snatch the washcloth back from her and open her legs again.

“You know, I’ve already been intimately acquainted with it. My fingers have felt it, my mouth has tasted it, and my cock has fucked it,” I say as I gently clean her.

“Ok then, when you put it that way, please proceed,” she gives in a little shyly. “Um, is this going to be an everyday thing?” She points between me and her as her voice softens with her question.

“You mean us having hot sex? That would be a yes. I would do that daily.” I throw myself down on the bed next to her.

“And, um, we won’t be doing this with, um, anyone else?” she asks a little nervously.

“Fuck no. I don’t plan on fucking anyone else, and I sure as hell hope you don’t plan on it, either,” I answer firmly.

“Ok, then. Well, I’m on the shot,” she informs me. “And I haven’t been with anyone since Jake left. I’m clean. I don’t know the protocol on this whole sex-without-a-condom thing or how it works.” She tries to sound casual, but the slight tremor in her voice betrays her nerves. That, and she closes her eyes to avoid my stare.

“I’ve never gone without one,” I say honestly. I’m never with anyone long enough for it to get that serious. “I’m clean, but I got tested recently. You remember, it was during that time you made my balls swell up to the size of an elephant’s.” I try to alleviate her nerves by lightening up the moment with a reminder of our not-so-distant past shenanigans. It works and she snorts at the memory.

“So maybe”—she gets closer to me and throws her leg over my hip—“we should try it without one to see if it works?”

“If what works? My cock?” I grip her hip with my hand before I slide it up her back to find the hooks to her bra.

“It’s in the front.” She unclips the bra so her tits spring free. Her pink pebbled nipples are begging to be sucked, so I do just that and take one into my mouth.

Her head pushes back further into the pillow as her neck arches. My cock is hard and ready for round two. She lifts her hips, pushing me to my back with her thigh as she follows me over and climbs on top of me. On her knees, bent over my torso, hands planted in the bed at either side of my head, she positions herself on top of my cock, and slowly, so fucking slowly, she lowers herself onto me. I know in that moment that this woman was made for me.

Holy fuck, the way her pussy grips me, I feel everything so much more intensely being in her bare. She’s hotter, wetter, tighter than ever, and so much softer than I imagined. I moan at how good it feels.

“We are doing this again. At least twice more before tomorrow.” I thrust up hard as she meets me with a downward thrust of her own.

And that is exactly what we do. After we clean the mess in the kitchen, that is, and I put away all the toys I bought. They’re now in a box in her linen closet, up high under a pile of sheets.

The next day, I walk into work with a lighter step. I woke up with her in my arms. I had her this morning when we woke up and then again in the shower. It’s going to be a good day.

Bruce is there with my messages as soon as I walk in, and I greet him with a smile. I don’t say much more to him.

I get a text from Noah.

So, how did the wooing go? Did she set your balls on fire?

I laugh, thinking of the fire I started cooking.

The wooing was fine, minus me setting fire to dinner. My balls were not involved. Next time, it’s pizza.

I don’t know what you did, but she is in a fine mood, she even brought me coffee. I won’t drink it. Because there is the chance that she may have poisoned it after I told her she had that just-freshly-fucked face.

How have you not been sued for sexual harassment yet?

Your guess is as good as mine.

I laugh at that last text and by the time I look up again, it’s almost six thirty. I stand up and stretch as my phone rings and I see that it’s Noah.

“What is it?” I say in place of a greeting.

“I’m not making this phone call right now,” he whispers into the phone. “But I thought you should know that Jake the Snake has showed up to talk to Lauren, and she asked Kaleigh and me to take the kids to the park.”

“What park?” I ask, grabbing my jacket and keys, rushing out.

“The park at the corner by her house.”

“Why are you whispering?”

“I’m playing hide and seek. Fucking hurry.” He disconnects the phone call.

I run out to my car not knowing whether I should head straight to Lauren’s or go to the park. My mind says go to the park, so that is where I head first.

I see Rachel running around with Noah chasing after her like a monkey. Parking the car, I head over toward them. Gabe sees me and starts running to me. “Austin, my mom says I can play hockey!” He holds his hand up for a high five. I high five him, then pull him in to hug him, happy that I was able to make this happen for him.

“Asstin, you came to play?” Rachel asks as she runs to me with Noah and Kaleigh following behind her, holding hands and looking at each other.

“I came to see if you guys wanted to go out for ice cream?” I suggest the first thing that comes to mind. “How about we go see if Mom wants to come with us?”

“Ice cream!” Rachel jumps into my arms and surprises me so much I almost drop her.

“Let’s go

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