go causing any trouble before the meeting."

Korden bowed quickly before throwing the curtain aside and disappearing back into the tower.

Jularra placed her own empty cup on the ledge and considered the ivy once more.

“You persistent little thing,” she said with soft respect.

“My lady, I have everything ready whenever you are,” a gentle voice called from behind the curtain.

Jularra stroked the nearest leaf of ivy a final time, then took a long, deep breath and returned indoors. She removed her outer morning clothes as her maid, Keleah, lifted a thin, beige tunic and positioned it over Jularra’s head. Jularra lifted her arms and twitched gently as Keleah dropped the tunic and helped it fall down around her.

“I see your bruise is just about gone, Your Majesty,” Keleah said. “About time. Is your leg doing well?”

“Mmm, yes. It is,” Jularra replied. “Haven’t needed to wrap it for a few days now.”

“Well, that sure is a relief, ma’am. And it’s a beautiful day in Burrek County. This combination is a gorgeous compliment, Jularra,” Keleah gushed.

She was one of the few permitted to use the queen’s familiar name, though only in private, and only while in her residence tower.

“Yes, but I’m sure the day won’t stay that way,” the queen grumbled.

Keleah reached for the next piece of Jularra’s ensemble.

“Oh, don’t let it get you down,” the maid offered. “They just need to say things to cover their own egos, if you’ll forgive me.”

The queen huffed in agreement. “I’m not saddened, or intimidated,” she replied flatly. “I’m indifferent. What I loathe is the predictability of it all.”

Keleah paused to consider the queen’s statement.

“What will be predictable? What they will say, or what you will say? Or both?”

“Oh, most assuredly what they have to say,” the queen clarified. “I don’t know what I will say yet.”

“Well,” Keleah started, “I’m sure you’ll keep them on their toes.”

“We’ll see.” A smile started on Jularra's lips before her face solidified in determination.

“I wonder, Your Majesty,” Keleah said with a meek lilt, “have you had any time to consider that matter we discussed recently? It’s just that I’ve been reading a lot over the past few weeks, and have started to acquire a good deal of—”

“No, I haven’t had time to think of it, Keleah,” Jularra interrupted, coldly.

Keleah added nothing.

Jularra sighed. “I would be honored to help you develop your magical aspirations, Keleah, I just have too many demands on my time already. I haven’t forgotten, though. We’ll get to it.”

Keleah’s voice was soft as it cracked slightly. “Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you, ma’am.”

Next out of the wardrobe came a thin gambeson, deep violet in color, that fell just below Jularra’s waist. Keleah threaded and tied the gambeson, then stepped back to the stand where Jularra’s ceremonial armor rested. There were numerous configurations of the armor for any given situation, but today's ensemble consisted of a practical plate cuirass with etched mountain motif, plate pauldrons, vambraces and cuisses, and leather fauld. The configuration was very similar to what the female Spire wore in combat, and while it didn’t provide as much protection as the Bedrock men's full plate, it gave the additional mobility needed for the Spire's particular specialties.

After a time of buckling and fastening, Jularra’s armor was properly secured.

“My crown?” Jularra ordered gently.

Keleah retrieved it and moved behind the queen. She placed the crown gently on her head and reached through the top to confirm its placement, and the positioning of her hair.

“There,” Keleah said.

Jularra shrugged to settle into her attire and cracked her neck with a quick jerk of her chin. The crown stayed in place. Her armor felt good.

Without being prompted, Keleah reached for Jularra’s sword belt. The sword always came after the crown when the queen was being dressed for official functions. The queen's sword, and all the swords of the Spire and Bedrock, would come between the Acorilinian crown and anyone wishing to do it or the country harm. After Jularra tweaked her belt, she turned to Keleah.

“Yes,” Keleah murmured as she draped a rich, pine-colored coat over Jularra’s shoulders. Bits of light escaped through the clouds and struck the clothes. The abundant gold-threaded accents and tastefully placed emeralds flung sparks of light throughout the room. “This is my favorite combination.”

“Thank you. That will be all,” Jularra said. “It’s almost time.”

“Of course. My best to you in your council meeting today, my queen.”

Jularra thanked Keleah again and watched her flutter out of the room after a curtsy. The queen was about to follow her out, but then an idea kept her from moving.

She would make them wait.

She began to pace, considering how best to wield her contempt for the meeting. The majority of her lords had little to no respect for her, so she decided to use that to her advantage. By making them wait, she would anger them. Their anger would lead to outbursts, which she could then use to manipulate the upcoming conversation.

A breeze rolled its way in from the balcony and kissed the back of Jularra’s neck. She walked back outside, thankful for the cooler air. Changing clothes always made her sticky and hot, which ultimately led to a headache. Now was no different. Her skin itched as her mind grew thick with a dull pain.  She reached down and yanked up fistfuls of her garments and crashed down on one of the balcony’s stone benches, propping her feet up on the nearby ledge and smirking as the breeze both cooled and aroused her.

After shifting her heels so that her feet were comfortable on the ledge, she leaned back slowly and let the outer wall of her residence tower catch her head. She closed her eyes. The mountain breeze mixed with nurturing sunlight and, with her skirt and underclothes clenched in her hands and pulled up to her waist, Jularra began to relax.

I’ll go after I cool down a bit, she thought.

But the next breeze turned her mind to less innocent thoughts. It streamed between her legs and sent a thrill through

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