out at a moment’s notice.”

Cruzal looked at me like I’d lost my mind. Amused sparkles danced in Tru’s eyes. Only Grimaldi took me seriously, and even he looked skeptical.

“Look, kid,” Grimaldi said. “I admire your guts. Standing up for your school is brave, and standing up to me is incredibly stupid. But this has gone far enough. Your teacher here will pay me, and I’ll be on my way.”

“Five,” I said.

“What was that?” Grimaldi reminded me of a dog who’d heard a noise it couldn’t identify. His face looked equal parts attentive and curious.

“Five thousand a month,” I said. “That’s what I’ll pay to have a team ready to move out on my call.”

“Lying to me is bad for your health,” Grimaldi growled. “You’re bluffing, and I don’t have time for this garbage. Get the money, Teach.”

Cruzal tried to brush past me, but I didn’t budge. I glanced at Tru, who grumbled and crossed her arms over her chest. Grimaldi’s eyes were shadow-ringed pits of fire. He looked ready to eat the now-dead cigar that dangled from the corner of his mouth, and his hands clenched into white-knuckled fists.

A part of me wanted him to attack me. The wiser part of my mind knew I couldn’t let things reach that point. Grimaldi’s death would cause far more problems than it solved.

“Tell him, Tru,” I said to the dragon.

The dragon nodded, then shrugged. “He has access to that kind of money. And, as much as I hate to admit it, Jace is true to his word. This is the best deal you’ll get.”

Grimaldi stood, more slowly this time. He stepped around the table, and I held my ground. If he wanted to try something stupid, it would be the last thing he’d ever do. I was faster and stronger than the mobster, and Tru was sworn to protect me. Grimaldi was arrogant, but he wasn’t stupid enough to commit suicide by dragon.

“You’ve got a deal.” His cigar danced along his lip as he chewed its butt. “Five a month to keep a small force at the ready. If you need them to travel, or you want more boots on the ground, that’s extra. A lot extra. Don’t make me regret this.”

It was hard to hide the relief I felt. My offer had come out of left field, and if Tru hadn’t backed me up, things could have spiraled out of control. Fortunately, everything had fallen together.

“You won’t,” I assured him. “Now that you work for me, how do I reach you?”

The mobster snorted and raised his left hand. “I’m getting a phone out of my pocket.”

He produced a small flip phone from his pocket. He tossed the cheap wedge of black plastic to me. “Use the first speed dial number. Rings straight to me. Get my money.”

I’d had enough of Grimaldi’s attitude. I stepped forward until my chest brushed against his and stared into his eyes. “Go to the PDF terminal. I’ll meet you there with your money. And don’t you forget who you work for now.”

The mobster couldn’t hold my black gaze. He took a step back and headed for the door without another word. Cruzal hurried after him, her eyes shooting daggers at me.

I didn’t care if she was mad. If we’d followed her plan, the School would be tied up with Grimaldi forever. My way was better. And I really did need those soldiers.

“What if I’d said you were broke?” Tru asked.

“I’d have called you a liar,” I said. “The First Scepter of the Scaled Council told me the money was mine, all I had to do was ask for it. This is me asking for it.”

Tru chuckled at that and offered me a hand. It was the first sign of trust and friendship she’d ever extended to me. We shook, and her toothy smile grew wider. “How much do you want?”

My experience with purifying jinsei was extensive, and I knew the students in Shambala had nothing but time on their hands. My share of the jinsei they purified, even if it only came up to a few percent of the total, would cover Grimaldi’s fee for quite some time.

“Can you send the five grand to Grimaldi starting next month?” I asked. When she nodded, I went on. “Can you deliver the same amount of jinsei to the School tonight?”

The dragon’s laugh was lighter, more musical this time. She nodded and gave me a pat on the shoulder. “I’ll make sure the money is taken care of. Use your share wisely.”

With that, we left Cruzal’s office, and I went back to the dorm to get Grimaldi’s first payment from my stash of purified sacred energy. I took my time.

Grimaldi needed to learn some patience, even if it killed him.

The Farewell

I BECAME A RECLUSE after my meeting with Grimaldi. I stayed locked away and isolated myself to focus on advancement, coming out of my room only long enough to grab a plate before retreating to eat it. Without help from my friends, the only way I’d finish this quest was to be as powerful as possible.

Jinsei-fueled meditation sessions pushed me further along the path every day, but my attempts attracted attention from the warped monstrosities. Their relentless approach shattered my concentration and sent me crashing back to the waking world before I got anywhere near the next level.

After three days of that, the squid freaks appeared within seconds of my meditation’s start. One of their kind had gotten a taste of me in Mama Weaver’s room, and now they all wanted some.

With meditation cut off by the warped, I turned my attention to scrivening. If I could build a filter, I wouldn’t need the Sleepless technique. Unfortunately, the gate inscriptions Krieger had shown us were beyond my ability. Even with Hahen’s advice, we wasted two entire days trying to get it right before I gave it up as a lost cause.

“Your friends are worried about you,” Hahen said as he appeared through the wall at

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