“It feels so empty,” Frida remarked.
Malco knocked on Ward’s closed office door and opened it as he called out.
“Malco, Frida,” he said, standing and moving around his desk to meet them. “Is everything okay? Do you have word on Tycen?”
Malco shook his head. “No, I’m sorry, not yet. We do have a plan to get all the kids out, but we need your help?”
“Anything.” Ward was a genuine guy, and Malco knew from his history that he’d pulled himself from the gangs on his own and built this life to help others from falling into the same trap and making the same mistakes.
Malco and Frida explained the plan and waited.
“That’s suicide. Your men will be dead before you get through the threshold.”
Malco swallowed, already knowing it was dangerous, and having it pushed home made him feel worse.
“These are highly trained people,” Malco reassured.
“Yes, and as such, they’ve always worked by a code. These men, boys, have no code except not to die. They wouldn’t think twice about hiding behind women and children. They’ll use that weakness against you.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I was one of them and I saw it happen. Your people need to find another way or at least fight by different rules of engagement.”
“Will you help us?”
“Yes, I’ll help you.” Malco felt relief flood him.
“Thank you, Ward.”
“Don’t thank me until it works.” His voice was full of worry when he spoke.
“Where are all the kids?” Frida asked as they left, Ward walking them to the door.
“They’re scared. Most are staying off the streets, they know something is coming, they feel it.”
Malco nodded, knowing exactly what Ward meant he felt it too and as he watched Frida shiver in the Miami heat, he knew she did too.
“It will be okay, Frida.” He gripped her hand in his as he turned the car around and they head back to Alliance.
“I hope so.”
Chapter Eighteen
Time ticked by so slowly, Frida wanted to scream. After she and Malco returned to the Agency following their talk with Ward, it was obvious they’d needed to adjust their plan. Not only did storming the castle provide too many risks to the team, but they had to remain anonymous to avoid retaliation or a direct attack from the gang members.
It had been fascinating to see how the experienced and trained agents examined a mission and twisted it inside out, covering all possible and impossible avenues. The plan was to get the young people from the list by checking their habits and kidnapping them when they were at their most vulnerable. And most especially, alone.
That required a few more days of planning and tailing each of them to finally decide where they could pluck them out.
Another hurdle had been convincing Malco to let her tag along, which had failed. In fact, the entire team was against it, especially due to the fact that everything was planned to the minute, and everyone had to be masked and leave like ghosts. However, Mercy had come up with a suggestion so Frida and the team back at the base could be kept in the loop: body cams.
The most sensitive extraction was the one to rescue JaKheel. Danie hadn’t been informed of their plans yet and was staying in a safe house an hour’s drive away. The team also planned to bring everyone to that location once the situation had settled. In the meantime, everyone had to act normal so no one watching them would become suspicious.
The team would need to continue with their normal routines—Mason driving Cleo to get pastries every morning, Sydney and Kingsley training their dogs with Caitlin, and James and Cain running to the taco truck every noon. And Frida didn’t mind riding with Malco at night to his house so he could make love to her until she forgot the danger they were all in.
But now, a major shift was about to happen. Cleo had stayed behind as per Mason’s instructions, safe in the compound. James and Caitlin remained as well while the others were in the field, heading to their targets.
In the conference room, the wall of screens followed each team, but Frida’s attention was on Malco’s body cam.
It was obvious the team were on point and had prepared for every eventuality, but Malco had chosen to be part of the team retrieving JaKheel, which was the most volatile and explosive extraction. The young man didn’t have a routine the team could analyze, going in and out of the compound at odd hours being at Bullet’s beck and call. The only alternative they had was to follow him until they saw an opening.
“Would you like more coffee, Frida?”
Cleo smiled as she replaced her cold cup with a fresh one. “Thanks. At this rate, I won’t be able to sleep for the next several days, maybe weeks, which may be a good thing, because it won’t be easy to close the case, even with strong witnesses. Proving corruption isn’t easy, even if it’s true.”
The purple-haired woman with adorable fairy-like face winked. “But I have no doubt you’ll be successful. All you need are strong witnesses willing to spill the beans, and our team is doing exactly that right now.”
Frida knew her husband Mason was also in the field. “How do you cope knowing Mason is out there putting his life at risk? Doesn’t it bother you?”
Cleo turned her pale eyes to the screens for a moment, and Frida knew she was watching one particular body cam. “I’ve seen firsthand what Mason is capable of accomplishing, how skilled and dangerous he is in his own right. Also, I’ve come to trust every single person in the Agency.”
James smiled and leaned back in his chair. “Well, you’re welcome. It’s always a pleasure to protect lovely ladies such as yourselves.”
Even if the man intentionally dripped seduction, a glint in his eyes shone with deep amusement. With his endless charm and the physique of a model, he naturally drew attention. No wonder he’d got the nickname of Romeo,