and ask Daddy for her hand. But since telling him last night that he needed to if he wanted to marry her, he’d wasted no time.

When she reached the window, she spotted Pierce outside. Her eyes widened in shock. He was wearing an actual suit with a legitimate tie. Oh, dear goodness. Not only was he trying to win her father over by looking downright respectable, she had no doubt he was making the extra effort for her sake. For their sake.

She loved him all the more for it.

Not only that, he looked incredibly hot in a charcoal suit, a black shirt, and a pale gray tie. What were the chances everyone would give them privacy so she could strip him down, climb him, and ride him like the stud he was?

Blushing at the thought, she rushed toward the door as he mounted the first step up to her porch.

Suddenly, he stopped and yanked his phone from his pocket. “Walker here. Colonel?”

Brea could hear his clear, deep voice just outside.

Who was this colonel? What did he want?

“What can I do for you, sir?” Pierce asked as Brea pulled the door open. “Or should I just ask who I need to kill?”

She gasped. He’d just gotten home, and already someone needed his skill set again? She knew that was his job and that it would never be easy, but it was a Sunday and they hadn’t had a moment’s peace in months…

Pierce winced, looking like he’d love to curse but refrained for her sake. “Any chance it can wait an hour?”

Brea blinked. She needed more than an hour with him. Just the conversation with Daddy would probably take half the afternoon, but for her to get her fill of his company after so long apart… It wasn’t possible.

The annoyance in his expression deepened. “On my way.”

With a sigh, he ended the call and pocketed the phone as he climbed the last step onto the porch. Something somber crossed his face as she stepped outside and shut the door behind her, swallowing nervously as she cast a furtive glance through the window to see if Daddy was barreling down on them. Thankfully, Jennifer seemed to be keeping him occupied.

“Pierce,” she whispered. “What are you doing here?”

“You know what I want, pretty girl. I’m here for you. And when I come back, I won’t take no for an answer.”

She shivered at the hot determination in his tone. “All right. But can you tell me where you’re going already?”

“A meeting. In town. I don’t know how long I’ll be until I assess the situation.”


“The colonel—Hunter and Logan’s father—needs me. It’s urgent. I owe him so many favors… I know this is really shi—I mean, lousy timing. But I am coming back. I’ll always come back to you.”

“Maybe tonight?” She looked over her shoulder again to see several of the older ladies staring at them out the window and fanning themselves with their hands. She tried not to laugh. “We won’t have the seniors’ Bible study here then.”

He looked up and finally seemed to comprehend the attention they were getting. “Gotcha. Tonight. I’ll, um, text first. But you know why I’m coming.”

She couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. “Yes.”

“Good. That’s the answer I want to hear when I come back.” He winked. “Got a time in mind?”


“Perfect. See you then.” Clearly not caring what anyone saw or anyone thought, Pierce leaned in to kiss her. He lingered as if he wanted to press for more, but he pulled away reluctantly. Then, with a little salute, he headed down the street and hopped into his Jeep.

Jennifer rushed outside. “Isn’t he the man who fixed the church van when it was broken?”

“Yes,” Brea breathed. “He did that for me.”

“He cleans up awfully nice.”

“He does.” She sighed. He dirtied up awfully nice, too. But she kept that to herself.

“You’re in love.”

She smiled. “Definitely.”

Mrs. Lloyd bustled out next. “That is one fine, strutting rooster you’ve got there.”

Mrs. Rogers was right behind her. “Indeed. You’re a lucky lady, Ms. Bell.”

“Believe me, I know.” Brea grinned.

And hopefully by this time tomorrow, everyone would know that she would soon be Mrs. Walker.

Chapter 20

Son of a bitch.

One-Mile parked his Jeep in front of the address Caleb Edgington had given him and scowled. What the hell was this place?

The colonel stepped outside, face grim. “You’re late.”

“I didn’t know you were way the fuck out here. I was up in Sunset.”

The older man grunted. “Thanks for coming. You clean up good. What’s with the suit? You go to church?”

“No. I was supposed to be proposing to my girl right now.”

Caleb had the good grace to wince. “Shit. Sorry. I wouldn’t have called—”

“If it wasn’t an emergency, I know. What’s up?”

He nodded. “Come on in.”

One-Mile stepped inside a building that looked like part of a light industrial complex circa 1977. But inside, everything was modern as fuck. Banks of computers lined two walls. A tall metal table scattered with folders and papers dominated the space in the middle. Clustered around one monitor stood two men, one with dark hair that held a little bit of salt, the other with short blond stubble. He didn’t immediately recognize either. They both turned.

“This is Jack Cole.”

Co-founder of their sister firm, Oracle, former Army Ranger, and all-around badass. One-Mile had heard a lot about this tough son of a bitch. He’d met the man in passing, along with his pretty redheaded wife, Morgan. He didn’t know much more about Jack, but if the man was here, too, whatever shit was going down was serious.

One-Mile stuck out his hand. “It’s an honor.”

Jack cocked his head. “The honor is mine. You’re amazing, from what I hear.”

“Thank you.”

“And this is Trevor Forsythe. He’s new to Jack’s team. Former FBI. Hell of an investigator.”

Well, that explained the pale haircut that was between boot camp and banker. But there was something familiar about him besides the name…

The other guy stared and nodded, a little frown deepening between his brows that seemed to

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