Pwincess Mia,” he corrects me, causing me to narrow my eyes at him.

I snatch my cell phone from his little grubby fingers and dial her number. It rings four times and then her voicemail greeting comes through the phone. I wait for the beep. “Oh, my God. Please tell me you’re on your way back. The little monster is getting unbearable to be around. Oh, and if you’re still at the store, can you pick me up some mountain dew?” I hang up and watch as Nolan rips all the pillows off the couch and jumps on them like stones in a creek. “How about some Fruit Loops to hold you over?”

He jerks his head up and connects with my eyes. “Gwoss. I hate fwuit woops. I want pamcakes.” His little menacing body flies into the air with each leap he takes. “Pwincess Mia pwomised me.”

I turn away from him and look out the sliding glass door, praying that Mia’s body will come into view any second. But it doesn’t. And my impatience begins to grow right along with Nolan’s as the time ticks by. I dial her number again.

“Hey. You do remember how to get to my parents’ house, right? Nolan’s about to start eating the furniture.”

And again.

“Which grocery store did you go to? There are some in Alabama. I’m about to start making pancakes out of cornmeal, and I’m not sure how those are going to go over, so you might want to speed it up a little.”

And again.

“Sweet Jesus! Would you call me and let me know that you’re still alive!”

Nolan’s voice grows louder and louder, more urgent as the minutes drag on.

I silence him with my phone when I think my head is going to explode, and raid the fridge myself. I don’t need to wait for pancake mix to eat breakfast. I am perfectly happy with Fruit Loops, unlike my hot meal loving nephew.

“Nolan, don’t buy any more apps. I will be looting your piggy bank to pay for the seven that you bought already.”

He doesn’t respond as I clean up my dishes, most likely browsing the hottest games on iTunes. Another hour goes by before I grab my phone and really start to worry. There’s no way in hell it should take Mia this long. Not unless she really did go to another state to grocery shop. I notice the missed call from Mia on my screen.

“Nolan, damn it. You turned my volume down.”

He gasps softly, and I look up at his wide-eyed stare.

“You said a bad wowrd.”

Shit. I hold my phone up to my ear to listen to her voicemail, turning the TV on as a distraction. Hopefully he’ll find something amusing and will forget all about my potty mouth. I really don’t feel like getting my ass handed to me by Ben for my language usage around his son.

“Hey, it’s me. I’m so sorry I missed your calls but I’m in Fulton at the hospital. It’s my mom. She’s dying, Tessa. I got the call from my aunt when I was at the grocery store and I just drove straight here. Can you tell Ben to call me? Or text me or something? I tried calling him but he didn’t answer. Oh, and tell Nolan I’m sorry about the pancakes. I’ll make him some the next time I see him.”

“Oh, God.” I exit my voicemail and quickly dial her number again, cursing under my breath and moving into the kitchen. She doesn’t pick up and I begin to cry. “Oh, my God, Mia, I’m so sorry I missed your call. Nolan was playing with my phone and turned down the volume.” I try to muffle my cries, but I’m one of those loud criers and it’s useless. “Jesus, I should be there with you. I’m going to call Ben right now and let him know what’s going on. Just call me when you get a chance, okay? I love you.”

I wipe my eyes and dial Ben’s number. Nolan jumps around on the couch cushions, completely oblivious to me and anything else that isn’t the cartoon he’s watching. Thank God, I got his mind off those pancakes.

“Goddamn it.”

Ben’s voicemail message begins playing. I wait for the beep and slip farther into the kitchen, trying to get out of earshot of Nolan.

“Is nobody answering their phones today? Mia’s mom is dying, Ben. She needs you. She’s already in Fulton and you better call her or get your ass there. I’ll take care of Nolan. And answer your phone when I call you, please.”

I dial Mia’s number again.

“Hey, it’s me. I called Ben but had to leave him a message. God, I wish I was there with you. I hate that you’re dealing with this alone. Just call me as soon as you get this and let me know what’s going on. I’ll keep trying Ben.”

I dial his number again.

“Answer your fucking phone. Mia needs you, asshole.”

I hang up and walk over to the counter, grabbing the box of cookies that is almost empty. There is no way in hell I am going to inform Nolan that he won’t be having pancakes any time soon. I’ve seen some of his temper tantrums.

I pick up the couch cushions and re-situate them before plopping down on the end.

“I feel like having cookies for breakfast.” I take a bite of one of the chocolate chip ones as he scrambles up next to me, his crazy, gray eyes flicking from my mouth to the box. “What about you?”

He nods eagerly and dives for some cookies. He then stretches out, lying sideways on the couch with his head at the other end while he eats and watches his cartoon.

I dial Mia’s number several more times, hoping to get a hold of her, but get her voicemail each time. I also call Ben a few more times, and I’m sent straight to his voicemail with each dial. I’m hurting for Mia and want to be there with her. Ms. Corelli was

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