barely know?”

She gave me a wan smile and noddedreluctantly.

“It’s…hard to explain. But ever since I tookhis blood—ever since I drank from that chalice—I’ve been feelingso…so…weird.”

“Weird how?” I asked, feeling worried. HadVictor’s blood poisoned her somehow?

Taylor shook her head again and I saw hercheeks go that pale pink which would have been a deep blush onanyone else.

“I can’t…explain it,” she whispered. “It’sjust so…so strange. Ever since this thing started—”

“This thing, huh? Meaning our fuckingthree month marriage?” said a growling voice from the doorway ofCorbin’s office. “Sounds like you’re as excited about it as I am,sweetheart.”

Taylor’s head jerked up and she took a stepback as Victor filled the doorway.

I had to bite back a gasp too. As before hewas huge and irritated looking but I thought he looked wilder thanhe had last time I had seen him. His hair seemed longer and hiseyes, which had been mostly brown before, were pure, animalisticgold.

“Good evening, Victor,” Corbin saidsmoothly, coming forward. “How good of you to come so quickly.”

“I was right around the corner at aconstruction site,” the were growled. “But I’m telling you, Corbin,this is not a good time for me to take her. What with themoon being full tonight and—”

“I’m very sorry it’s your time of themonth,” Corbin interrupted. “But Taylor cannot wait any longer—sheis literally starving to death.”

“What?” Victor frowned. “Well, why doesn’tshe drink some blood?”

“Because you have the only blood that won’tmake her sick,” I said, glaring up at the big were. “You’reblood bound—that means Taylor can only drink fromyou.”

“What?” Now he looked really upsetand pissed off. “She has to what? You’re kidding me!”

“I assure you, my friend, this is not ajoke,” Corbin growled warningly. “Taylor is your responsibility. Doyou not remember the part of your vows where you promised toprotect and nourish her?”

“I thought that meant like…I don’t know,bringing home the bacon or some shit like that,” Victor protested.“I didn’t

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