her eyes, and found herself praying in sheer relief. When she was done, she turned around, still on her knees, and the first thing she saw was the prince staring down at her, half-naked, his pants partially unzipped.

Shock had her scrambling back, and a moment later she fell on her butt.

The prince said lazily, “I didn’t peg you to be a voyeur, parthena mou.”

There it was again, she thought nervously. She still couldn’t recall the term that Paula had tried to teach her, but it really sounded like what the prince was telling her.

“I d-didn’t mean to watch,” she stammered, looking up at him. “But then so many things happened, one minute you were just kissing, and then you were purring, she was clawing, and it was just so fast.”

As she spoke, Fawn’s hands moved in tandem, re-enacting the kiss by making her two hands meet as if puckering before turning into claws to rake the air. She didn’t seem aware of this at all, but the prince was, and it was all he could do to keep his face expressionless.

“And,” she ended, “that’s what’s happened.”

“I see.”

Did he seriously? She said uneasily, “I promise, I truly didn’t mean to, you know. Besides, I’m not used to...because, Grant’s kinda big—-”

The prince’s amusement fled. “Excuse me?” He could not believe that she was the same girl who had told her she had seen him half-naked more often than she had her boyfriend.

That had obviously changed, he thought bitterly.

Fuck you, Grant Bennett.

Fawn gulped at the cold look on the prince’s face. Holy crap. Was he furious! Why? All she meant was that Grant was really big on waiting for the right time these days, after what happened post-prom. She said in a small voice, “I’m not l-lying. He really is—-”

The prince wanted to strangle her. “Big.” Did this girl have to rub it in his face?

“Yes, he is big—-”

The prince cut her off, saying icily, “Bigger than me, is that it?”

“Well...” Her mouth opened and closed. Did he want her to lie? She had just seen him make love to another girl, for instance, and that girl was different from the ones she had seen him with in the past weeks. He didn’t wait at all.

When it was obvious she couldn’t make herself lie, he snapped, “Never mind.” He wanted to kill someone, preferably a guy whose name was Grant Bennett and had the fortune of having Fawn’s virginity.

Fuck you, Grant Bennett.

“I’m s-sorry—-”

Because she pitied him, the prince thought grimly. Stepping back, he said coldly, “If I catch you in this situation again, you’re fired.” He stalked away and slammed his bedroom door shut behind him.

Fawn Cornwall was no longer a virgin, Grant Bennett had a bigger dick than he did, and she pitied him because of it.

Fuck you to hell, Grant Bennett.

WHEN FAWN SAW GRANT’S car backing into one of the parking slots outside the restaurant, she breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, some normal time. Heads turned as he entered, and the girls a few tables away started to giggle and whisper.

I can totally relate, Fawn thought. If she had someone with her, she would have giggled and whispered as well. With his athletic, gym-buffed build, ash blond hair, and blue eyes, Grant had the looks of a celebrity, which he could have been if he had wanted to.

Back in high school, he had been wooed endlessly by modeling agencies and talent scouts, but Grant had refused them all without hesitation.

I’m just a simple guy, Grant had liked to say, and when he and Fawn had started going out, he had changed his excuse, saying, I’d like to, but I’m afraid my girlfriend might not like it. She wants me to look at her and just her.

Of course, he had only said those things to tease her, and it had worked, making her feel embarrassed and thrilled at the same time. It had also made other girls hate her even more, but when she had told him that, Grant had only laughed it off.

Across the restaurant, she saw Grant’s eyes gleam and his face soften upon finding her, and she couldn’t help grinning giddily.

I love you, Grant.

Upon reaching her, he bent down to kiss her cheek. “Miss you, luv.”

“M-miss you, too,” she mumbled shyly.

Taking the seat across her, he chuckled at her flaming face. “I love making you blush.”

Turning even redder, she admitted in a pained voice, “I don’t know if I could ever learn to outgrow it.”

He grinned. “That’s exactly what I want to hear.”

His phone started to ring then, and surprised to see him cancelling the call, she said worriedly, “I’m okay if you take it.” She knew how busy he was, not just with his work with the Student Council but with practice as captain of the university’s polo team.

“It’s okay.” He shut his phone down and placed it on the table. “This is our time.”

She blushed again. “Grant.” He really was the sweetest guy, she thought dreamily. He always had a hundred things to do each day, but he always made sure to call her every night and celebrate every little milestone in her life.

Like now.

“Congratulations.” Although they had managed to meet a few times, it was only today that Grant could celebrate with Fawn for getting a new job. “I can’t believe you’re working for Reid Chalkias.”

“Me either,” she said feelingly and tried not to let her unease show as she remembered last night’s disastrous incident.

The waiter came to take their orders then, and as what was usual between them, she left it to Grant to do all the talking and decision-making. As Grant gave their orders, Fawn was content to simply gaze at him and marvel at her luck. I am the luckiest girl in the world. He could have anyone in the world, but he had chosen her.

She watched him close the menu and hand it back to the waiter, the muscles on his arms flexing as he did. It suddenly

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