back to look into her eyes.

She watches me with a stunned but way-turned-on expression. Her breathing is erratic, her lips are swollen from kissing me, and her eyes are hooded with desire. I don’t move. She does. She pushes up onto her toes and fastens her lips to mine, nipping on my bottom lip and then soothing the sting away with her tongue before slipping it into my mouth. She twirls it in a circle, dancing with mine in the hottest kiss I’ve ever had.

Her hands slide from my chest around to my back and down to my ass, where she presses me into her.

I let go of her mouth, trailing my lips across her cheek to her chin and down her neck, licking, nipping, and sucking as I go. She is panting, and the hand on my ass squeezes it, while the other one claws at my back.

I go back to her mouth to get another taste of her. She’s the drug and I’m the addict. I’ve never wanted someone so much in my life.

Not just her body, though her body is meant to be worshipped, but her head, her heart. I want it all.

My tongue moves with hers, deeper into her mouth. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and gives a little hop, telling me what she wants. I lift her legs and wraps them around my waist, lining her pussy right up to my cock. I groan from the sheer pleasure of feeling her against me.

I was trying to hold myself back, not sure how fast or far she wants to go, but that last move pushes me to the brink of my control.

I let go of her lips, and she whimpers and attempts to chase my mouth with hers in an effort to get them back together.

I look to the right and left and see that there is a gate locked on the side so no one can come in that way. The dumpster a couple of feet from us shields us on the other side.

“I can only be a gentleman for so long, baby,” I whisper roughly in her ear and then roll the lobe between my lips. Her head falls back, hitting the wall.

Her legs are locked around my hips, and I pin her in place against them with my body as I grab her hands, moving them above her head and holding them there with one hand wrapped around her wrists. “I’ve dreamt about this moment since I watched you get out of your car.” I grind my cock into her. She replies with a moan that echoes through the alley.

She tries to push off the wall, but my body holds her in place. “Hold on tight, baby. Lock your legs around me.” I order as I feel her ankles shift against the small of my back, securing her to me. I run the hand that was holding her at her ass over her hip and up her side.

My hand is open on her side, and I use my thumb to lightly stroke the swell of her full breast as I tell her, “I used to sit at my desk, watching you bend over yours, hoping to get a look at this.” I glide my hand between us to cup her tit and give it a light squeeze as my thumb moves over her hardened nipple. Her lips part as her head drops back against the wall and her eyes drift closed.

“Don’t close your eyes now, Lauren,” I whisper as I push her top and the cup of her bra to the side. I look down to see creamy flesh and her hard, pink nipple springing free. I don’t even wait or take a breath before I lean down and run my tongue over it. I suck the whole thing into my mouth and then give it a light bite before I roll my tongue around it and go back to sucking. “Fuck me,” she hisses.

I look up at her, while she looks down at me. “Don’t mind if I do,” I reply, planning to do just that.

Chapter 19


The minute his lips touched mine, my knees buckled. Totally turned to Jell-O. I’ve never experienced anything like that in my life.

You always hear about that kind of kiss, the one that will totally rock your world. You wait for it to happen, hoping with each kiss that it will be the one, that it’s that kiss.

Well, if the fluttering stomach, sweaty palms, and panting are anything to go by, it appears that I just had the best kiss of my life. Right here in the middle of an alley with the Asshat I hate. Okay, maybe I don’t hate him, but I thought I did. So, while my brain may not have liked him, I can admit that my heart and vagina lusted after him.

Not only am I now dry humping him, I’m pretty sure I’m going to fuck his brains out. Or he is going to fuck my brains out. Doesn’t matter, because either way, I’m getting laid.

As soon as my legs let go of his hips, I pull my bustier back into place and smooth my skirt down. He grabs my hand and pulls me back inside the club. We don’t stop; we just head straight to the front door and back outside, where he flags down a cab.

“My place or yours?” he asks as I look up at him.

“Mine.” I wasn’t going to do this in a place I wasn’t comfortable.

“Oh shit. Kaleigh?” I look back to the club door that is still letting in the people who are waiting in line.

“She’s with Noah. She’s good.” He pushes me gently into the back of the cab. My knees are still weak and not totally functional, so of course, my heel gets stuck in the pavement and I dive into the cab, sprawling across the seat on my stomach. I lie there giggling at the display of my sexiness.

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