adding more each day, for security. Is that right so far?” Mike asked the man after his gag was removed.

“Yes, that’s right so far.”

“All right. About a week in,” he continued “they started getting worried about the lake being overfished and implemented a no-fishing policy. Only those who traded something of high value could fish. This is how they started getting women. First, it was only one or two, then it was five, and now it’s 20 or more. They sell them each week to the highest bidder, and their men are either on their own fishing or died in the pit. Either way, they make money or get other valuable items from the sales and pit-fighting wagers. I propose we persuade the other brothers to move on down the road and let this one here run the group,” said Mike.

“Let’s take a few minutes to discuss,” interjected Lonnie.

A few of us asked Mike some final questions outside the hearing range of the youngest car dealership brother.

“So, you’re going to kick the other brothers out of town?” asked Shane.

We all nodded, knowing the truth.

“No, not exactly,” Mike replied. “Tell them how I work, Lance.”

Again, I was in the hot seat without being asked.

“Okay, are you sure?” I questioned.

“Not everything,” he replied, “but the basics I’m okay with,” getting a questioning look from Lonnie.

“All right, Shane. To answer your question and maybe the next one, Mike doesn’t kick the can down the road. He picks it up, looks at it, smashes it into the dirt, and tosses it in the trash. These bad guys are not getting moved down the road or being asked politely to leave. They are going somewhere forever, and they won’t be back.”

I looked at Mike hesitantly, hoping I hadn’t overstepped my bounds.

“That sounds about right,” he replied. I sighed silently.

“All right now. Who’s willing to play kick the can with Mike?” I asked, holding my hand up. All hands were down, and some stuffed them deep into their pockets.

“We don’t all have to be on the front lines,” said Joy, raising her hand, “but we all can play a part in seeing this operation succeed. Saving just one mother saves a family, and saving them all ensures the safety of an entire community. It’s families first, after all. Let’s never forget that!”

She waited while most hands in the group went up and stayed there.

“Let’s get the brother back for a chat,” said Mike.

Once back, he was questioned about his leadership skills for the coming days.

“Well, I used to run all three dealerships, and I think I did a good job. I mean, sales were up every quarter and we had a team of 70 people between the locations. I took really good care of all our employees and knew everyone’s family. I’m not sure I’m the one to lead going forward, though, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Nope, I’m not asking,” said Mike. “What I’m telling you is that this is wrong, and you’re a part of it.”

“Now wait a minute,” Mitch said. “I didn’t have a choice in it.”

“That’s debatable,” Mike continued. “But now, either way, you do.

“Choice one: we take this group from you and your brothers and find a new leader.

“Choice two: I’ll give you the group, minus your brothers, of course, but I have a few conditions you will need to follow.”

“What’s that?”

“You pick a dozen or so adults you trust to be your security. You will immediately release all women held captive and open the lake to their families for food, water and hygiene. No more pit fights for any reason. Anyone who wants to leave can do so for any reason, without permission.”

“What about my brothers?”

“They will be banished from the area, never to return,” replied Mike.

“And if I don’t want the position?”

“Then you had better tell me right now, because once your brothers are gone, the rest that have been oppressed while you looked the other way are going to put you in the pit. Give them some real leadership and hope, and you just might get out of this mess. We will help you with the transition language. Either way, something will be changing soon, like before the sun rises again. Oh, and I take harming women and children deadly serious, and if you tip anyone off to what’s about to happen, then you and I will meet in the pit. Understand?”

“Yes,” he conceded quietly, finally realizing who he was dealing with. “I understand completely and accept your offer.”

“What the heck is that about?” Aiden whispered to me.

“Just another day, and in case I forgot to tell you, don’t mess with Mike. I mean, don’t even talk to him unless you have...”

“Hey, Aiden, what did you think?” asked Mike.

Aiden looked at me, not sure if he should answer.

I put my hands up in a “Well, he did ask” gesture.

“Well, okay,” Aiden replied. “From what I know about you, which is not much, I would say you’re giving these people across the lake a second chance if they want it and are willing to work to keep it.”

Shane nodded his head in agreement, as did I.

“They seem all right,” said Mike to me, walking off.

“Is that good?” asked Shane.

“Yep, with him that’s all you want,” I told him.

“Lance,” called Lonnie. “Jake, you too, and Vlad, come on over for a minute.”

The four of us met in front of Lonnie’s truck, where Mike had apparently called a meeting with just us.

“Okay, guys, this goes down today…well, tonight, actually. Sorry for the delay, but we should be able to move on tomorrow, or the next day at the latest.

“There’s a pit fight scheduled tonight, same time as last night. The information I just learned from Mitch is

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