They rented a locker and two changing rooms—which turned out to be wooden booths in a long row of identical stalls. But of course, before they could use the stalls, they had to have something to change into.
“This is the suit bot,” J’are said, taking Imani to the front of the locker area where a silvery droid sat. It appeared to consist of three parts—a round, bulbous head, two long, skinny silver arms, and a squat rectangular box, all sitting on a wide counter and connected by long wires.
“Um…how does it work?” Imani eyed the droid uncertainly. The bulbous head had glaring red eyes which made it look kind of scary in her opinion.
“You just let it scan you and then it prints out the perfect sized suit,” J’are told her. “Watch—I’ll go first.”
He stepped directly in front of the bot and said, “Scan,” in an authoritative voice.
The round red eyes lit up at once, shooting out twin beams of red light which scanned J’are completely, starting at the top of his head and ending at his feet.
“Male, extra, extra, extra large,” the bot said in a mechanical voice. “Working.”
The rectangular box sitting beside it began to chug and after a moment, it spat out a white piece of cloth. Before the cloth could fall to the ground, the skinny arms with their skeletal silver hands caught it in long fingers and presented it to J’are.
“Please enjoy your anti-grav bathing attire,” the bot said. “And please do not forget to wear a mask for your safety.”
“A mask?” Imani frowned. “What’s that all about?”
“It’s just a device you put on so you can swim safely in the anti-grav environment,” J’are explained. “Once you’re in the middle of the pool and entirely surrounded by liquid, you couldn’t breathe without one—because of course you’ll die if you inhale too much water. So it would be really foolish not to wear one.”
“That makes sense.” Imani nodded. “Where do we get the masks?”
“They have them as you’re entering the pool,” J’are told her. “But first we have to get you some bathing attire.” He smiled at her. “Your turn.”
“Okay, I got it.”
Heart thumping, Imani stood directly in front of the suit bot, just as J’are had done and said, “Scan,” loudly.
The twin beams of light shot out of the bot’s red eyes. Imani halfway expected to be incinerated, they looked so much like evil laser beams from a scifi movie. But she didn’t feel a thing as the red light passed harmlessly over her, scanning her from top to bottom just as it had scanned J’are.
The moment the scan was finished, the bot said, “Female, petite but full-figured. Working.”
The rectangular box whirred and chugged and after a moment two pieces of white fabric were spit out. The two skeletal silver hands caught them with no problem and presented them to Imani.
“Please enjoy your anti-grav bathing attire,” the bot said, just as it had to J’are. “And please do not forget to wear a mask for your safety.”
“Okay. Um, thanks.” Imani clutched the two-piece suit to her chest and nodded nervously. The bot seemed harmless enough but so had the huge pink praying mantis when it had first checked her in at the Luxx and later it had tried to kill her.
“Come on—let’s go change.” J’are’s pale green eyes were glowing with anticipation. “I haven’t been anti-grav swimming since I was a kid,” he told Imani. “But I used to love it.”
She couldn’t help smiling at his excitement.
“Okay, let’s go.”
Back in her dressing stall, she took off her Yonnie Six dress of the day—which was bright pink with panties to match—and prepared to put on the white two-piece suit the bot had made for her.
But there was one problem—the suite was way too small.
“This can’t be right,” Imani muttered as she surveyed herself in the tarnished 3-D viewing panel which was located on one wall of her stall. “I mean look at this thing—it’s worse than my Yonnite clothes!”
It really was.
The top consisted of two tiny triangles connected by strings that barely covered her nipples and left the wide, berry-dark bands of her areolas bare. The bottom was another triangle which didn’t even cover her entire pussy. If she pulled it up high enough to hide the top of her slit, it clearly showed her outer lips. But if she pulled it down to cover her lips, the top of her slit was visible.
Imani thought about complaining and trying to get the creepy suit bot to make her another suit. But then she considered where she was. Here on Yonnie Six, it was no big deal for a woman to wear skimpy clothing—in fact, it was expected. Though she didn’t love it, she was going to just have to live with it.
But that didn’t make her any less embarrassed when she finally stepped outside the changing booth.
“Gods…” J’are sucked in a breath when he saw her. “So gorgeous,” he murmured, eyeing Imani appreciatively.
“You look pretty good yourself,” Imani said lightly.
He did, too. The tight white speedo-like suit the bot had made him wouldn’t have looked good on most of the men Imani knew. But it looked fabulous on J’are, emphasizing his toned torso and long, muscular legs. Not to mention the thick ridge of his shaft, which she tried not to notice pressing against the thin white material.
“The new suit really does you justice,” J’are murmured, clearly still admiring her.
“Thank you.” Imani smiled at him, trying not to feel self-conscious. She certainly would never have worn anything so revealing back home, but at least J’are seemed to think she looked good in it—that helped a lot.
Not that she ought to care what he thought, since he was only her client, she reminded herself hastily as they locked up their things in the locker they had rented and headed for the pool. But somehow knowing that such a big, handsome warrior thought she looked beautiful when she showed her curves gave her a