big the gang is or who its members are. But my guess is as good as yours. What concerns me most is how they knew it was us. We were careful. They couldn’t see our faces, and our plates were covered. We didn’t use our own vehicles, and took detours to get back here.”

Frida said the words but prayed she was wrong. “Could there have been a leak? Not intentionally, but could someone have overheard something and shared it? I trust your team, Shane, every one of you, but it’s a possibility we need to consider.”

The expression on Shane’s face was feral, but just when she thought he’d punch the wall, he turned back. “You’re right. We need to consider every option. But security is paramount. From now on, all information will only be communicated in person or via secure methods. No more using phones until we’re sure the leak isn’t from there. We’ll debug our homes and vehicles, too, just to make sure. James, coordinate everything and communicate my instructions to every member of our team.”

“What about others like Ward or Tycen’s mother? Should they be informed?”

Shane looked at Frida, but his intentions were clear. “No. Not for now. Only the core team. Also, we’ll up security on Ward and Tycen’s family, as well as on our safehouses. I’ll call in a few favors from trustworthy friends. I still have a few SEAL friends who might like the extra money. I’ll make a few calls. I want Tycen and his family moved to a safe house that nobody but the team knows of. King can coordinate that. Ward is with Danie, and I’ll put extra people on them too, but keep them out of sight. I don’t want her spooked.”

James nodded and disappeared with his orders. Shane started pacing. “We won’t be able to contain this for long, Frida. Our resources are stretched, and there are too many enemies to keep an eye on.”

“I agree, Shane. I need to talk to JaKheel and convince him to testify. Once the accusation is out, it’ll force Kasten and Pool to keep a low profile and ask Bullet to do the same. It won’t hold long, but hopefully, at least until I can cut off a few heads. Once Kasten is down, Pool will follow. With the MPD clean again, they’ll keep the Blood Razors so busy I don’t think they’ll have time to worry about Alliance.”

Shane considered her words for a long time. “You’re sure of yourself. A lot is at stake, including lives, and it all depends on your ability to bring Kasten down. What if you fail?”

She wouldn’t even consider such a thing or think about it. The Agency, every member of it, had become part of her family, and Malco held her heart.

“I won’t fail.”

Behind them, the door to the infirmary opened and closed behind Emme. Frida leaped forward, but Shane merely smiled.

“Malco’s fine. He’s asleep now, or more precisely, he’s sedated. It was a deep wound. He should’ve gone to the hospital. I fear it will leave a mean scar on his side, but he was adamant. He should be back on his feet and as stubborn as ever in a couple of hours. Sleep will help.”

Frida relaxed a little, knowing he was fine, but she knew that time was of the essence. She put her hand on Shane’s arm. “Time to go see JaKheel. If I’m going to bring down those crooked cops and protect your Agency, I need to convince him to cooperate now.”

The normally hour long drive to the safe house had been well orchestrated by Shane, and turned into a three-hour journey, filled with detours, vehicle swaps, and utmost secrecy.

James and Mercy accompanied Frida, keeping an eye on her safety. Both of them were stern and silent the entire way, which mirrored the general mood.

Frida barely had time to change and check on Malco before leaving. When she’d seen him sleeping peacefully, but pale and drawn, guilt invaded her. Could she have prevented him from being hurt? That thought haunted her and still did as she looked outside the car window.

Guilt was swept away by a steely resolve when the car turned into a small dirt road that led to what seemed like a small farmhouse.

Nicholas was waiting for them on the steps. He was in charge of the team and overseeing the security of the safe house for the time being. When she exited the car, the sun was low over the horizon.

Nicholas, always so stern, looked even gloomier. Looking around, he gestured at them to come inside. “Got the update from Shane about what happened. Took you a while to get here.”

James rolled his eyes. “Getting rid of potential tails takes time and isn’t fun. I’d rather put a bullet in their heads, but Shane ordered otherwise.”

Frida stepped inside, Mercy behind her. “Where’s the asset?”

Nicholas gestured to the floor. “He’s in a secured cell downstairs. Hasn’t talked or attempted anything. I hope you know how to crack hard nuts because he’s definitely one.”

Nicholas opened a trap door in the floor and led the way. The basement was larger than she expected, specially designed as a holding block. Only one cell was occupied, and she could see JaKheel inside, sitting on the small cot, looking straight at them with all the rage the young man could muster. As he stood, he reminded Frida of a panther, a very inexperienced, angry one, which made him both a liability and her only hope.

She gestured to the men to stand back.

“I always thought torture came first, and then I’d be given something sweet to sway me to whatever bullshit you have in mind.”

Frida crossed her arms and moved forward. “Do you know who I am?”

“The fucking lawyer who can’t stop putting her nose where she shouldn’t.”

“That’s an interesting perspective. I guess on one level, you’re right.”

“I’m not doing any kind of deal with you. With anybody for that matter, so you and your guard

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