“But...” She rubbed her hands over her stomach, a gesture he’d noticed she used when she was upset. “I thought we’d use this car until we met up with Mike and Duncan.”
“These SUVs have GPS devices built into them. The sooner we ditch it, the better.”
“You mean, they could use the GPS device to find us?” Her voice squeaked in protest.
“Yes, but I have a plan.” He pulled into the lot and threw the gearshift into Park. “Let’s go.”
Her blue eyes darkened with apprehension, but she unbuckled her seat belt and slid out of the car. She grabbed the diaper bag, leaving him to get Aaron out of his car seat.
“I’ll take that.” He didn’t want her carrying anything heavy. He glanced around at the options available to them. “Look for something under five thousand dollars. It only has to get us to Springfield or Bloomington, so nothing fancy.”
She nodded, and began peering at the stickers on the vehicles closest to them. It didn’t take long for a salesman, likely the owner, to come out to meet them.
“What can I help you folks with today?”
“We’re looking for a car.” Ryker knew the guy was just trying to be cordial, since there was no other reason for them to stop in a used-car lot. “Something with a reliable engine, yet not too expensive.”
“How about this one?” Olivia stood beside a dark blue sedan with several spots of rust.
“I have a van over here.” The salesman gestured to a large Dodge Caravan. If he thought it was odd that they’d arrived in a new SUV, he didn’t let on. “Perfect for a growing family.”
“Maybe give us a few minutes alone.” He smiled to take the sting from his tone.
“Sure, sure.” The guy pulled out a business card. “Name’s Bill Sommers. Let me know when you’re ready.”
With Bill out of the way, he made his way down the row of cars. They were more expensive than he’d planned, the dark blue one coming in at exactly five thousand.
Then he found a tan sedan with a decent price. “What do you think?” He looked at Olivia.
“Looks good. I say we take it.”
Before he could call out to Bill, the salesman came rushing over. “Find something you like?”
“We’ll take this one. Will you give me a deal to pay in cash?”
“Cash?” Bill’s eyes practically popped out of his head. “Sure. How about five hundred off the price?”
“Sold.” Ryker managed to keep smiling, but felt edgy. He wanted to pay the man and get out of there, pronto.
They followed Bill inside. Ten minutes later, they had the keys in hand.
“I’ll just get the car seat.” Olivia hurried over to the black SUV.
“Uh, you’re not leaving that here, are you?” For the first time since their arrival, Bill looked concerned.
“Don’t worry, a couple of friends will be by to pick it up, although I’d appreciate it if you would shred my personal information while I watch. I’m careful that way.”
“I guess.” The guy shrugged and did as Ryker asked.
Ryker smiled in satisfaction and shook Bill’s hand. “Thanks again.”
As they drove out of the parking lot in the tan sedan, he thought he caught a glimpse of a familiar black SUV several miles behind them. The flat terrain made it easy to watch their six. He tightened his grip on the wheel and did his best not to panic.
There were lots of black SUVs on the road, he told himself. It was a popular color. They were safe, for now.
He sped up, putting more distance between them. Maybe it was time to try the interstate, where the speed limit was higher.
As he approached an entrance ramp, he noticed the black SUV wasn’t on the road anymore.
Because the mercenaries had turned into the used-car lot?
If so, it wouldn’t take long for the two men to get back on the trail. Despite his warning, he figured Bill would blab all about the vehicle they’d just purchased for cash.
Ryker knew they needed to get to Duncan and Mike as soon as humanly possible.
Before the mercenaries caught up to them.
Something was wrong. The way Ryker kept staring up at the rearview mirror was concerning.
“What is it? Have they found us?” She twisted in her seat, no easy feat with her belly, to glance behind them. There were plenty of cars on the interstate, but nothing that seemed out of the ordinary.
Not that she was an expert.
“We’ll be fine.” Ryker’s calm voice didn’t quite match the dark shadow in his hazel eyes. “We’ll have help from Duncan and Mike soon.”
“I know.” She told herself that Ryker had already gotten her and Aaron safely out of harm’s way several times already. No reason to think he couldn’t do it again, if needed. Besides, they were in a different car now, a tactic that should help them escape the men from the Blake-Moore Group. Although she still didn’t understand why they were after her.
Smoothing her hand over her belly, she tried to remain calm. Stress wasn’t good for her or the baby.
She was glad to know she had six weeks left before her due date. Surely all this running would be over before then.
Wouldn’t it?
“Whee, I’m flying.” Aaron held the toy plane in his chubby fist and waved it around in the air, making dips and turns. “Mommy, I wanna be a pilot someday.”
“I’m sure you will.”
“He’s a great kid.” Ryker’s voice was low. “I’m amazed he’s holding up so well.”
“Me, too.” She glanced back at her son, who was content to play by himself for a while. The cheap toys she’d purchased at the gas station were a welcome diversion. “He hasn’t asked for his father in months.” The statement popped out before she could stop it.
“He hasn’t?” Ryker threw her a sidelong glance.
She slowly shook her head and stared blindly out the windshield for a bit. “Tim wasn’t around much, even before...” Her voice trailed off.
Before he was killed.
“I’m sorry.” She wasn’t sure if