to panic. “I’m finishing Mrs. Gale’s hair.”

The last thing she wanted was to have it out with Pierce in the middle of the salon. He probably wouldn’t be shy about airing their laundry in public, and Brea couldn’t afford to give the locals something other than her recent engagement to chew on.

“I tried to tell him that. He’s not going away.”

Shelby Gale patted her arm and stood. “It’s all right. I could use a trip to the ladies’ room and a coffee.”

When her client disappeared down the salon’s back hall, Brea pinned Rayleigh with a pointed stare. “I know what he wants and I don’t want to see him.”

“Why don’t you tell me that yourself?”

Brea whipped around at the sound of Pierce’s voice. She didn’t know what stunned her more—the fact that every head in the place turned to watch this suddenly interesting exchange…or the feel of her heart seizing up at the sight of him so big and fierce and seething.

She did her best to ignore her forbidden thrill. “What are you doing here?”

Rayleigh melted into the background. The rest of the salon fell utterly silent. But no one looked away.

“Taking a big fucking risk to talk to you.” With a glance over his shoulder, he looked at the partition blocking their view to the street, then faced her again. “I only came here because no one outside can see in.”

The big wall had been designed so that passersby wouldn’t catch a glimpse of their neighbors in foils or perm rods, but why did Pierce care? Clearly, discretion didn’t mean a dang thing to him.

“I want answers.” He glanced around as if suddenly realizing all eyes were on them. “Where can we talk more privately?”

She shook her head. “I can’t right now.”

And what was the point, anyway?

“Can’t?” He raised a brow. “Or won’t?”

Her heart pounded. “Both.”

“We never finished dinner at my place, so you can either find us somewhere now or I’ll think of a secluded spot to take you after your last client.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him that he was being an ass, but she had to quell gossip. Otherwise, as soon as people realized she was pregnant, there would be whispers that Cutter might not have fathered the baby after all.

“I’m sorry business didn’t allow us to finish that conversation, and I would have liked to hear more about your ideas, but I’m afraid I’ve found another opportunity that suits me better.”

“We both know it wasn’t business that interrupted our ‘discussion,’ pretty girl.”

Brea felt her face turn bright red. He might as well have announced to everyone that they’d had sex.

Clearly, Pierce wanted to know why she was marrying Cutter. He was determined to get answers today, never mind how much his presence would make her friends and neighbors chin-wag.

Brea didn’t understand why he thought he had a right to demand anything after he’d been the one to break up with her, but if a few words would make him go away, then fine. Maybe she’d give him a piece of her mind, too.

And…okay, some foolish part of her ached to spend a few minutes alone with him.

“Rayleigh, can you finish up Mrs. Gale for me?” Thankfully, the salon owner’s last client of the day had cancelled.

“Sure, honey. No one is in the break room, if y’all want to chat in there.”

“We’ll only be a minute.”

As she turned away, mortification rolled over her. Every eye in the place followed as she led Pierce down the shadowy hall and opened the door on the right. As Rayleigh said, it was empty. The radio in the corner, with its volume turned down low, played a Carrie Underwood tune. The scents of hair dye and chemical cleansers filled the air. The queasiness she thought she’d overcome earlier rushed back.

She crossed her arms over her chest. But Pierce didn’t do subtle. If he wanted to touch her, her silent barrier wouldn’t keep him away. “What do you want?”

“You fucking agreed to marry Bryant?”

“Yes.” She stood her ground. And the more she thought about it, the more she got mad. “Why do you care? You told me in no uncertain terms that you were taking a step back. Then you left my house as if your backside was on fire. Why do you think that entitles you to any explanations?”

“Less than a month ago, you said you were in love with me.”

“Well, at least it took me nearly a whole month to change my mind. It only took you a week.”

He gaped at her. “What? I never said I didn’t love you. I asked you to move in with me, for fuck’s sake. And you decided the right response was to get engaged to a man I know doesn’t do a damn thing for you?”

Was he serious? If he still had feelings for her, why hadn’t she seen or heard from him in nearly two weeks? Did he only want her as a convenience when he was in the mood? For a forbidden thrill when she belonged to someone else? Was that “love” to him?

Maybe they saw relationships so differently that his definition and hers would never align. Now that they were having a baby, she couldn’t be with someone who showed up a couple of times a month and considered that devotion. Regardless of whatever Pierce was after, she could no longer afford to play his game. She had an unborn baby to protect.

“You’re wrong. I love Cutter. I have all my life. We finally decided to make it official. There’s nothing more to say.”

Pierce used the hard slab of his body to propel her against the nearest wall, then slammed his big palms on either side of her head. “Did he take you to bed?”

She gasped at the contact. God, he was so close. His body heat. His scent. His eyes all over her… Everything about him rattled her. Tempted her. “That’s none of your business.”

“Is that what you think?” His black stare drilled

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