existed but that was sheer bliss. Sweat broke out on his body, and his rough groans sounded in her ear.

“Fuck, you feel good,” he said as his lips came down on hers, his deliberate thrusts never ceasing. “Meg!” He groaned and slammed into her over and over, his release obvious and so hot it triggered her own. Soaring again, she came, her entire being narrowing to the epic sensations pouring over her and the man atop her who’d rocked her world.

She was still breathing hard when Scott pulled out and headed for the bathroom. He returned seconds later, wasting no time in gathering her into his arms and throwing one big leg over hers.

Was he planning on staying? she wondered, panicked. That wasn’t what they’d agreed on. She’d enjoyed him too much and would come to want so much more if he didn’t get up and leave now. So she lay stiff in his arms, unsure of what to say or do next.

Scott apparently had no such qualms. He kissed her neck—soft, sexy slides of his mouth that had her squirming because she liked them so much.

“Relax, baby,” he said drowsily. “The world won’t end if I fall asleep here.” And from the lazy drawl of his words, she knew he intended to do just that.

Scott awoke in a strange bed, loud sounds coming from the other room. He was in Meg’s bedroom. He grinned and stretched, feeling too damned pleased considering that, without a doubt, she wanted him gone. He understood the sentiment. They’d agreed on hot sex and nothing more. Of course he’d had a hunch he wouldn’t be satisfied with just one night, and in the bright light of day, he’d been right. He didn’t understand why he wanted to get entangled with a woman whose life was damned complicated. Given his history, it made little sense. But right now, he was in. He’d figure out his own issues later.

He headed for the bathroom, discovering it steamy. Meg had obviously already showered and dressed, no doubt steeling herself for the confrontation ahead. He shrugged. He’d just have to keep her off-balance if he wanted to break through her walls.

He took a quick shower of his own, lathering in her soap, using her shampoo. Both smells made him hard, but he was well aware he wasn’t getting any this morning. He just needed to assess the lay of the land for the future before heading out.

Dressed in his clothes from yesterday, he found her in the kitchen, her back to the door. She wore a pair of sweats and a pale-green T-shirt, her damp hair hanging long in the back, curling as it dried.

“Good morning.”

She jumped and turned toward him. “You startled me.”

“Is that breakfast?” He pointed to a pink smoothie she drank from a straw.

She nodded. “Protein. It’s good for me.”

“And the baby. I didn’t forget.” One of her many complications. He pushed the reality away.

A light blush stained her cheeks. “Right. So you understand why we shouldn’t draw out this awkward morning-after thing any longer.”

He raised an eyebrow. So she really was eager to get rid of him, and it rankled. “No breakfast?” he asked, teasing her.

“Sorry. Nothing but healthy shakes, and I really need to get my day going so . . .” She gestured toward the front of her apartment.

He strode toward her, leaning one hip against the kitchen counter. “About last night.” He slid one hand behind her neck in a possessive hold.

“What about it?” she asked, voice shaking. She didn’t know what to expect from him, but he affected her. Her body and voice couldn’t lie about that.

“It was great,” he told her honestly. “You were great.” He touched his nose to hers in a soft gesture, one he knew was at odds with the man he was in the bedroom. But she brought this side out in him too. Something else to ponder, as nobody ever had before. “So thank you.”

“Oh. You’re welcome.” She blushed harder. “I mean . . . never mind.” She waved a shaking hand through the air.

There it was. Cute again. He shook his head, remembering his cool, icy, sophisticated ex-wife. So. Not. Cute.

He grinned at a flustered Meg. “I know what you meant.”

“Oh,” Meg said softly, and she slid her tongue across her lip in that nervous gesture he found so endearing.

This morning it reminded him of the things they hadn’t done together. His mouth on her pussy. Her lips on his cock. Yeah, there was a lot left undone. And he wasn’t just talking about sex, though that had been a good start. It would make it that much more difficult for her to keep him at arm’s length now that she knew what he did. Together, they were explosive.

How they came together? That would be the next step. One that would determine just what they could mean to each other outside of the bedroom.

He pulled back and rose to his full height. “Take care of yourself.” Knowing she’d say no and get defensive, he didn’t ask her for anything. Didn’t offer her dinner. Didn’t ask her questions. Nothing.

Keep her frustrated and guessing. Missing him, if he was lucky. That was his game plan, and he was looking forward to the challenge. Because he fully expected Meg to make him work for her. And after last night, he was okay with that.

Meg wasn’t sure how she made it through the rest of the weekend. She was jumpy and nervous. She kept checking her phone, hoping, expecting to hear from Scott. She didn’t. Apparently he was a man of his word. One night meant just that.

Wasn’t that what she’d wanted? Why was she so . . . hurt, then, over his silence?

Monday at school dragged. The kids were extra cranky, little Billy Miller spilled paint on Lilah Devlin’s shoes, and one kid had a fever. By the time the day ended, Meg was so grateful she wanted to cry. Tomorrow she had an appointment with the principal to tell him she

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