eyes while shuffling the cards in the deck, Nora stopped, and slowly began to lay the cards one at a time on the table. The air stood still momentarily, and the earth underneath the table began to shudder mildly, before more aggressive shuddering took over. Nora remained unperturbed, as her mother barely flinched, as the fire lit around the table burst into wilder glow, and the darkness around slowly began to dissipate.

“It has begun”, her mother whispered.


“My wife is dead, again!” Muzin raged, placing his hands on his head while he panted around the room. “You killed her! You killed her!”

Laura seemed unperturbed by the fact she was being blamed, but suddenly shifted to look at the cards Nora had left behind.

Naomi had walked up on her without making a sound, thus startling the lady. “We need to bring Nora back… she is the only one who can put an end to all of this”.

Laura smiled and responded, “As much as I agree with you, there is absolutely nothing I can do”.

Muzin shook his head and waved his right hand at Laura. “No… no… no! You will find a way to get her out of there or heaven help me, … “.

The all paused in the room as the wall opposite where they stood suddenly seemed to move. Muzin had spotted it first, but Laura saw it clearly as her eyes widened and her mouth let out a gasp at the strange sight.

“What is that?” Naomi asked.

Long and sharp looking claws ran underneath the wall and it seemed as though it intended to tear its way through.

“Please tell me I’m dreaming… tell me this is a fucking dream!” Naomi screamed.

Muzin shot the lady a scolding look for her bad language, but had bigger fish to fry with the strange being trying to force its way into their living room. He stepped closer, but stopped within safe distance as the claws gnawed and scratched endlessly into the wall from the other side. A loud and irritating screech rang through the ar as the creature gave it another go against the wall.

“It’s a wraith! It is a bloody wraith and it wants to get into our world!” Laura cried.

Muzin hurried backwards and Naomi did well to stand behind the two.

“What is a wraith?” Naomi asked in shivering tone.

“A soul sucker… they feed on souls to fuel the living so they can return to life”, Laura explained.

The words didn’t seem to make much sense to the other two, but they got the picture that something terrible is about happening again.

“This is just perfect”, Muzin sounded in sarcasm. “We cannot make a run for it because of the beasts outside and Daren, and now our home isn’t safe for us either!”

The creature screeched some more, plunging a long talon-like finger through the wall and causing the ladies to jump backwards. It retrieved the claw and simmered into silence for a minute, thereby granting them all sighs of relief.

“What are you doing on that side, Nora?’ Laura whispered to herself. “What are you doing?”

“If that thing gets in here, I’m assuming we are fucked”, Naomi asked before looking at Muzin who looked pretty pissed now because she used such profanity in his home.

Laura waved her hands and settled in the chair Nora had occupied before leaving. “There must be a reason it is trying to get in here… my guess is Nora is awakening something she shouldn’t from the other side”.

She picked up the deck of cards and took another look at it. She ran her fingers along the bloodied parts on two cards, sighing aloud and lowering her head in the process, before leaning into her seat and looking into the ceiling.

“Who could have thought I’d be in the same room where it all began for my sister again?” Laura chuckled. “If only she had listened to me”.

Muzin cleared his throat softly. “Errrm, we don’t have time for your reminiscing while we have my daughter to save”.

Laura burst out laughing in hysteria. She cackled on annoyingly until her sides began to hurt dearly. Naomi shared a pissed look with the man before looking back at the crazy lady.

“If you think your daughter is the one who needs saving right now, then you must be a fool”, Laura got to her feet and chuckled.

She stepped away from the table, hands folded behind her back and a rather disturbing grimace stretched across her face with an odd smile as she stepped towards the door and stopped.

Casting her gaze in Muzin’s direction, she muttered, “That wraith will find its way into this house any moment from now… even if we try to save your daughter, it will only mean her own death in here since she’s the one causing the wraith to come into this world!”

As hard and as unwise as it was to believe anything Laura would say, Muzin found himself believing her. Her words seem to bear some tone of sincerity in them, and her eyes never flinched for a second while she spoke. She seemed distraught or rather really scared, but without the strength to show her weakness.

“So, we are to wait here and die?” Naomi asked. “We are to do nothing, while all these things come for us and peel the skin out from out bones?”

Laura took two more steps forward before stopping to cackle aloud. “Don’t be silly, they aren’t here to eat your flesh… your soul is most likely what they want, just as they have your boyfriend’s”.

With the hurtful words aired, she disappeared from sight. Muzin ran his fingers through his hair and began walking to the east end of the room, shoving boxes out of the way and mumbling incoherently too in the process.

“Two wives”, he mumbled aloud. ‘I have lost two wives to those things!”

He shot the cards on the table a gloom gaze and returned his eyes back to a large box on the ground.

“What are you planning on doing?” Naomi finally asked.

Muzin jammed

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