the concierge here at the hotel sent them DHL to a doctor friend of mine at the university hospital in San Francisco.  He’ll keep them safely frozen until you decide what you want to do with them.”

Heather was smiling.  “Mike also found Omar’s sperm refrigerated there, and threw them in the trash.  Theoretically, Omar can produce more, of course, but it might piss him off.”

Michelle laughed so hard she flopped backwards on the bed.  “I’m at a loss for words!”

They took turns bringing her up to date on the whole operation: First how Heather became upset when Michelle didn’t answer her cell phone the night before last.  Then searching her apartment and feeding Lucifer.

Mike chimed in about their trip up to Omar’s apartment that night and finding an almost-double there, who looked enough like Omar to fool anyone from far away.  Which led to taking pictures of Omar’s double with the gorgeous witches staying at his place, from the top of another building the next morning.

Heather showed the photos of Omar’s double to Michelle on her cell phone, which was then passed to Vincent, Rod and Sammy.  They were all laughing when they learned the most spectacular pornographic shots had been sent to Omar’s cell phone.  They agreed, he must have been fuming mad.

“Which reminds me,” Mike said.  “We need to send those pictures to the Hawaii PD, to prove Omar broke parole.  I have some pictures of him in Michelle’s hospital room, too.  I think their police computer forensics team can deduce where the pictures were taken.  Further proof that Omar was in Mexico.”

“Talk about documents!”  Michelle produced the wedding pictures and marriage license, which were handed around.

“Pretty dress,” Heather commented, as she studied the pictures.  “Omar must have been planning the whole thing while he was in jail.”

Rod nodded and said to Michelle, “As soon as Heather called me and said Omar broke bale and you were missing, I knew something bad happened.  So that night I made up excuses at work for leaving Japan to check out some Heroshi properties in Hawaii and California.  Not so much for me, as comptroller of Heroshi I have a lot of autonomy, but for Sammy.

“Then I told Sammy the whole back-story;  the complete history of you and Omar.  I told him we could be in trouble at work and that the trip might be hazardous, but he agreed to pilot us to Honolulu, and then San Francisco, and finally, on to Mexico.”  Rod smiled at Sammy.  “We‘ve been friends for years.”

Sammy nodded and smiled back in agreement.

“How did you get involved,” Michelle asked Vincent.

“Heather called me and told me you were missing, and about Omar being out on parole.  She wanted to understand the psychology behind Omar; why he would do such a risky thing.  She meant abducting you, because that’s what Heather thought happened.  So I deduced what Omar was after; his grand scheme for his future.  He wants children with psychic abilities, partially because he’s getting older.  He wants to create a dynasty to reign over us mere mortals without any of those abilities.  He thinks he can have it all with Michelle’s progeny.  I knew he was up to no good.”  Vincent shrugged.  “I wanted to help.”

“Sounds like Hitler’s plan for the master race,” Heather said, shuddering.”

“Evil and diabolical,” Mike agreed.

“Now tell us what happened to you.”  Heather said to Michelle.  “How Omar married you and took you to the fertility clinic.”

Michelle told them how the lights blacked out in the parking garage when she was leaving work, two nights ago.  That’s when she was abducted.  She still didn’t remember much about the wedding, except that it was cold on the beach in the white satin gown, and that Omar carried her to the altar because her high heels kept sinking in the sand.

She woke up in the hospital, believing she’d been in some kind of accident.  Her memory of the previous hours were wiped out.  But when she figured out what Omar had done to her, she was devastated.

“First he had me raped by that horrible creature, Samson, so I fled to Hawaii.  For years I had panic attacks.  I thought I’d never have the ability to have children because I’d been so badly hurt during the assault.  And when I woke in the hospital, last night, and figured out Omar had also stolen my few remaining eggs, any tiny hope that I could have babies in the future was gone.  I was so sad.”

Michelle had tears in her eyes.  “So what you all did, saving my eggs, well, it means so much to me.  There’s a possibly I could have a family of my own someday.  Something I never conceived could happen.”

Heather put her arm around Michelle’s shoulders.  To lighten the mood she laughed and said, “We sure didn’t want Omar to have use of your potential progeny.”

They were all ominously thinking it had already happened, though.  Leilanie was carrying three of Michelle’s eggs.  Eggs that had been fertilized by Omar.  No one said a word about that, but it was a fact, like an elephant trumpeting blatantly in the room.

Vincent got up and stretched.  “I’m so tired.  I think I’ll mosey on down to my room and get some shut-eye.”

Everyone was nodding.  They quickly stacked the dishes and utensils on trays that had been left by the caterers and placed them in the hallway outside Rod’s room.

Michelle got hugged by each person as they left, Vincent, Sammy, Heather and Mike.

Then Rod and Michelle were alone in the room together.  Michelle went over to him and they embraced for a long time.

“When the time is right, we might just use those frozen eggs,” Rod whispered.

Michelle nodded.  “But first, we could practice the natural way...see what happens.”

Rod laughed, “You’re the Witchy Woman.  Anything could happen, but I agree.  Lots and lots of practice first.”


As Heather was leaving Rod’s room, she whispered to Mike.  “I’m much too hyper to sleep.  You want to take a

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