and moved toward the back of the house where his home office was set up. It was large and sleek, with a couch, a massive glass desk along the left wall, and floor to ceiling windows facing the back-deck area, with a sliding door to the right.

“Wow, this is impressive.”

He turned and winked. “You should see my Star Wars collection.”

Frida looked at him, unsure if he was joking or not. “You do not have a Star Wars collection.”

“I most assuredly do. If you’re good, I’ll show you later.” He moved closer at her flirty smile and took her mug from her and set it beside his on the desk.

“I want to kiss you, but I’m scared I may have frightened you off with my outburst earlier.”

Frida cupped his cheek, and he turned his head to kiss her soft palm.

“You didn’t scare me off. I’m made of tougher stuff than that. I had to be.”

“I’m sorry I ran. I just needed to process it, and I didn’t want anyone to see that.”

“I understand, I do, but even if we’re just having wild sex, you can’t run without telling me. You scared me and hurt me, and I won’t allow that from anyone, not ever again.”

“Deal. Next time, if there is a next time, and I hope there isn’t, I’ll tell you I need a minute.”

“Good, now kiss me before Rina sends this paperwork through, and I have no more time for kissing.” Malco dipped his head and, with his lips against hers, whispered, “Oh baby, there’s always time for kissing.” Then he did just that, kissing her slowly, deeply until he felt her sag in his arms, as hers came around his neck and she pushed her breasts against his hard chest. He broke off with a heaving groan before he took it any further. They didn’t have time for what he wanted to do to her, not until the kids were safe from the gangs and the trouble that was brewing. With one more touch of his lips to hers, he stepped away, steadying her as he did.

“Time to go to work, Counselor.”

Opening his laptop, he went to work as Frida settled in at the desk beside him and did the same. They worked silently for a few hours before the ringing of his phone broke the silence. Standing, he stepped into the hallway to take the call, not wanting to disturb Frida.


“Malco.” The voice on the other end of the line was barely discernible, and he had to listen hard to hear it.

“Yes, who is this?”

“Ty.” Malco went deathly still as he tuned out everything except the boy on the line.

“Tycen, Jesus, where are you?”

“Can’t talk long. People are watching me.” Malco could hear the fear and pain in the boy’s voice, and it made him grip the phone harder.

“Where are you? I’ll come to you.” Malco walked into the office and clicked his fingers to get Frida’s attention. She looked up in surprise, but his face must have said more than his words ever would because she was next to him in a second.

“Can’t. They’ll kill you.”

“Don’t worry about me, Ty. Just tell me where you are.”

“No, they’ll hurt my family if you do. Just tell my mom I’m sorry and I love her.” Malco was losing him, and he knew it. Whatever this kid was going through, someone had put the fear of God into him.

“Just tell me you’re okay.”

“I will be. It was just a flesh wound. I have to go.”

“Wait, call me tomorrow, and I’ll try and make it so you can speak to your mom yourself.” The line went silent, and he wondered if the draw of speaking to his mother one last time would be enough to make Tycen call them back.

“I’ll try.”

The line went dead and Malco looked at the phone in frustration, wanting to hurl it at the wall. He and Frida looked at each other for a second, each feeling the despair of knowing that Tycen was in a perilous situation.

“Do you think he’ll call back?”

Malco shrugged. “Not sure. You know as well as I do how difficult it is to do anything without the other gang members finding out. There’s always someone waiting to stab you in the back to get ahead with the boss and move up.”

“We need to find him. Can anyone backtrace that call?”

“Alex, maybe. Change of plans. Let’s call him on the way into the Agency. If he manages to call back, I want to be able to track him, and I can’t do that here.”

“I agree. Let me pack my stuff up.” Frida turned to walk away, but Malco caught her arm and pulled her to him. She looked at him quizzically as she let him hold her body against his. He leaned his head into her neck and let her scent settle him.

“I can’t let another mother bury her son because of these gangs.” Malco felt her hand in his hair.

“We’ll find him, Malco. You have to believe that, or it will suck you down. One kid at a time, we’ll save them.” Malco looked up then into the eyes of a woman who he hardly knew but felt like he shared a connection with, stronger than he could explain.

“You’re amazing, you know that?”

“You’re just saying that because you want in my pants.” Malco grinned.

“I most certainly do, but that doesn’t make what I said any less true. You care, and you’re brave, and that’s so attractive.” Frida rubbed her palm over his scruff. “You ain’t so bad yourself.”

She dropped a kiss onto his lips that was tender and genuine, and Malco wondered how he would ever let her go or if he even wanted to.

Chapter Twelve

One thing Frida appreciated about the team at the Agency was how efficient they all were—day or night—as they worked to dig up everything they could to find Tycen. As soon as they had set foot inside the building, Malco had commandeered part of the team

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