I am sorry things ended so badly for your family.”

My mother’s death was still too fresh in my thoughts. My friends never spoke of what they’d seen me do, but the horror of that act would haunt me for the rest of my life. No matter how crazed Eve Warin was near the end of her days, she was still my mother. I loved my memories of her, and those had died that day, as well.

“I thank you,” I said.

Zephyr put her hand on mine and stared into my soul with her sapphire blue eyes. The weight of her attention was almost more than I could bear. Her compassion surrounded me like a warm hug.

“There is one more thing I have to tell you, and then I will take my leave before that young woman comes over and throws me out of this seat,” Zephyr said. “Tell Niddhogg to come back to Shambala. We have something for him, as a reward for his service to you. And if you need anything, Jace, anything at all, please let us know.”

And with that, Zephyr kissed the top of my head, bowed to my friends, and flew over the beach. She vanished from our sight moments later in a flash of purest white light.

We spent the rest of the afternoon and the week that followed eating and drinking, restoring our strength. The world had changed, and finally, it was better for it. Only time would tell if the peace I felt would last, but, for that all-too-brief slice of time, life was very, very good.

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Looking for more from Gage Lee, and need it right this minute? Check out: Shadowbound: Ghostlight Academy Book 1. Or keep reading to take a sneak peek.

Kai Evers only wanted to give his little sister Biz an unforgettable trip to the happiest place on Earth.

BUT WHEN AN AUGMENTED reality game goes off the rails, the pair find themselves whisked away to a ruined fantasy world in desperate need of heroes. Trapped in the ruins of an ancient cultivation academy, the siblings must learn to master the mysterious ghostlight to restore the broken gate that can send them home.

This seemingly insurmountable quest will change Kai's life forever—or end it.

Ghostlight Academy: Shadowbound is the first book in the exciting new series from the best-selling author of the School of Swords and Serpents series. Featuring cultivation, base building, quests, treasures, and monsters, this first volume is your key to an intriguing new world.

Chapter One

BIZ HAD BEEN DEAD FOR two hours when I spotted her crouched on a gatehouse spire between the cargo shop and cantina, her dark hair a lacy veil blown across her face by an errant gust of summer wind. Her gray eyes glittered with mischief in the dying rays of the August sunset. That look always meant trouble.

Usually for me.

“Kai.” She mouthed my name, then jerked her head toward the opposite side of the building.

I crossed my fingers and prayed no one would spot Biz crawling around up there and disqualify us from the game. The single-day tickets to the amusement park to compete in the Smuggler’s Challenge had drained my meager bank account of every dime I’d managed to save from a summer of mowing lawns, trimming hedges, walking dogs, and cleaning viruses off neighborhood computers. Biz, at thirteen, was rarely well enough to go to school, much less work, but she’d contributed to the plan by keeping up on her meds and getting plenty of rest so she’d be healthy enough that our mom would let her out of the house.

We’d spent months planning for this event, and it was all about to pay off. Biz had been “killed” by enemy stormtroopers early in the game, but I’d racked up an impressive score so far and, according to the augmented reality app on my phone, was now tied for first place.

If I found another cache, I’d win a pair of season passes to Anaheim’s favorite theme park. This might be Biz’s last summer, and if we won, I’d take her to the park every day. My sister didn’t have many days left, but I’d make them all awesome, no matter what it took.

If, that is, no one spotted the little lunatic up on the rooftop and booted us out of the park. That thought curdled the bellyful of sugary green “milk” I’d downed for lunch.

No, that couldn’t happen. All I had to do was get around the corner and I’d be safe. I kept my head down and pretended to fiddle with my phone, hoping other people would ignore me if I ignored them. I didn’t have far to go. A few more steps, and—

A wave of paranoia swept over me, raising the hairs on the back of my neck to full attention. I’d had feelings like this my whole life. They weren’t as reliable as Spider-Man’s sixth sense, but something big always happened not long after

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