wouldn’t be up, but what the hell.

Shit has changed, so I’m taking my fight to Montilla. Don’t know when I’ll be back. Fire me if you want.

The phone rang immediately. Not surprisingly, it was Logan.

One-Mile answered as he started his Jeep. “Yeah?”

“Are you out of your fucking mind?”

“Good morning to you, too,” he quipped as he backed out of the parking spot and turned onto the empty street.

“Don’t yank my chain, you son of a bitch. I had a really shitty evening and—”

“Yeah, I stopped by your place last night and talked to your dad. I guess I won’t be getting you a Razor scooter for Christmas.”

“Ha ha. I don’t need a fucking comedian. I do not have the time or the energy. Cutter is in California sucking face—”

“With Shealyn West. Zy and I saw last night.”

“So did most of the world. Thank God the press hasn’t identified him yet.”

“Yet. Too bad that, instead of protecting the client, the Boy Scout thought his assignment on the West Coast would be a great time to work on his safe-sex badge.”

“Don’t be an asshole.”

One-Mile was wrung out and worried. He had the fight of his life on his hands, so Logan’s shit just set him off. “You want to talk about an asshole? Look in the mirror. I’ve fucking had enough of this. You don’t like my attitude? Fine. I don’t get along with the guys or act like a team member? Who gives a fuck? It doesn’t affect my job performance. Except my screw-up in St. Louis, which I’ve taken full responsibility for, I’ve done everything you’ve ever asked. I almost died for this job. But I’ve never been irresponsible enough to fuck a client, much less a high-profile one like Shealyn West. So next time you want to bitch at me, why don’t you worry less about what I’ve said and think more about what I’ve done.”

Logan was silent for a long moment. “You’re right. My brothers and I don’t like that you’re a maverick or that you don’t take orders for shit. Every time I’ve tried to toss you an olive branch, you seem inclined to gnaw off my whole arm. But you’ve never let me down.”

That was a big admission coming from the hottest head among his bosses. It took One-Mile’s anger down a few notches. “Did choking those words out hurt as much as I think it did?”

“More, you motherfucker.” Logan chuffed. “So what’s your terrible plan?”

“I’m going to Mexico. I’m done letting Montilla fuck up my life indefinitely. I don’t know how long it will take, but I’m not coming back until one of us is dead.”

“Jesus, Walker. He almost killed you the first time and—”

“You think I don’t remember that?” He scoffed. “But this time, I’m doing things my way. I’m going to slip into the country, figure out where he is, how to get to him, then put a bullet in his head when he least expects it.”

“That’s murder.”

“Oh, don’t give me that shit.” One-Mile clutched his phone, wanting to punch someone. “If I’d followed my instinct the first time, he’d already be dead. But we’re valuing the poor, victimized drug pusher above innocents now? Think about how many lives I can save by ending his. Valeria’s, for sure. I won’t let her die. Her son needs her.”

He’d also be saving Brea’s and his baby’s. And as far as he was concerned, that more than justified offing the soulless, homicidal tyrant.

“Legally, that’s wrong.” Logan sighed. “Realistically, that’s valid.”

“I’m not doing this on your dime or your time, so if I get caught and there’s blowback, disavow me. Say I’ve gone rogue or crazy. Whatever saves your ass.”

“Don’t make me do that. I’m worried about more than saving EM. I just… Why do this now?”

“I’ve got someone to protect and something to fight for.”

Logan didn’t speak right away, and One-Mile could all but hear the wheels in his head turning. “You’re worried Montilla is coming after someone? The only person besides yourself you give two shits about is Brea.”

He considered letting his boss think whatever he wanted, but if Montilla brought the fight here while he was gone and Cutter was still too busy losing his dick inside the blond actress to protect Brea, he’d rather have someone watching her back. “She can’t protect herself from him.”

“Why would Montilla come after her? She’s engaged to Cutter.”

“It’s bullshit. And if his fling with Shealyn West goes public, it won’t take long for the whole fucking world to figure that out. Montilla’s goons saw her at the hospital holding my hand. If I piss him off enough, he’ll hunt her down. So I can’t afford to miss.” One-Mile weighed his next words, but Brea’s protection was far more important than her reputation. “It won’t be much longer before her pregnancy shows.”

“Her… Oh, son of a bitch. That’s not Cutter’s baby, is it?”

“No. He’s never touched her. But I can’t have any sort of life with her or our child as long as that fucking drug lord is still breathing hot air down my neck.”

Logan’s sigh was rife with frustration. “You’re putting me in a really shitty position.”

“Maybe, but what would you have done in my shoes? If he had threatened Tara?”

“Whatever I had to do. Hell, I would have pulled the moon out of the sky and moved mountains.”

“Exactly.” And One-Mile was done with the argument. “Listen, I need a favor. If I don’t come back, liquidate everything I own and give Brea every dime. And whatever happens, don’t let her anywhere near my fucking funeral.”

Logan hesitated, but he didn’t argue, just caved. “All right. You’ll have to come to the office on Monday morning and sign papers to that effect—”

“Will do. Then, as soon as I talk to Cutter, I’m leaving. When does his flight land on Monday?”

“Oh, come on. Leave it be, man. You got the girl. She’s having your baby. You won.”

“I’m not after a blue ribbon in our pissing contest. I need to

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