
The panties were short and sweet—not nearly as tiny as the formal panties she had to wear when she went out in society—but a far cry from her comfy granny panties, Imani thought with regret. They barely covered the top of her mound—which she’d had to shave in order to look good in the Yonnite formal wear—and were whisper thin, just like the gown.

She got into the nightclothes, well aware that J’are was watching her every move, and then turned around to face him.

“Well,” she said as brightly as she could. “Let’s go to bed now—okay?”

But the big Kindred shook his head.

“Scenting now.” His voice was a low, lustful growl that sent shivers down Imani’s spine.

“Uh, now?” She looked at him uncertainly. “I thought—”

But before she could finish her sentence, he was leaning down and pressing his face to the sensitive side of her neck.

Imani gave a little squeak of surprise as he inhaled deeply, his scratchy cheek rubbing against her throat and then the nape of her neck. This had always been a sensitive area for her and she tried not to gasp as she felt his hot breath on her there.

So this was what “scenting” was. Imani tried to calm her suddenly thundering heart.

It’s okay, she told herself. He just wants to smell you—that’s all. No doubt it’s an animal thing—a Nightwalker thing.

Whatever it was, it wasn’t just her neck the big Kindred wanted to smell. And he wasn’t just smelling, Imani realized as he dropped to his knees and pressed his face between her breasts. Though he was inhaling deeply, as if he was trying to memorize her personal scent, he was also rubbing his cheeks and mouth against her skin—through her nightgown, of course—as though he was trying to mark her with his scent as well.

Imani gasped when he rubbed against her nipples. The thin fabric of the gown felt almost like it wasn’t there at all when his scratchy cheeks pressed against her sensitive peaks.

“Oh, J’are!” she exclaimed and put her hands to his head, feeling the silky-rough brush of his buzz-cut hair against her palms as she tried to warn him to be careful.

J’are seemed to realize he was rubbing a very sensitive area because he turned his head and used his mouth instead, pressing his lips to her tight points and making Imani gasp all over again.

He looked up at her as he did it, holding her eyes with his. Slowly, he opened his mouth to envelope one ripe peak in his hot mouth. He sucked gently and Imani felt the hot brush of his tongue through the thin fabric of her nightgown.

“Oh! No, J’are.” She shook her head quickly. “No, we…we can’t do that,” she protested.

The big Kindred gave a final suck and then allowed her nipple to slip from his mouth slowly.

“Only scenting and holding,” he said, as though reminding himself. “No tasting. Not yet.”

“Not…not yet,” Imani repeated breathlessly, though she knew she ought to be saying not ever. She stroked her fingers over his short, silky hair. “Not yet, baby,” she murmured.

J’are nodded.

“Later,” he repeated in a soft rumble, before ducking his head to rub his bristly cheek against her belly.

“J’are…” Imani heard herself protesting, her voice high and uncertain. And then he was pressing his cheek even lower, and she could feel him rubbing against her mound.

The soft scratch of his stubble against her recently shaved pussy sent a quiver through Imani’s insides.

“Now, J’are…” she said again, warningly as he rubbed his cheek against her and then turned to use his mouth. He pressed his lips to her slit in what looked like a reverent kiss, though she had an idea he was scent-marking her again somehow—like a cat marking its territory.

“J’are…” This time her voice was almost a moan as she felt her outer pussy lips part under his gentle assault and his hot breath against the throbbing button of her clit. Even through the double layers of her nightgown and panties, it seemed to burn her—to set her on fire. J’are didn’t attempt to lick or suck her again, but he didn’t stop pressing his mouth to her open pussy either, rubbing against her and breathing her in at the same time.

At last he pulled back and spoke.

“Sweet,” he growled softly, looking up at her. “So sweet.”

“Th-thank you,” Imani stuttered, not sure what else to say. “But scenting is over now—all right?”

Reluctantly, he nodded. Rising smoothly to his feet, he loomed over her again.

“More scenting later,” he announced and swung her into his arms.

“Oh!” Imani gasped as he carried her from the vast marble bathroom into the even larger bed chamber. He deposited her in the middle of the huge, puffy mattress and climbed in after her. Then, before Imani could protest, he was on top of her and rubbing against her.

“What…what are you doing?” she managed to pant as she felt the hard ridge of his shaft rubbing against her mound. Despite the layers of clothing between them, she could clearly feel the heat of his big body branding her most sensitive areas.

J’are looked down at her.

Scent marking,” he growled softly. “Part of scenting.”

“But I never…I mean, I didn’t know, uh, know this was…was part of it. Of scenting, I mean,” Imani started to protest. “Besides, we said more scenting later.”

“Later is now. My scent on yours,” J’are insisted in a low growl. Leaning down, he pressed his mouth and nose to the side of her neck again, inhaling deeply as he continued to work his hips and rut against her, rubbing the thick ridge of his cock deeply into the folds of her pussy.

“Oh!” Imani felt like her whole body was on fire! Somehow her legs had opened and she was spread wide for him, though she knew she shouldn’t be. But it felt like her body was on overload. She was being bombarded with sensations, from his hot breath against her sensitive throat to his big body working against hers as he pressed his

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