waist to unclip my shoes when I hear him groan behind me. “Like the view?”

“Change of plans.” He picks me up and throws me on the bed. “I want to feel those heels digging into my back when I fuck you hard.”

“Well, since you asked so nicely”—I spread my legs wide—“let’s put those marks on you.”

By the time we finish, I think I see the sun coming up, my body is well used, aching in places that I will feel all day. My shoes are gone, long ago thrown somewhere in the room.

I turn to look out the window, Austin curling around me, where we both fall into a deep sleep.

The alarm next to his bed wakes us up, both of us snuggled under his blankets that really do feel like a cloud.

“We need to get to your house.” Austin kisses my neck while he cups my breast.

“I need to call Jake and ask him to bring Gabe early.” I yawn, blinking my eyes to stay awake.

I get up from bed to call Jake, who sounds as tired as I am, and he doesn’t argue with me about dropping the kids off early.

I borrow a pair of his basketball shorts that are so big they go down to the middle of my calf, even rolled at the waist, and a blue Hugo Boss t-shirt. My shoes dangle in my hands as I make my way from his car to my front door.

Thinking that this is what they call the walk of shame, I look over my shoulder at Austin. He is dressed in blue jeans, a tight t-shirt, and his aviator glasses. He didn’t shave this morning, so his face is covered in light stubbles. The thought that there is nothing shameful about spending the night with him crosses my mind.

“Remember the last time we were at this door?” Austin asks while gripping my hips. I, of course, move fast before my neighbors get the chance to experience a replay.

I unlock the door, walking straight up the stairs to my room. “I need a shower so bad.” I dump the clothes in my hands on the bed. Austin is already without his shirt by the time I turn around. “What are you doing?”

“Conserving energy,” he answers while he picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder.

The shower lasts until the water coming out feels like ice pellets hitting our skin, my legs are limp, and I need a nap. Having awesome sex is freaking exhausting.

We are both now dressed and downstairs having coffee together. He sits at my table, reading the Sunday paper, while I flip through the living section. Every now and again, he takes my hand and kisses it.

It’s almost as if we have been doing this forever. The doorbell rings, and I get up to answer it. “I think the kids are home,” I tell him, getting up to answer the door.

Opening the door, I’m tackled by Gabe and Rachel, who run to me.

“Mom, is it true we are skating with the Cooper Stone and his son, Matthew?” Gabe rushes out without taking a breath.

“It is. Austin is friends with him.” I ruffle his hair and kiss him “He’s in the kitchen. You can go say thank you.”

“Sweet!” He runs into the kitchen, yelling.

Rachel has her head on my stomach and her hand around my hips. “I need a nap,” she says.

I look up at Jake, who looks like death. He’s wearing a baseball hat, and his face is a greenish pale and unshaven. He looks ragged. “Why are you so tired?” I ask her.

“The babysitter put her to bed at one a.m.” Jake takes off his hat to scratch his head then puts it back on.

“Okay.” I look over at him standing there. “Go put your things away while I talk to Dad.”

I watch as she heads into the kitchen and then hear her greet Austin in her special way. “Hey, Asshat, you're here.” I laugh quietly when I hear giggling coming from Rachel and then Austin telling her he’s going to tickle her till she gets his name right.

I look back at Jake, who I’m assuming has heard that Austin is here. “You okay?” I ask him, my hand on the doorknob as I lean on it.

“Camilla and I have ended our engagement.” He looks at me and then to the side.

I don’t say anything, because what can I say at this point?

“I’m so sorry, Lauren, for everything. I ruined it.” He looks back at me. “I ruined everything, and for what? For a woman who collects fathers.”

“I don’t know what you want me to tell you, Jake.” I cross my arms over my chest.

“I was a fool. She played me.” He takes his hat off again to scratch his head.

“You wouldn’t be the first,” Austin says from behind me. “Sorry to interrupt.” He puts his hand around the back of my neck and kisses my temple. “The kids are getting ready.”

“I should go,” Jake says. “Tell the kids to call me later.” He walks away from us with his head hanging down.

I wrap my hands around Austin’s waist, while he uses his foot to close the door. “Do I have anything to worry about?” he asks while hugging me. My face rests against his chest, listening to his heart beating faster than normal.

“Not in this lifetime,” I tell him honestly. “No matter what happens between us, Jake and I are over.”

“Okay.” He squeezes me.

“Asshat, can I do snow angels again?” Rachel yells from upstairs, her voice coming closer.

I hide my face so she doesn’t see me laughing, then I turn around. “Rachel, it’s Austin.”

“I know dat, Mom.” She’s coming down the stairs, chanting, “Asstin, Asstin Asstin.”

I continue laughing and so does Austin. “Well, it’s better than Asshat.”

Half an hour later, we walk into the arena and see Cooper standing in workout clothes and chatting with a bald man, laughing at whatever they are talking about.

“Look what the cat dragged in,” Austin says to

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