see John coming in. He’s wearing a custom-made black suit with a black tie. Dani walks in wearing a black dress, followed by Barbara and Steven, who are both dressed to the nines.

“It’s so beautiful,” Barbara says. “This is my favorite one yet.”

I look around taking in the booths. There are buckets set up at each one for bottle service. “You guys go reserve a booth now so we don’t go crazy later.”

When I turn back around, my heart skips a beat as I see Lauren walking in. She looks breathtaking.

She is wearing a coral-colored jumpsuit. It dips down dangerously low in the front and comes up to wrap around her neck, leaving her shoulders exposed. I’m watching her look around when I see the valet guy running back in, calling her name, and she turns around to greet him. With her hair tied up on top of her head, I can see that her back is bare all the way down to her waist. As if that isn’t sexy enough, there is a slit on the side of each leg running up from her ankles to the tops of her thighs, giving a good view of her toned legs. She’s got on a sexy-as-fuck pair of gold stilettos with fake diamonds on them that I would kill to have digging into my back later. A simple pair of diamond earrings finish her look.

When she walks over to us, I can see her pant legs swish around her with each step, giving me a peek of her legs. “Sorry I’m late, I took an Uber,” she explains, and I rake my eyes over all of that exposed, silky skin.

I just stand there, taking her in. The need to grab her hand and claim her as mine is a war I’m internally waging with myself.

“Holy shit, Lauren, you look amazing,” Dani exclaims when she comes back over to us after reserving a booth. “I love this color on you.”

“Thank you so much. Oh, look, there’s Barbara. I’m going to go say hello.” She walks away, and we all watch her go. And we aren’t the only ones, either. The wait staff has all taken notice of her. The bartender spots her saying hello to Barbara, and he makes a beeline over there, giving her a fake smile and talking to her. She tosses her head back and laughs at whatever he said, and my blood boils.

I make my way over to her side just in time to hear her order herself a lemon drop martini. “I’ll have whiskey, on ice,” I tell him right before he walks away.

“Can I have a word please, Lauren?” I ask her.

“Sure, but I didn’t get my drink yet. How about later?” she says while she talks to Barbara and ignores me. She stands next to Barbara, talking, so I lean on the bar next to her, hoping that me being this close is throwing her off her game.

The bartender puts the drinks on the bar in front of us.

“Shall we toast?” Lauren asks. “To new beginnings and to letting go.” She smiles at Barbara, who winks at her and clinks her glass. Both of them sipping and smiling as I take my whiskey and down it in one shot.

“Picture time,” Scarlett announces.

“Picture time?” Lauren asks next to me.

“We always take a group picture before the opening of the club for the wall,” Barbara explains.

I grab her hand in mine, our fingers intertwining as I walk us over to the red carpet where the photographer is waiting.

She tries to shake her hand free, but I don't let her. I take my place in the middle, next to John. I let go of her hand, bending down to whisper in her ear, “Don’t fucking move,” I tell her through clenched teeth. “Not one fucking inch. Don't test me.” She rolls her eyes at me.

We spend the next forty minutes snapping pictures. Finally done, we walk back inside and each grab a champagne glass, with which we toast our hard work.

I drink my glass watching Lauren watching me. I smile at her, watching her eyes dilate, knowing she wants me just as bad as I want her.

I walk over to her. “You look beautiful.” I rub her cheek with my thumb. “Come home with me.”

Her eyes on me are smiling. She steps closer to me, then her eyes go over my shoulder and she stills. Her face changes, her smile is gone, her spine is straight. “Jake?”

Chapter 25


I knew showing up tonight dressed like this was going to cut him at his knees. I’ve never felt as sexy as I do in this outfit.

But I’m not the only one dressed to kill. Austin is in a custom-tailored navy blue suit and a crisp, stark white dress shirt with the top two buttons undone and no tie. Silver cufflinks rest at his wrists next to where his name is monogrammed and his silver Patek Philippe watch peeks out. Polished brown Ferragamos—what can I say, I’m a shoe girl—complete the whole package, and what a package he is.

I tried not to watch him from my spot at the bar, but I saw him heading my way out of the corner of my eye. When he grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers, I knew I would be going home with him. Well, that and when he told me not to fucking move. I was almost tempted to move just to see what he would do.

Looking at him while we toasted, I was so proud of everything he did. I watch as he walks over to me. “You look beautiful,” he tells me while he rubs my cheek with his thumb. “Come home with me.” I step closer to him, ready to tell him I’d go anywhere with him. Smiling at him, I glance over his shoulder for one second, and that one second changes my night.

My smile fades and my spines stiffens as anger rushes through me. “Jake?”

Jake walking

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