the price of one is a good deal. My end will be quick, and you’ll go on. Live well.” He let out a shuddering breath. “For me.”

“Cutter, no. You can’t just—”

But the line went dead. The reality that she’d probably never again talk to the brother of her heart slammed into her chest.

She believed in a benevolent God. Sure, bad things happened in this world…but why Cutter? Why now? Brea didn’t understand anything about this—except that she had to do something to stop it. Surely, His will couldn’t be so cruel as to let someone as wonderful as Cutter die for doing a good deed.

As she leapt to her feet, Rayleigh poked her head in the door. “Cage is here for you, honey. I think something is wrong.”

“Cancel the rest of my appointments,” she barked as she grabbed her purse and burst out of the break room.

“What’s going on?” the woman called after her.

Brea didn’t answer, just ran toward Cage, who waited near the entry, face somber. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tight, as if he needed to give comfort as much as to receive it. She freely embraced him, but didn’t want any consolation. She just wanted Cutter home safely.

“Tell me everything. Where is your brother? How did this happen?”

Cage glanced around. Brea followed suit and realized everyone in the salon was staring. There was nothing this small town loved more than gossip, the juicier the better.

She had lovingly nurtured this community all her life. She’d loved everyone openly and without reservation. Now they gawked like rapt bystanders, watching as if she and Cage were acting out a sensational TV spectacle.

She was being dramatic. Of course they wouldn’t know what to say. She barely did. Still, their curious stares and pitying expressions irritated her.

“Let’s talk in the car,” Cage grumbled. “I need to get back to Mama.”

She nodded feverishly, then sent Rayleigh an imploring glance. “I’ve got to go.”

The woman’s face softened. “I’ll cancel everything for you.”

Brea ran out the door, Cage hot on her heels. Thankfully, he’d found a spot at the curb and helped her into his truck.

As soon as he got behind the wheel, he faced her. “After you two had breakfast, Cutter stopped at the grocery store on his way home. A man was inside, threatening to kill his estranged wife. Some bystanders tried to help, but he pulled a gun. Most people ran to safety, but he shot the butcher simply to prove he meant business, then trapped fifteen people inside the store with him: four men, eight women—including his soon-to-be ex-wife—and three children. When Cutter pulled up, the police hadn’t arrived yet and all hell was breaking loose. He intervened.”

Of course. Not only did Cutter see it as his solemn duty to protect others, he’d negotiated hostage situations in the past. “So he arranged their release?”

“Everyone except the estranged wife. The gunman wasn’t willing to let her go…at first.”

But Cutter had worn the man down until he gave in and agreed to release the woman?

Brea turned to Cage with a gasp. “Cutter exchanged his life for hers, didn’t he? That’s why he was calling.”

Cage nodded grimly as he started the truck. “He made the deal less than an hour ago. The gunman allowed him to say his final goodbyes to his family and relay his demands to the police.”

“What does he want?” Not that it really mattered, but she had to know how much time Cutter had left.

“A black Camaro with a full tank of gas, ten thousand in unmarked bills, and two fifths of Jack Daniels.”

The man didn’t sound like he had his priorities straight. “Nothing else?”

As they stopped for the light at the corner near the salon, Cage pulled at the back of his neck. “No. The gunman knows he’s already lost. That makes him reckless, stupid, and dangerous.”

And Brea knew Cutter. Even if he died, he would be satisfied he’d won if all the hostages went free. “How long do the police have to deliver his demands?”

“Three hours. And thirty minutes of that have already passed.”

Unless something happened, Cutter would be dead before the sun went down.

Dread gonged in her chest. “What are the police doing? Tell me they have some plan to catch this man before—”

“Cutter asked everyone not to intervene.” Cage didn’t sound happy. “Since he and the entire EM Security team are reserve officers, the police are honoring his wishes.”

“What?” She’d ask if Cage was serious or Cutter was insane, but she knew the answer.

“I’m pissed, too. Fuck!” He took out his frustrations by beating the steering wheel with his big fist. “I’m sorry but…”

Brea waved away his apology. She’d never spoken that word in her life, but she’d sort of like to right now. “So the police are just going to let this happen?”

“They’ll try to catch the guy when he leaves the store, but…pretty much.”

“What about you? You could—”

“Step in? Don’t you think I wish I could? Even if my brother hadn’t asked me to stand down, I’m a cop in Dallas. I don’t have any jurisdiction in Lafayette. If I went in there and killed that guy, I’d probably go to prison for murder.” He shook his head in frustration. “My hands are tied.”

She understood the laws and why they existed, but she couldn’t accept giving up now. Thank goodness Cage had given her an idea. “Well, mine aren’t. Take me to my car.”

He shook his head. “Cutter told me to bring you to Mama to make sure you’re safe and—”

“Let me go.” When Cage hesitated, she pressed on. “If there’s even the slimmest chance I can save your brother, don’t you want me to try?”

“What do you have in mind?”

If she told him, he’d only waste time trying to talk her out of it. But Cutter wasn’t the only one who could be sacrificial. “Please don’t ask. I’d rather not lie to you.”

“You can’t go anywhere near that grocery store, you hear? You can’t put yourself in danger.”

She shook

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