but South Beach, where the parties and the action were. At which point she informed me she’d already had an abortion and had just been waiting for the right time to tell me.”

Meg sucked in a shallow breath and nearly choked on her own saliva. “Oh my God.”

“Yep. Didn’t even ask me how I felt about it ahead of time. She didn’t give me a choice. Hell, she didn’t give my feelings any thought at all. And I’d already made it perfectly clear that, while I might be surprised, her pregnancy was a gift in disguise. I wanted that baby.”

He pushed himself up and paced in front of Meg’s chair, his agitation clear.

Meg’s stomach suddenly hurt, and she eased back against the soft cushion and wrapped her arms around her knees. “That’s awful.”

He nodded. “It sucked.”

“So you divorced her.”

“Yep. Her behavior and selfish actions mocked my change of heart. I should have gone with my gut instinct after all. My father had taught me a hard-won lesson.”

“What lesson was that?” Meg asked softly, almost afraid to hear.

He let out a harsh sound she couldn’t interpret. “That the whole family thing is for suckers and happily ever after only happens in fairy tales.”

Meg ducked her head, not wanting him to see how much she hurt for him . . . and for herself. Because like Scott, she’d seen the worst in relationships, but unlike him, she kept wanting to believe in the fairy tale. Even now. And she obviously wouldn’t be finding it with him.

Her eyes filled, and she blinked back the tears. Despite having promised herself she wouldn’t hold out any hope for something more with Scott, she knew now that she had. Having him around, so caring and invested in her safety, looking at her like he wanted to eat her up and come back for seconds . . . A tiny kernel of hope had taken up residence in her heart. Thank God he’d revealed his past and his feelings about marriage and family now and not down the road when Meg would really have begun to delude herself into seeing what she wanted to see. After all, she was good at that.

“I’m really sorry,” she whispered.

“At least now you know why I reacted the way I did when you told me Mike demanded you terminate the pregnancy.” His tone softened, as it always did when he spoke to her. “I know how much you want this baby.” He stood in front of her chair, so big, handsome, and at the moment, self-contained.

He’d pulled into himself much the way she had. And that was a good thing, she told herself. Perspective was something she desperately needed.

“I do want it.” Meg pressed a hand to her belly. “And I appreciate you telling me everything. I know it wasn’t easy.”

He rolled his shoulders, stretching as he rotated his muscles. She watched the flex and bend, swallowing hard at the perfect specimen of masculinity he presented.

“It’s in the past,” he finally said.

Not so much, she wanted to tell him. But she didn’t. Perspective, she reminded herself. She eased herself to a standing position, rubbing her arms, suddenly a little chilled now that the sun had set . . . and reality had dawned with it. Facing the truth was a gift she was determined to give herself from now on.

“I’m going to head inside. I’m cold,” she told him.

And where normally he’d wrap his arms around her and chase away the chill, he merely nodded. “I’ll be up soon.”

“I’ll probably be asleep. It’s been a really long day.”

He didn’t answer, and she wasn’t surprised. He was lost in thought, probably somewhere in the pain of his past. She wasn’t as keen on thinking deeply or dwelling on what she couldn’t change. She’d do as she’d told him. She’d turn in and hope she fell asleep. Tomorrow was a new day, and the way things were going, it would bring new challenges. Meg had to be ready to face them.

Scott headed indoors shortly after Meg went upstairs and popped open a cold beer. What the hell are you doing? he asked himself. Why had he let Meg go to bed alone when he knew how upset she had to be after his story? Not the story, asshole, but his gut reaction to what Leah had done.

That family thing is for suckers, and happily ever after only happens in fairy tales. What the fuck had possessed him to dump all that on her and in those words?

He rubbed his burning eyes with the heels of his hands. Meg had asked for honesty, and once he’d gotten rolling on what Leah had done, his lingering anger had burst through. He hadn’t been talking to Meg. Sensitive, caring Meg. He’d been furious and still feeling betrayed by his ex-wife.

Scott put down the full bottle of beer. Drinking wasn’t going to help. Neither was attempting to sort through his feelings for Meg, though he couldn’t contain his thoughts.

He’d been unable to stay away from her, attraction and desire overcoming any rational thought. To be honest, he hadn’t had a single rational moment since laying eyes on Meg in that hospital bed. As a result, he’d talked her into a one-night stand, though admittedly, he hadn’t had to try too hard to convince her. She’d been right there with him. Except he’d known going in that one night wouldn’t be enough.

And now he found himself acting like her white knight and protector, and he had no regrets about it. None at all. The desire he’d felt for her from the beginning was still going strong, but now he knew her. Liked her even more.

Meg was everything Leah wasn’t. Warm, caring, nurturing yet strong. Beautiful and real, inside and out. And she was more independent than she wanted to believe herself. He admired everything about her. But as much as he’d told himself he’d known she was pregnant going in, that it didn’t matter, suddenly it did. She was creating a life for herself that

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