she wax or shave? Landing strip or bare? All these thoughts are running through my mind, so I don’t hear her talking to me right away. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” I ask her again.

“I said Denis sent over the files and plans that you asked him about. He said if you want, he can meet you there so you can go over it. He also said the loft that you were asking about has a roof top terrace that would be great for a restaurant during the day and a bar at night.”

She has been here less than six hours, and she is a million times better than the last ten temps I threw out of here. “Also, I’ve gone over your schedule and color coded all your meetings, so that when you click on the color, all files that correspond to that meeting will pop up as well.”

She organized my whole schedule in three hours. “I didn’t touch Saturday or Sunday, since it’s not my job. Unless there was a note in there that said it’s a work-related event or meeting.”

I run through my schedule in my head and wonder if I wrote anything private down. She must see that I’m thinking this, because she laughs. “Don’t worry, I didn’t find your little black book notes.” She shakes her head, picking up her Starbucks drink that is red with berries in it. “Is there anything else you need from me?” she asks, looking down at the notes in front of her.

I don’t say anything; I just walk back to my desk to go through the notes she just sent me. I also check my calendar and see that everything is organized not only by color, but alphabetically. Jesus, where has she been all my life?

I spend the next three hours going over the plans with Denis, making sure everything is set for us to visit the site of the new nightclub that is set to open in a couple of weeks.

When I hear a knock on my door, I yell for whomever it is to come in. Once the door opens, I see Lauren poke her head in.

“I’m heading out. Just thought you should know.” I look at my watch and see that it is already four p.m.

I lean back in my chair, putting my hands together. “I guess for the first day, that’s okay, but there might be times when you may have to stay late.” I don’t even finish before she cuts me off. She opens the door and walks inside my office. She stops right in front of my desk, cocks her hips to the side, and places her hands on them.

“No go. I have two kids. My hours are eight to four. Not one minute later. I don’t care about eating lunch at my desk, but I made it crystal clear that my hours were non-negotiable when I took this position.”

“Why can’t your husband get them?” I hold my breath as I wait for her answer. My stomach starts to burn, my chest tightening at the thought of her going home to someone. Then, just like the she-devil she is, she glares at me.

“I’m divorced, and I have full custody of them, so if you can’t accommodate my limitations, it’s better we find out now and part ways.” She starts to turn around and walk away. I clear my throat, watching her fling her hair around. It’s almost like she is doing it in slow motion, just like the commercials for shampoo.

“Fine, okay,” I concede against my better judgment. “We’ll work around it.” I tilt my head and smile. “You’re welcome.”

She nods her head, but I see her pressing her lips together. I’m sure if I weren’t her boss, she would tell me to go fuck myself, and I don’t know why just the thought that she would fight me on this makes me want to belly laugh. She turns and walks out, closing the door softly behind her, which I know is the opposite of what she really wants to do.

I pick up the phone and dial Barbara, who answers on the second ring. “Yes, Austin.”

“What is the story with Lauren?” I ask her, looking out into the office space, watching her pack up her things, pick up her phone, and scroll through it. I see her put the phone to her ear and smile at whoever answers. The thought that it’s her boyfriend, or any man for that matter, makes me want to snatch that phone away from her and smash it.

“I don’t have a ‘story.’ She’s a temp. All I have is her emergency contact form that she filled out this morning. And I’ll have you know, I’ve already called Penelope and gave her a raise.”

“What?” I shout at her, and by the time I look up, Lauren is gone.

“You called her a drunk, and she didn’t even kick you in the balls, which is what you deserved, by the way. I raised you better than that.”

“I don’t even know why I try with you.” I slam the phone down, but not before I hear her laughing.

I turn to my computer and try to Google her name, except all I have is her first name. I search the company directory to find her full name: Lauren Harrison. With that, I turn back to Google and go on my search.

I see that she has a Facebook account, but I can’t access anything because she has it set to private. The only thing I can see is the profile picture that she has of her two kids. She is in the middle with her son on her side, hugging her, and her daughter on her lap. You can’t see her hands, but you know she is holding both of them. Her son looks nothing like her, but her daughter is her clone. I try to look through her friends, but I can’t get anything. When a knock on my door startles me,

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