smiled at him.

He can understand me!


For the first time in his life, Loni felt he had a friend. Da was like a younger brother.

The illusion was further enhanced by the fact they were placed together in the sleep accommodations. Between that, and working together side-by-side daily, the two men became fast friends, and inseparable, though their communication only went one way. Loni was the telepath; though he tried, he couldn't teach Da his talent.

Everyone now called them Flaw and No-name, but Loni much preferred, they be called Da and Flaw, if there was to be any name calling. However, he couldn't correct the name aloud, and he had to leave their version stand.

Loni's constant scourge, from childhood, soon discovered them, and could not resist temptation.

At a very young age, Galar and Scar had been placed in a private sleep room by themselves. Perhaps, this was due to the fact, they had been born as one unit, and after the physicians separated them, the boys appeared lost without each other, and incapable of functioning alone.

Now that Loni had someone as well, Galar appeared to take offense to the fact. It seemed, he thought, such a thing was the twins' exclusive right. From the moment Da appeared, Galar made it his life purpose, to not only make life miserable for the newcomer, but to drive Flaw and Da apart.

Loni did not lose his temper easily; he chose not to react, having had years of previous experience with this bully. But Da was easy to pick on. Whenever these separated twins had a moment of idleness, they slipped away to Loni's work site.

One time, it was time to harvest the apples. As did everyone else, Da carried his pouch suspended about his neck and over his chest, to keep his hands free. He had a full bag, when Galar came from behind him, and upended it, with a quick push from the bottom.

Da usually imitated Loni; it was his habit not to react. Loni had also taught him, again through example, to express pleasure, discouragement, and even disapproval, by a series of tonal grunts. Then, he would simply go on with what he was doing.

But, after several times of losing his load, and having to pick each individual fruit again from the ground, Da's patience was wearing thin. The last time, his grunt was definitely not one of discouragement, alone. This one was of anger!

And Loni didn't blame him.

Da began to holler, something no one had heard him do before. His scream of frustration carried over the work site, attracting the guards. And Galar stood nearby, beside himself with glee, at his accomplishment. He felt assured, surely now, these two would be parted.

But the overseers were not stupid! Da seldom made trouble. And Galar was obviously away from his appointed picking area.

For once, Galar was the one punished. He was forbidden to come anywhere near where the pair was working, and this angered Galar immensely, but...he had waited for revenge before. He could bide his time again.

At this point in time, Da and Loni were still bunked in the communal sleep area. It was here Galar chose to enact his next retribution.

When either of the pair slipped between the sheets, they would be short-sheeted, or sopping wet. Galar must have entered while the cleaning crew was changing bedding. Doing his thing, was no doubt the amusement of the day.

Sometimes, Da found a toad or a lizard in his pillow slip, but what finally got to Loni, was one night, when the younger man found he had no bed at all. Da whined in misery, slunk down where the mat should have been, and curled up against the wall, with great tears forming in his large, expressive eyes.

Loni knew the boy was unusually tired that day from the heavy day's labors. This was the last straw, and it made his blood boil to see Da so tormented.

Marching determinedly to the door, he meant to deal with Galar, once and for all. He never made it.

Their two original caretakers had watched the whole thing.

The foursome had been under observation for some time, their supervisors laughing at the constant battering the younger pair took, waiting to see, just what it would take, for the one they called 'Flaw', to react.

They never bargained, he would actually have a breaking point.

Before Loni could reach the hall, each overseer grabbed him by an arm, and brought him up short. They were large bulky men, and held the muscular 'Flaw' suspended above the floor, but Loni still fought them valiantly.

They shook him; turned him to face them, and the one shouted in his face.

"Stop it, Flaw! We'll deal with this."

Without any further ado, they propelled him forward to his mat, and unceremoniously, dumped him there. Then, the sleep quarters went into lockdown; no one in or out for the night.

"These are my best workers!" declared the Super, as the two went out the door. "I can't have them wasting energy fighting!"

When the door was closed, and the lights dimmed, Loni motioned to Da to join him. The younger one climbed in beside him, and together they slumbered so, for the night, Loni curled against Da's back, spoon-like.

The next night, the pair called 'No name' and 'Flaw' were given a private room. Ever after, their door was always barred, day and night, from intruders.

Chapter 5

"I am so sick of this!" complained the short chubby Asian CCA to her companion. "We are forever emptying her pee hat. Where does she get it all? She must drink gallons during the day to void so much at night."

"I've already put in a complaint to her physician. He said to restrict her fluid intake. No water after seven at night, and only one pitcher of ice-water during the day.

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