He went still. “We can’t do that.”
Her gaze narrowed. “Why not? The money belongs to them, doesn’t it? Tim and Colin stole from the company. It’s only fair they get it back.”
Ryker blew out a frustrated breath. “It’s blood money. Men have died because of it. And it’s highly likely that the money is what they received from dealing weapons to the enemy.”
“We don’t know that.” She pulled her hand out from beneath his and edged away. “Don’t you understand? I just want this to be over. I want to live my life with Aaron and have my baby without worrying about someone coming after us.”
He didn’t want to scare her, but there was no way in the world it would be as easy as handing over the banking information. “They’re not just going to let you walk away, Olivia. Or me, for that matter.”
A hint of worry flashed in her eyes. “The money is likely more important than revenge.”
“And what’s to stop us from going to the police to tell them what the Blake-Moore Group has done?”
“We’ll give them our word that we won’t.” A thread of doubt underlined her tone, as if she was finally beginning to understand the magnitude of the danger they still faced.
Ryker rose to his feet and picked up the account numbers. “Give me some time to talk this over with Duncan, okay? Maybe we can come up with a couple of options.”
She hesitated, then nodded. “Fine, but think about all the options we have available to us. Sometimes easier is better.”
Ryker smiled. “I will. Now do me a favor and get some rest.”
“I will.”
Every cell in his body wanted to draw her into his arms again, to kiss her until they both couldn’t breathe, but he forced himself to take one step, then another toward the connecting door.
“Good night, Ryker.”
Her soft voice gave him pause, and he glanced over his shoulder. “Good night, Olivia.”
Leaving the connecting door open about an inch, he listened as she and Aaron prepared to go to sleep.
This was the wrong place and the wrong time for him to fall for another single mother. He knew that Olivia’s feelings were intermingled with hero worship after the way he’d come to her rescue.
But his weren’t. They were all too real, and frankly, they scared him to death.
More than the Blake-Moore Group did.
The next morning, Olivia woke early, after having one of the best night’s sleep she’d had since this nightmare had started.
Because of Ryker and Duncan watching over her, she felt safer than she had in a long time.
A shower and change of clothes felt wonderful, even if it was a bit embarrassing to know Ryker had gone through her things.
After she’d changed her son, she took Aaron’s hand and walked to the connecting door that was hanging ajar. She lightly rapped on the door frame. “Ryker? Duncan?”
The door opened almost immediately. Ryker’s smile made her knees go weak and she hoped she wasn’t blushing. “Hey, how did you sleep?”
“Great.” He opened the door wide, giving her and Aaron room to come inside. She nodded toward Duncan who was seated at a small desk with an open laptop computer before him. “Did you guys get any rest?”
“Sure.” Duncan’s brief grin made her wonder if he was glossing over how much they’d slept. “Take a seat. We have a plan we’d like to discuss.”
“A plan?” She glanced at Ryker. His hazel stare was steady and she had the feeling that no matter what she thought about it, their plan was already a go. “I thought you were going to come up with a few options?”
“Just listen first, okay?” Ryker’s tone was gentle. “And please sit down.”
“Standing isn’t going to make me go into labor.” She inwardly winced at her cranky tone. Why was she annoyed? After all, she’d slept well and so had Aaron. She set him up with cartoons on the television, then eased down onto the edge of the bed. “Okay, tell me your plan.”
The two men exchanged a glance, then Ryker pulled up a chair so that he was eye level with her.
“Remember how I mentioned the Callahans all work in law enforcement?”
“Yes. They’re a large family, and all their names start with the letter M.” She’d thought that hilarious and wondered how many times their parents had called the wrong kid by the wrong name.
“That’s right. The oldest, Marc Callahan, works for the FBI.”
Oh yes, she remembered that. She straightened and glanced at Duncan, before meeting Ryker’s gaze. Then it hit her. “You think the FBI is interested in the guns being sold to the enemy.”
“Yes, we do. And it’s not just that, but Hawk became acquainted with an FBI agent while he was trying to find who was behind the attempts to kill him and his family.”
“Special Agent in Charge Dennis Ludwig,” Duncan added. “We think it’s a good idea to reach out to Marc Callahan and explain what’s going on. Marc can be our liaison with Ludwig.”
“Why not give Blake-Moore the account numbers?” She knew she sounded like a broken record, but it seemed very logical to her. Give them what they wanted in exchange for being left alone. “With five million they could likely disappear forever.”
“And what would stop them from killing us all?” Again, Ryker’s tone was gentle. “No witnesses to ever come forward against them.”
She reached up to rub her temple. The feeling of being well rested was fading fast beneath the harsh reality Ryker and Duncan were presenting. “We aren’t witnesses to anything.”
“We know the bank accounts that house the money that was siphoned away by your husband and brother.” Ryker hesitated, then added, “And don’t forget, two of their men died by our hands, three others assaulted and tied up. Don’t you see? We absolutely need to bring the authorities in on this.”
She sighed and nodded, admitting defeat. “You’re right. Okay, we’ll bring in the authorities. But how long will it take for the FBI to