She washed up in his luxurious bathroom that was three times the size of her own and climbed into his bed.

Long after Scott pulled her into his arms and drifted off to sleep, Meg’s thoughts were churning around in her head. As was Olivia’s shouted question at Scott.

Are you saying you don’t believe in marriage anymore? his sister had asked.

Or are you lining up for labor, delivery, and daddy duty?

She squeezed her eyes shut tight, wishing she didn’t care about his refusal to answer either question.

Chapter 10

Scott dressed for dinner, listening to the sound of Meg getting ready in his bathroom: the low hum of the blow-dryer and the small sounds of different jars and items being placed on the marble countertops. Sounds that were becoming all too familiar and comfortable. He hated how strained things were between them now. He missed the days when they could say and do anything without thought or consequence.

He buttoned his shirt, which he’d chosen because Emilio’s was a nice restaurant. No T-shirts there. It was located near his half brother Alex’s apartment in an out-of-the-way location. So as not to run into Alex and Madison and have them feel slighted, Scott had texted Alex and asked if the other couple wanted to join them, but they had other plans. Alex promised to get in touch, and they could do something another time. Scott refused to think about whether or not that time would come. Where Meg would be in a few short weeks.

She stepped out of the bathroom, and Scott sucked in a shallow breath at the sight of her. Her hair fell over one shoulder in soft waves, and her skin had burned slightly during her afternoon in the sun while he’d been holed up in his home office. Her cheeks were flushed pink, her brown eyes highlighted in a soft purple, her lips a lush shimmer he wanted to taste. Now.

She stared at him, her gaze hesitant after this afternoon’s distance, and he didn’t blame her.

“You look gorgeous,” he said, breaking the silence and, he hoped, any tension.

He couldn’t stop staring. She wore a one-piece white outfit that set off her tan, with flowing pants and a ruffled layer that cut straight across her lush chest. He didn’t miss the fact that her breasts were getting bigger . . . and more sensitive.

Hell, all of her was more responsive, to his hands, his mouth, and yes, even his cock. Her body accepted him easily, clasping him in amazing heat and shattering more easily each time. At this point, he was willing to concede prowess to her hormones, he thought wryly, not that he was complaining in the least. He just wished the emotions between them weren’t such a minefield, laden with unforeseen traps and triggers.

“Thank you,” Meg said. Her gaze raked over him, and a soft smile pulled at her lips. “You look pretty good yourself.”

He glanced at his black pants and white long-sleeve button-down and shrugged. “I shaved earlier.”

She laughed and the sound lightened the mood. “Then that’s it, I guess.”

“Ready for dinner?”

“I’m starving,” she said.

He frowned. “That’s because you missed lunch.”

“I had a shake a little while ago.” She picked up a small straw purse. “All set,” she told him.

He hooked his arm in hers and led her down to his truck. He helped her into the seat, ignoring the feel of her waist in his hands, swallowing a groan. He slammed her door shut and headed around to the driver’s side.

The trip to Miami passed quickly, music on the radio, easy conversation between them. This was what he’d missed, he thought. Although they hadn’t been together long, their first weeks had been so easy. Had he ever been with another woman who fit him so well? Thank goodness that thought hit just as he pulled up to the parking lot near Emilio’s and he pulled down his window to deal with the attendant.

A few minutes later, they were seated across from Olivia and Dylan in the small Italian restaurant. Olivia had made a reservation, and Anna had reserved them a private table in the corner. His sister had already ordered sparkling water. Dylan and Scott passed on hard alcohol. They ordered quickly, Olivia asking Emilio to serve slowly so they had time to relax and talk.

Talk made Scott nervous, especially when his sister was involved, but Meg and Olivia had developed a close friendship in a short time, so he hoped the women would carry the more intense parts of conversation.

Scott knew exactly what had him on edge. Olivia was intuitive and would notice any problems. His sister had already warned him about hurting Meg, and looking back, Scott should have listened harder. Thought more. If Dylan got a whiff of tension tonight, he’d be in even more trouble.

To make matters worse, his sister couldn’t be trusted not to dig into private, personal conversations better left alone. Especially when it came to his love life. Knowing how much Olivia cared about Meg, he could only hope she was smart tonight.

They started with football, a conversation that was always fun and easy, and segued into Scott’s new position within Tyler’s firm.

“I’m enjoying the freedom involved, catching up on client files and getting to know what everyone needs. It’s been challenging on a whole different level,” Scott explained.

“I bet,” Dylan said. “It’s great to do something you enjoy.” As travel director for the Thunder, Dylan knew what he was talking about. The man loved his job. “Meg, how are things at school? Kids still keeping you on your toes?” Dylan asked.

And just like that, easy conversation ground to a halt.

“Umm, I—” Meg stammered.

“Meg is fine,” Scott said, hoping to help Meg bypass the answer entirely.

“Actually I’m not. I’m on temporary leave,” Meg said, going on to explain how the situation with her ex had escalated, leading to the principal strongly suggesting she take leave.

“Oh my God! Why didn’t you say anything?” Olivia asked. “I’d have come over . . . called, something,” she said,

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