
“Mrs. Ashton!” a paramedic called out. “We need to go.”

She eased back. “You two take care. I’ll be in touch.”

“Bye,” Meg whispered.

“Good luck,” Scott said to her retreating back before turning to Meg. Makeup smudged beneath her eyes, tears stained her cheeks, but her brown eyes sparkled with life, and that was all Scott cared about.

“She’s right. You didn’t kill him.”

“Don’t give me so much credit.” He hated to burst her bubble or perception of him, but it couldn’t be helped. “In the split second I had, I aimed dead center, but I was trying to get to you at the same time, and the shot went wide.”

She sucked in a surprised gasp. “Well, then things work out the way they’re supposed to. I’d hate for you to have Mike’s death on your conscience. And I wouldn’t want it on mine either.”

It wouldn’t have been either of their faults, but he wasn’t going to argue with her. He brushed her hair off her face and tipped her chin up. “I said I’d keep you safe, and that was too damned close for comfort.”

She nodded. “He can’t walk away from this, right? It’s attempted murder, right? He’s going to jail?”

“He sure as hell is.”

She closed her eyes and sighed. “Thank God. It’s over.”

It sure as hell was, Scott thought, pulling her close, breathing in the fragrant scent of her hair. Mike’s reign of terror was over. And so was Meg’s need to remain with Scott. In his house, in his arms, and in his life.

In a daze, Meg walked into Scott’s house. She headed straight for the master bathroom and began stripping off her clothes piece by piece, shedding the memories along with the shirt that was covered in Walter Ashton’s blood. He’d thrown himself over her, putting himself in front of a bullet to save Meg’s life from a shot Mike had fired.

Mike, who she’d cared for, if not loved. Mike, who’d fathered her child. With shaking hands, she turned on the water, hoping the heat of the shower would warm the chill that spread through her from inside and out. She stuck her hand into the spray, testing the temperature before stepping inside.

“You didn’t waste a second,” Scott said, joining her in the bathroom.

She glanced at him through the see-through enclosure, watching his eyes heat up as he took in her naked body.

“I had to get out of those clothes.” Her voice cracked, and she turned away, stepping under the hot spray to wash away her tears before he could see.

The sound of the shower door opening and closing drew her attention, and then Scott was there. He pulled her into his arms and held her tight as she cried, letting out all the pent-up emotion of the last few weeks and the hell Mike had caused. She hadn’t really let herself fall apart, and now that the adrenaline rush had ebbed, she sobbed without holding back.

When she’d finally cried herself out, she became aware of Scott’s body, his hard muscles, hair-roughened skin, and the gentle yet protective way he held her close. One hand stroked her hair, the other wrapped around her waist as he waited for her to pull herself together.

Once she was ready, she drew a deep breath and glanced up at him. “Thank you. I needed that.”

His smile didn’t reach his eyes. “I hope that’s the last time you cry over that bastard.”

She managed a nod. “Me too.” She tipped her head up and tried to clean up her face, knowing her makeup had to be dripping down her cheeks.

“Here. Let me.” Scott pulled a washcloth from a towel bar and wiped beneath her eyes, gently cleaning her up.

She didn’t have the strength to be embarrassed and let him do what he wanted.

“There. All set,” he said.

She gave him a shaky smile. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure.” His low voice and tone had an entirely different meaning, and her body perked up, suddenly awake and aware of him as a man. A very sexy man she desired with every fiber of her being.

Without speaking, he reached over and picked up a bar of soap, then proceeded to lather up his hands before kneeling at her feet. He placed the bar of soap on the floor beside him and cupped her ankle in his big hands.

She glanced down at his dark hair, his sexy pose, and her nipples peaked with desire, her breasts suddenly heavy, her pussy throbbing with need.

“What are you doing?” she asked thickly.

He glanced up, his eyes as dark as she’d ever seen them. “Taking care of you,” he said, then bent to his task.

He soaped her skin, starting at her feet and moving upward, massaging her muscles with tender care. First he pressed his thumbs into her calves, slicked his hands up behind her knees—an erogenous zone she hadn’t known she possessed—before graduating to her thighs. His talented fingers reached higher quickly, and she sucked in a breath as he slid his thumbs along the crease between her thigh and her slick outer folds.

She grasped on to his shoulders and held on, fingers digging into his skin as he soaped around her sex, fingers easing over her nearly bare mound but never touching where she needed him most. She arched her hips forward. He chuckled, low and deep, pausing only to soap up his hands again and keep moving, up her belly, over her breasts, paying special attention there but not stopping in his quest to clean her completely.

It was as if he understood how fragile today had made her feel, how out of control and afraid, and he was here to help her rinse off all traces of the horrific experience.

He slicked his hands over her shoulders, down her arms, threading their fingers together almost symbolically, his heavy-lidded, aroused gaze meeting hers. That’s when it dawned on her.

Scott wasn’t speaking. There was no dirty talk. No sexy descriptions of what he was going to do to her. No teasing comments about

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