the center of her chest as the deep muscles surrounding her heart softened allowing fear to unwind. Absentmindedly she moved her hand from her chest to her forehead. She rubbed the space between her eyebrows, easing the tightness and tension causing a permanent crease between her eyes. She nodded at Jolene and agreed, “I suppose paying attention to energy would be beneficial on many levels.”

“Yes,” Jolene said, “Seeing the colors was easy. Listening, watching and opening to vibrations, brings you into a fuller engagement with people. I suggest you practice being present. Overtime, you will develop a deeper awareness.”

Lilly felt the tingling beginning in her fingers. The tingling was growing stronger. It engulfed her hands and wrists. She stood up, wringing and shaking her hands. Jolene watched her for a few minutes before she asked, “What is going on Lilly? Is something happening to your hands?”

Lilly chewed her bottom lip, looked away and put her hands behind her back.

Jolene continued to stare at her. “Come on Lilly, what is going on with your hands?”

“They’re tingling. It used to be only my fingers, but now the tingling moves up into my hands. I don’t know what to do about it. Alex hated it and was always yelling at me about rubbing my fingers together. I know it is an annoying habit, but they tingle.”

“Good Goddess, I missed this completely. You mentioned tingling fingers the first day we met. It went right past me.”

“Have you ever heard of such a thing, Jolene? Do you know what I can do?”

Jolene nodded slowly, “I’ve never come across anyone who had them, I have only read about the phenomenon.”

Lilly twisted her fingers then rubbed her hands down the front of her skirt, “Do you have any idea how I can get it to stop?”

Jolene closed her eyes and sat silently for a few minutes, Suddenly, she opened her eyes and began to speak. “It may be that your hands and fingers are filling with an energy for manifestation. Have you tried using them to direct energy?”

“Uh, no. I have never thought of that,” Lilly said.

Jolene stood and took Lilly’s hands, turned them over and looked at the palms. “Your fingertips and palms are thrumming with energy. They may hold the power of focused intention within them, the same way a magick wand would be charged and used to focus energy. My wand is consecrated and imbued with personal energy. I use it as an extension of my hand, pointing to and defining my will. From what you are saying, and from feeling the energy emanating from your hands, you do not need an outside tool. Your hands are giving you a signal and sending you a message to focus.”

“Okay, but how do I know what the signal means, or what do with it?”

Jolene answered, “I use a magick wand when I want to effect change or quickly manifest something. If I don’t have my wand with me, my first inclination is to point my finger and use it as a wand. Anyone could use their finger in a pinch. It appears your fingers are exceptional. They have a sentience that give you the signal to focus your intention. I suggest, when you feel the tingling, you put your awareness on the thought preceding the tingling or what you were looking at when the tingling began. The vision of what you can manifest, change or create will be held in your mind as you point your tingling finger.”

A slow smile spread across Lilly’s face, “This could be good news. Fingers that double as magick wands. What a convenient tool!”

Jolene agreed. “The power of intention is the core of magic. You have magical gifts and I would like to offer you training in the Craft. Would you be interested in learning and possibly joining us in our rituals?”

“Yes!” Lilly exclaimed.

Chapter 9

An Early Initiation

Jolene and James sat across from one another in a pool of candlelight. Eyes closed, minds stilled, hands in laps, they sat in silent meditation. They had been sitting for about an hour when James stirred, opened his eyes and stretched.

Jolene slowly opened her eyes and watched James. Her hands covered her heart. James stilled and looked at her across the candle flame. Neither spoke until James lifted his eyebrows and tilted his head inquiringly.

“James, I’ve been having dreams for the last few nights. I have tried to ignore them but today, during our meditation, I received undeniable instructions.”

James made a small inquiring sound in his throat and leaned toward her. Jolene’s voice broke as she spoke, “I believe it is time to relinquish the crystal. The messages are coming from my guides and the energy of the crystal is leading me in this.”

James slowly nodded, “We knew the day would come, Jolene.”

Putting her hand out to James he moved next to her and put his arm around her, gently pulling her close to him. She rested her head on his chest for a moment, “I have prepared myself to relinquish it, however I’m surprised the chosen recipient is Lilly. It seems impossible. She’s been here less than three whole months. She has not received her first initiation. The crystal is pulling towards her. My guides and hers are adamant she is the new guardian of the stone. We must initiate her into the priesthood immediately.”

James held her tight for a moment, “Let’s prepare to initiate her and gift her with the sacred stone. You will be able to guide her in its use and help her as she attunes to the power of the crystal. If the masters and guides and the crystal says this is what must be, we place the crystal in her keeping and allow the mystery of life to unfold.”

Jolene put her hand on his cheek and kissed the lips she had known for over half a lifetime. “You are my wise Druid and I love you.” James took her hand from his cheek and pulled her into

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