I’d never get enough of you.”

“Me too,” I say, finally leaning back and letting him see my face. He reaches up and brushes the tear off my cheek with his thumb. A smile teases my lips and he gives me one in return. “Can I have it now?” I ask, shifting in his arms so he brushes against my clit. A gasp escapes my lips when he applies the slightest amount of pressure to my swollen sex.

“You want it?”

I nod, slowly, emphasizing my desire.

He eases me down onto him, grunting when I’m fully seated. I let him take the lead, moving my hips in the rhythm he wants. He keeps his eyes on my mouth, a constant of his that I love. He isn’t ashamed about his obsession with certain parts of my body, and I’ll gladly let him stare at me with that wild hunger of his.

His one hand digs into my hip while the other pushes on the center of my back, arching me up so he can take my left breast into his mouth.

“Ben, my God.”

I watch him leave bite marks all over my chest, whimpering each time I feel his teeth graze my skin. He tilts my head, giving him access to my neck while his other hand grabs my ass and grinds me into him. I rake down his back through his shirt and he groans against my shoulder.

“Fuck. Get there, baby. I’m not coming without you.”

I rock harder into him. “Bite me.” His teeth skim over my shoulder and then I feel it. The sharp sting that pulls a gasp out of me, like I’ve been starving for a breath. “Ben.” My orgasm knots in my stomach, radiating up to my chest, and I grab his face to make him look at me. “Coming. Now.” I can barely get my words out as my climax takes over, burning me from the inside out.

I fall around him, a pile of embers as he gives me his release.

My eyes are already closing when he positions me on the bed so my head can rest on a pillow. And the sensation of the bed dipping next to me and his lips on my forehead are the last thing I register before I slip into a dream.

I know I’m alone before I open my eyes.

His body isn’t tangled with mine, his breath isn’t blowing on my skin, and I simply feel like a part of me is missing. I rub my face into the pillow before opening my eyes. And there, lying in the spot that belongs to Ben is a bouquet of sunflowers. I could cry right here. And I do.

He remembered.


She was perfect.

No other woman got to me the way Mia did. No other woman will ever know what I need without me having to ask for it. I want control, but I also want her to take what’s hers. To tell me what she needs when I might hesitate to give it to her. To demand I fuck her harder, to bite her there, and to bare my soul to her.

And I almost said it.

I love you.

The words were right there on the tip of my tongue, but I swallowed them down.

I know she is waiting for my own admission before she gives me that heart of hers that she so fiercely protects. But once I have that last piece of her, I won’t be able to let her go. And how much of an asshole would I be if I asked her to choose between going back to Georgia to take care of her mother and having a life with me? Mia is mine, and she’ll be mine forever, but I can’t have her two hundred and forty miles away from me. And my only other option is packing up my shit and moving to Georgia with her, but that means leaving Nolan behind. Because of my screwed up situation with Angie, I’ll never be able to take him with me. Which means that I am fucked.

Completely fucked.

Leaving her this morning was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. She was an angel next to me, curling up against my body as if she couldn’t get close enough. I loved how our bodies sought each other’s even in sleep. We were completely entwined, one entity instead of two. It was hard to tell where my body ended and hers began. And still, I needed her closer. I wanted her with me at all times. Every second I spent with Mia, I fell harder.

And fuck, I wanted to fall. I wanted to risk everything for something so unpredictable. Something I didn’t quite understand. Loving her was wild and I wanted more of it. I wanted all of it.

Figure out your shit, Kelly. Then make her yours.

My post Mia mood was tainted by the day I was having. Everything seemed to be going to shit, and to top it off, I had a partner that was suddenly into sharing his feelings with me. By midmorning, I was very aware of the reasoning behind my sister’s tears last night. And I couldn’t tell what bothered Luke more; the fact that he got dumped or the fact that he had no fucking clue as to why.

“It was completely out of nowhere,” he informs me for the hundredth time today as we patrol downtown Ruxton.

No matter what topic I brought up or what the hell we were doing, Tessa crept into the conversation. I can’t say anything, though. I did the same shit the other day when I couldn’t get my mind off Mia.

“I know you really don’t care to know the details of my sex life.”

“No, but that’s never stopped you from sharing before.”

In fact, he over-shared most of the time. Luke didn’t have a filter when it came to his sex life, even when it involved my sister.

He exhales exhaustively, dropping his head back to the seat. “I just don’t get it. She was

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