“Why are you naked!” I screamed. I’m in shock and totally embarrassed I just got caught sneaking in.
“Oh am I suppose to shower dressed? Better question, why are you sneaking in my bathroom to see me naked?”
“I wasn’t sneaking in here to see you smartass!”
“Uh huh, I’m sure.”
“I was not!”
“Then why are you still staring at my dick, my eyes are up here.” I averted my eyes quickly and threw a towel at him. You couldn’t blame me, he was impressive down there but I didn’t need to stroke his ego. On the other hand, I wouldn’t mind stroking something else. Shit, I really needed to get my mind out of the gutter and get my bag.
I shook my head at him and told him I needed to grab my bag. I went into the living room and couldn’t find it anywhere. I swore I left it right here on the couch. I checked the kitchen next, no luck there either. Even Knox’s room came up empty. It was almost an hour since I’ve been here and I’m going to be late to class. I headed towards the kitchen to check one more and that’s when I see Jude leaning against the counter, dangling my bag’s strap from his finger.
“Looking for this?”
“You ass! Why do you have my bag? I’ve been looking all over the place!” He walked over to me while shoving my bag in my hands and whispered, “Red looks good on you.”
What he said gave me the chills, but I couldn’t dwell on the mystery of Jude’s words, so I hurried out the door before I miss my class. While in my car, I checked my phone to see that I had fifteen missed calls from Doc, Stella, and Delilah. Shit, I don’t have time for this, but if I don’t get a hold of Delilah she’ll be rushing down here. I dialed her number and was instantly greeted with, “Madison Bloom! Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been? I was one minute away from coming down there! Dr. Fully called me telling me you requested an emergency session that you never showed up for and then you don’t answer any of our calls. What is going on?”
“Calm down, I’m sorry. I ran into some girl from Uniondale and she just got to me, so I called Doc. I calmed down and I forgot to call him back to cancel. I ended up going for a drive and forgot to turn my phone off silent.” I hated lying to her, but I hated stressing her out more.
“Oh dear, don’t let anyone get to you. If it gets to be too much, you’re welcome back home anytime.”
“I’m ok, it was just the first day stress. I overreacted.”
“As long as you’re ok, I’ll drop this. Just next time try to remember to cancel if you need to and put your ringer on, you never answer your phone.”
“I will and I’m sorry I worried you.”
“Thank you dear, now get to class.” I said good bye and we both hung up.
Thank god that went smoother than what I expected. She gets worried a lot more since the day at the cabin and panics if I don’t answer my phone. I can’t blame her, so I switched my phone off silent when I parked my car in the science center’s lot. I hated science and I hated more that it was first thing in the morning. I needed the credits though and being that much closer to my goal of becoming a social worker was well worth it.
While getting out of my car to head to class, a group of guys next to me started whistling. I looked around, but I was the only girl in sight. I was in leggings, an oversized sweatshirt, and my hair was in a messy bun, it’s not really the whistle at kind of look. I shrugged it off, but through out the day things got more weird.
All day I had guys shoving their phone numbers in my hands and one even attempted to slap my ass. I had guys hit on me, but never to this extent. Something was definitely going on and my suspicion was confirmed when I heard Stella shouting my name across the courtyard. She ran towards me waving her phone in her hand.
“Why in the hell did you forward this to everyone on campus!” I had no idea what she was talking about and grabbed her phone. It was an anonymous email with a picture of me laying on my bed in red lingerie asking, “Do you want a good time? If so, come find me today xoxo”.
“What! How did this get out?” I felt my face burning red and I needed to get out of here.
“Well who did you send it to?” This was it, I either tell her another lie or fess up. I decided on the truth for once, it would only get worse if I lied and she found out.
“Can we go home and I’ll tell you, you’re going to need wine and to sit for this.” She nodded her head and we headed for our cars to go back to our place.
The entire drive I was fuming. The only person who had this picture was Knox. I took it a year ago as a Christmas present for him when we were still in a flirty stage. I’m so confused as to why he would even send this out. He almost had a threesome on top of me and this is what I get in return!
When I got home, Stella was at the table with two huge glasses filled with wine. I downed mine in three gulps, nervous to tell her the truth, but here goes nothing. “Stella I need you to know I hated lying to you, but I