for the kitchen, Brea whirled, frowning as she watched him pluck a tumbler from the cabinet. Her frown deepened when he filled it with whiskey and knocked it back in one swallow, ignoring her.

He’d not only given her a reprieve but seemingly released her from their deal altogether. She should be thrilled. She should be breathing a sigh of relief and running for the door. Instead, she felt shocked and disappointed. Angry, even.

What the devil was wrong with her?

It didn’t matter. Cutter was at the hospital. Cage and Mama Sweeney were waiting. She should be beside them. They might need her moral support and prayers.

Still, she couldn’t just leave without saying something. “I don’t understand. You did something extraordinary for me today that I—”

“It’s the same damn thing I did for Uncle Sam on the daily for eight years.”

The math on that astounded her. He’d seriously killed that many enemy combatants? “But you were paid for your work. I owe you.”

“Fuck that. I’m not your charity case, and I won’t have you feeling guilty because you ‘endured’ my filthy hands all over you. Besides, I don’t want the Boy Scout’s leftovers. So get the hell out.”

He poured another tumbler of whiskey and swallowed it back. Brea just stared. What was up with him? He pretended his kills didn’t matter, as if he’d prefer to be alone and screw the rest of the world. But under all his bluster, she felt his hurt and loneliness. He was lost, wounded. And he had no one.

Except maybe her.

Brea softened. “Despite what you think, I committed tonight to you and I’m prepared to see this through. But if you don’t want to have sex with me, then—”

“Oh, don’t kid yourself.” He slammed his glass on the table and stalked toward her on almost silent footfalls, spearing her where she stood. “Can you honestly say that you believe, for even a single second, that I’m not desperate to fuck you?”

Given everything he’d admitted the evening she’d brought him cookies? Given the way he was looking at her right now? “No.”

“No,” he confirmed. “I wanted you the second you opened the door at Edgington’s house, skirt swishing and good-girl smile in place. I wanted you even after I knew you were Bryant’s. Even when you refused to admit you want me, too. Hell, I even wanted you when you told me how much you love Cutter and offered me your body to save his life. I’ve imagined you, masturbated to thoughts of you, dreamed of you. So don’t think, for one instant, that I’ve changed my mind.”

His words stunned her. Brea’s heart raced. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Because I’m being straight-up honest and I want the same from you. That’s how you can repay me.”

His demand terrified her…but she couldn’t refuse. “A-all right.”

“Good. Now we might get somewhere.” Brea barely had time to grasp that he’d seen through her before he grabbed her arms and pulled her against his hard body. “I’m touching you. How does that make you feel?”

Heat radiated from him like a furnace, singeing all her exposed skin. She gasped. “Hot.”

“And?” His nostrils flared. His eyes turned impossibly blacker.

When she tried to draw in a steadying breath, his scent filled her head instead. He smelled like musk. Like man. Like the most tempting sin. Her knees wobbled. Her eyes went wide. Her heart quaked.

And her whole body came alive.

What was it about Pierce Walker?

“That, right there.” He pointed at her. “You want me, too, despite your better judgment. I see it all over your face. But you’re still reluctant to admit it. You promised to stop lying.”

Shame filled Brea. Her dishonesty was a selfish sin she wreaked on him to protect her pride. Pierce hadn’t demanded that she give him her body, but she owed him her truth.

“You’re right. I’ve thought of you, too,” she whispered. “Even when Cutter told me to avoid you, even when I knew my father would never approve. And even when you scared me. I told myself none of what I’m feeling is logical or practical. But nothing has stopped my attraction to you.”

“You’re finally admitting you want me?”

Answering gave him the sort of power over her she could never take back…but her honor and his rough voice compelled her. “Yes. You make me ache in ways I shouldn’t. In places I shouldn’t. And I can’t seem to stop.”

Pierce grabbed her chin and lifted it. “What do you want from me?”

Did she dare answer him?

Brea bit her lip. “You already know.”

“Spell it out.” His fingers tightened. “I know what your eyes are telling me, pretty girl. But I want to hear you say it. Full consent.”

This again? But why would he want that now…unless he intended to touch her?

“Pierce…” She tilted her head back, let her eyes slide shut again. “We shouldn’t.”

“Give me the words, pretty girl. I’m not asking for anything else.”

What choice did she have? Sincerity was such a small price to pay him for saving her best friend’s life.

Knowing she’d probably never be this close to Pierce again, Brea rose on her tiptoes and swayed against him, stealing a forbidden caress of her cheek against his hair-roughened one. “I want you to kiss me.”

“I want that, too,” Pierce groaned as he cupped her face, forcing her to meet his stare. “But I’m weak when it comes to resisting you. Don’t say that again unless you actually mean it.”

Something hot and twisted jolted through her body. “Or what?”

“Brea, I’m trying to do the right thing. When you look at me with those pleading eyes… And, fuck, your plump, pink mouth is so close, all I can think of are the indecent things I’m dying to do to it.”

Probably the same things she’d secretly wanted him to do.

Her ache tightened. “What is this connection between us? I don’t understand.”

“Fuck if I know. I’ve never felt anything like it.”

She hadn’t imagined a yearning this strong was possible. It was bigger than her, and every time she tried

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