fucking news, man. Welcome aboard.” Luke slapped Scott hard on the back.

The hit, which would have sent most other men reeling, didn’t have an impact. Scott merely grinned and clasped the other man’s hand in return.

“Thanks.” Scott’s voice deepened, the meaning in that one word clear. “And I meant what I said. Hands off this client.”

Meg rose to her feet, determined to stop this ridiculous display. “Scott—”

“No worries,” Luke said, both hands raised in the air in deferral. “I had no idea she was yours.”

“I’m not anyone’s!” she said. “And besides, do I look like a piece of meat for you two to fight over?”

Tyler burst out laughing. “I don’t think you want either one of them to answer that,” he said. “Have you made any progress?” he asked Luke.

Luke nodded. “She’s given me enough to start.”

“Great. I need to go meet with my captain. And Meg has plans with a friend.”

“You two go on. We have everything under control and in place,” Tyler assured him.

Meg hoped he was right. Because her safety was at stake.

Meg didn’t bring up Scott and Luke’s pissing contest on the way back to her place to pick up her car. She didn’t know what to do with the events of the morning, and she put aside thoughts of Scott, his beautiful home, and how she suddenly had a security firm she couldn’t afford digging into Mike’s life. It was easier to focus on maternity clothes than the sudden one-eighty her life had taken.

When she checked her cell phone, Meg found Lizzy had left a message canceling their afternoon shopping trip because she’d come down with a nasty stomach bug. Determined to get this shopping excursion over with, Meg called Olivia. Luckily, the other woman was up for a mall trip.

She had to admit she was surprised Scott had given in so easily on not accompanying her, but she was grateful. She needed a break from his intensity and his protective nature. She liked it. Too much. So maybe it was her own surprising desires she needed a break from.

She parked and headed inside to the food court, where she’d agreed to meet up with Olivia. The other woman was waiting, but to Meg’s surprise, she wasn’t alone.

“Hi,” Meg said, joining Olivia and a petite, dark-haired woman at a small table with three chairs.

“Hi!” Olivia rose and pulled her into a hug. “I brought my sister-in-law, Riley, along. Riley, meet Meg. I figured you and I could use an expert for our first maternity expedition.”

Riley raised a hand and waved. “Hi, Meg. Hope you don’t mind me intruding.”

Meg shook her head. “Of course not. If you have advice, I’m happy to hear it. When my jeans wouldn’t close the other night, I nearly burst into tears. They fit a few days ago. I’m a little overwhelmed,” she admitted.

“I’m the mother of an eighteen-month-old. I now have expertise on things I never thought I could handle. Mind if I finish my coffee before we walk around?” Riley asked.

“Of course not.”

“Want to get anything?” Olivia offered.

“No, I’m fine.” Meg settled into a chair at the table, and the other women took their seats again.

“So speaking of your eighteen-month-old, where is your . . .” Meg trailed off, not knowing if Riley had a boy or a girl.

“Daughter,” Riley supplied. “Her name is Rainey. She’s with my mother-in-law.” Like any good mom, Riley pulled out her phone and showed off a picture of her baby.

“Isn’t she the cutest?” Olivia asked. “She has Ian’s eyes.”

Meg leaned over the table and glanced at the screen on the phone. Actually, the baby had Scott’s eyes, Meg realized, staring into the cherubic face with dark-navy eyes and pudgy cheeks.

“She’s absolutely gorgeous,” Meg said, unable to keep from grinning at the adorable baby with the cute smile.

“Thank you. She also has her father’s . . . shall we say dominant personality? Stubborn as heck already,” Riley said with affection in her tone.

“You don’t say? That controlling personality runs in the family?” Meg met Olivia’s gaze just as her friend burst out laughing.

“What am I missing?” Riley asked.

“Oh. Nothing,” Meg said. “I just meant—”

“Meg is . . . involved with Scott,” Olivia chimed in before Meg could formulate an explanation.

“Your brother Scott?” Riley asked.

Meg shook her head and swallowed a groan. “We’re not really involved, we’re just . . . I mean, Scott is helping me out with a situation.” Meg liked her interpretation. Better than telling Riley she was sleeping with the other woman’s brother-in-law.

“Is that how you want to play it?” Olivia asked, an amused smile touching her lips.

Meg blew out a long breath. Obviously nothing was sacred among these women, and the truth was, Meg needed female input. Especially from women who knew the Dare men firsthand. “Fine. We’re involved. I think.”

Olivia grinned, making it obvious to Meg that she approved.

“And I take it from your comment about my daughter’s personality that you find Scott controlling?” Riley asked, laughter twinkling in her eyes.

“You could say that. But I’m not trying to insult him or your family,” Meg rushed to add.

Riley shook her head. “Oh, honey. You think Scott’s controlling? Ian is Scott on steroids. Times fifty.”

Meg stared at the petite woman in awe. “How do you handle him?”

“Don’t let her fool you. She has my brother wrapped around her finger.” Olivia propped an arm on the table and waved her fingers in the air.

“Except it isn’t always easy,” Riley said. “And in the beginning, it nearly broke us apart more than once.” She bit down on her lip. “I really had an issue with controlling men because of my past, and I wasn’t used to turning to anyone for help. Especially when that help came in the form of being told what to do.”

Like Meg had an issue with leaning on Scott. “I get that,” she murmured. “I feel the same way. Scott took me over to Tyler’s security firm this morning. I can’t afford to hire them, but he has them helping me anyway.” She shook her head. “I’m grateful

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