return. It was as if he was on a need-to-know basis, and someone had decided he was on the ass end of that arrangement.

A meeting reminder popped up on his computer screen, and he rubbed his temple. He didn’t have time to fret about any of this right now. He had work to do and a status report to give to one of his clients. So that’s what he’d do. He would push the other stuff aside and give his all to his job. His real job here…making people money.

But the last thought he had as picked up his phone to make his scheduled call was that Jedrek had better be right about whoever this guy was helping him. His newest business partner was the one who’d suggested Mason contact him in the first place.

Chapter Thirteen

Shelby was a nervous wreck! She’d taken the afternoon off to get her hair and nails done before her scene with Mason tonight, but instead of calming her, it made the night seem that much more ominous. Rather that enjoying her fresh look, she’d dwelled on the fact that yes, she’d be naked, but at least her hair would look good. As if anybody would be looking at her hair when her boobs were going to be the main event.

“You’re late,” Viola said once Shelby rolled down her window after pulling up beside her car at their rendezvous point down the road from the club. Dave sat quietly beside her. He didn’t seem too thrilled at the moment, and Shelby really didn’t have time to provide any reassurances.

“Yeah, yeah.” She dug in her glove box for a napkin and shoved it into the collar of her dress to wipe away the sweat. As she stuffed the soiled napkins into the door’s compartment, she said, “Let’s go.”

She pulled out, and they followed her to the club. Yes, she was running a few minutes late, but hopefully it wouldn’t matter since Mason wasn’t supposed to be on time. At least she hoped that hadn’t changed because if he was there waiting on her, he might punish her for tardiness.

Then again, maybe he would stand her up, and she wouldn’t have to go through with this. Frankly, she was okay with that idea at the moment.

They arrived at the club all too soon, and she got out of her car while she tugged her dress. The ruffled bloomers she had on left little to the imagination. The white collar and apron and bun would fuel any left, but the panties added a nice little touch to the costume.

Not that anybody at this club would be forced to guess what was under them. She shuddered at the thought. She’d put a lot of effort into dressing up tonight as requested, and she probably wouldn’t be wearing it for long.

“You ready?” Viola asked.

“Oh crap.” She dove into her backseat and grabbed the feather duster. “Am now.”

Dave’s eyes raked over her, but he didn’t verbalize what he was thinking. He still didn’t look happy, so she didn’t feel the need to ask. What he thought of tonight didn’t matter. He was here for show.

A nervous laugh escaped her. She was the one here for show tonight.

“Uh-oh. You should’ve had a few shots of to-kill-ya before coming here. You’re shaking like a leaf.”

“Tequila wouldn’t help.”

“It wouldn’t hurt,” Viola protested. “We’ll both get drinks when we get in there.”

“We’re working,” Shelby hissed. They both needed their wits about them tonight. Neither could afford to be in a drunken stupor.

“And we need it. If Showalter isn’t here yet, then it’ll look odd if we’re not drinking. It’s a bar, for crying out loud.”

“Yeah, okay.” A drink sounded too good to pass up, so Shelby wasn’t going to argue with her. She rubbed her hands on her short skirt and headed for the front door of the club.

They entered the club and paid the outrageous cover charge. Except for Shelby. She’d been informed she was on Mr. Showalter’s guest list and didn’t have to fork over the hundred bucks.

“Drink time,” Viola said. “Grab us a table, babe. I’ll get you a beer.”

The area around the bartender was crowded, but that wasn’t a deterrent for Viola. She grabbed Shelby’s hand and yanked her along. She smiled and squeezed her way through the group to get to the counter. Shelby hunkered down behind her as she forged her path. Once they made it, Viola ordered several shots for the two of them and a light beer for Dave.

“There’re a lot of people here.” Way more than there usually was. Lord, she didn’t know if she could let herself be on display.

“Just breathe. You’ll feel better with a little liquid courage.”

They watched as the bartender poured their shots and beer. Viola handed him her card, and Shelby clutched the tray of drinks. When she turned, though, she came face-to-face with someone she hadn’t expected to see.

She blushed as Master Jedrek crossed his arms over his chest and stared down at her. Damn, he was intimidating.

“Hello, Sir.”

“Shelby. Are those your drinks?” he asked, skipping the pleasantries.

“Their ours,” Viola said, stepping up beside her as she tucked her card back into her minuscule purse.

Jedrek’s nostrils flared, and his gaze heated when he looked at her partner in crime…and work, technically. That was more of a reaction than he’d ever shown Shelby. Jedrek gritted his teeth as he continued to look his fill. He wasn’t being overtly obvious, but the time she’d been around him was enough for her to grasp that he wasn’t one to express himself…at least not like this. It was too bad. He was barking up the wrong tree if he was interested in Viola. Thank God Dave wasn’t standing here watching this man drink up his wife.

“And you are?” he asked, his voice dropping.

Viola didn’t seem fazed by his response to her. Maybe being blissfully unaware was a side effect to marriage.

“I’m Shelby’s friend, Viola.”

“My married friend,” Shelby specified. Viola looked puzzled, but the heat

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